Action Items: 2022-08-01 NARALO General Assembly Organization Call

Action Items: 2022-08-01 NARALO General Assembly Organization Call

Call 01 August 2022

  •  gregory.shatan in coordination with the OC members will review the GA Program and will include an "ALS mobilization session" and a "Capacity building session". A draft will be presented at the next call.
  • gregory.shatan will work on a draft for a  NARALO North American centric session with items such as relevant legislation in USA and Canada.
  •  Glenn McKnight and jonathan.zuck in coordination with all  OC members  to draft GA measurable outcomes and will develop draft metrics for the next call.
  • Silvia Vivanco will send a reminder with the google survey to all NARALO ALS.  There will be a waiting list of individuals who are interested to attend, after the deadline for ALS to confirm attendance any remaining available slots will be offered to individuals on the waiting list. 
  • Susie Johnson will organize a call with ARIN to coordinate venue logistics.
  • Susie Johnsonwill get in touch with tech staff to coordinate facilities and logistics to support the meeting in hybrid format (Audio visual)
  •  An online  preparatory session will be held before the GA meeting, the preparatory session (s) would include a session with ARIN staff.

Call July 25 meeting 

  • Silvia Vivanco to send a google survey to determine the ALS willing to travel to the GA. Travel database must be ready by August 15.
  • Susie Johnson to get in touch with ARIN to start working jointly on logistics
  • Eduardo DIaz  and all to  work on the  GA Program 
  • Yesim Saglam will schedule the NARALO GA OC calls every Monday in August at 16 UTC.