FY20 NARALO Outreach
Date May 28, 2019
Authors Glenn McKnight and Eduardo Diaz, NARALO Leaders
1.0 NARALO CROP PLAN FY'20 Overview
NARALO's Outreach and Engagement Plan for FY 20 takes a five part approach:
Build on the ARIN RIR Relationship at ARIN on the Road and ARIN events
Leverage the relationship established for the Digital Inclusion Conference and the NonProfit Technology Conference (NTCP)
Poll our community to help define what our priorities should be to encourage members to step forward to suggest viable trips.
Review and examine the GSE plans for FY 20 and looking for harmonization or synergy
- Encourage local Readouts( How to do readouts APPENDIX A)
1.1 Observations and Gap Analysis
Recruitment of unaffiliated was very successful with twelve new unaffiliated members and efforts need to taken for orientation and recruitment
Strong encouragement for NARALO participation at the two yearly ARIN events in North America- 2 out of 5 trips
Recruitment of new Youth ALS -Completed
Gaps- Membership Recruitment
No reps from Southern, and South Western states in the US (ALS in 7 locations: Mass, Cal. NC, NY, ILL, DC and CO).
No reps from Canadian Prairies (Two 4 locations)(ALS Ont, Quebec, BC, NS)
No Francophone ALS’s outside of ISOC Quebec
No reps in many of the Western and North Western states of the US, only 1 ALS in California
No Canadian First Nations group (E Manitoba decertified)
Only one Indigenous US group, (NPM) Seeking additional ones. No expressed interest from the Global Indigenous Fellow
Other Cities considering the acquisition of a TLD might be interested in forming an ALS
Gaps- Internal Capacity
Clear understanding of representative skills and contributions
Increased participation of membership in policy comments
Regular pre or post ICANN meeting readouts
1.2 NARALO Community Priorities Suggestions
Here is the list of priority areas where we hope to do outreach and also increase the engagement of current and new ALSes in NARALO as well as educating the populace about ICANN, At Large, and NARALO issues.
Commitment to building a strong relationship with ARIN and their bi-annual events
Participation in the Digital Inclusion conference put on by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (attendance three years) and the NonProfit Technology Conference (NTCP)
Local small community events spearheaded by ALS’s i.e. ICANN Readouts etc
Create a pilot NARALO on the Roadshow with FBSC proposal for next fiscal period
Enhance communication and engagement via NARALO INSIGHTS Video Series on North American Hot Topics and Issues
1.3 Clarity of Plan
To identify the opportunities to enable some of the NARALO members to outreach to a specific audiences to educate them on the value of ICANN, At Large, and specifically NARALO. In addition in underserved sectors we will deliberately do outreach for recruitment for new organizations to become new ALS's.
1.4 Attributes of Participants
Positive attitude to proactive marketing
Confident and supported by RALO
Focused and purposeful
Proven track record
Preparation of the target market to educate
Awareness of the ICANN ecosystem
Expertise in core NARALO/ICANN issues
1.5 Environmental Factors
Research completed on existing ALS participation, absence and issues
Event has opportunities to promote, speaking engagement and networking opportunities
Match of NARALO goals and event's mission
Endorsement of NARALO of event schedule
1.6 Skills of Participants
Assumption that the sponsored NARALO member is willing and able to present to an audience, conduct interviews, do radio interviews and more
Understand importance of social media reporting
Prompt reporting of event and follow up
1.7 Plan Implementation Timelines
April 2019 Call for CROP selection committee, Google form
May 2019 Draft plan prepared and discussed at Outreach & Engagement
June 2019 Plan Submitted to NARALO for Approval. Adoption of Plan
September 1 Creation of Google forms
October 1 Earliest possible First CROP Trips
Three CROP Trips
ICANN 66 Montreal November 2019
Digital Inclusion, April 2020 Portland, Oregon
ARIN October 2019 Seattle April 2020 in Kentucky
June 30, 2020 Completion of the three CROP trips and various local discretionary funding events
1.8 Proposed Trips
Our FY 20 Trips must abide to the ICANN guidelines as indicated in the two slides provided by staff. In the case of NARALO we don’t have a ICANN meeting in our region so we need to propose events that have merit.
2.0 Discretionary Funds Initiatives
According to the ICANN approved budget each RALO has $4,000 to be used for local community outreach events. Details Here
List of ideas
Date | Location | Theme | Status | Traveller |
July 2019 | Puerto Rico | ICANN 65 Read-Out (Spanish) | Not Started | None |
August 2019 | Puerto Rico | IPV6 Course | Not Started | None |
October 2019 | Puerto Rico | InternetDay 2019 | Not Started | None |
November 2019 | Germany | IGF 2019 | Not Started | Eduardo Díaz |
November 2019 | Puerto Rico | ICANN 66 Read-Out (Spanish) | Not Started | None |
December 2019 | Puerto Rico | ISOC PR AGM | Not Started | None |
February 2020 | Puerto Rico | In Love with Internet | Not Started | None |
March 2020 | Puerto Rico | ICANN 67 Read-Out (Spanish) | Not Started | None |
June 2020 | Puerto Rico | ICANN 68 Read-Out (Spanish) | Not Started | None |
July 26 | Washington | IGF USA | ||
Nov 2 | ICANN 66 | ICANN | Alan Greenberg | |
Nov-June | ICANN READOUTS | ALL | ||
Nov-June | Local IG Events | ALL |
Our plan identifies the gaps in our NARALO membership and we intend to use CROP and the Discretionary Funds to do outreach for membership recruitment and general engagement
How to organize ICANN readouts
Glenn McKnight and Marita Moll
We are creating this document as a to-do list for ourselves and others when organizing an ICANN readout. Every context will be different but the process will generally follow a similar pattern. We are currently organizing our third ICANN readout/briefing in Ottawa Canada and our processes are still evolving. So, this document is presented in that context.
We would like to emphasize that our events so far have been a team effort. This is a lot of work for one person. So, from the very beginning, find a partner or partners to share the load.
Step One: Decide on a Date
Choose a date for the readout -- in cooperation with the key people who will be involved in realizing the event -- speakers, technical support, etc. Note: this should well in advance of the preparation to make sure the date isn’t clashing with holidays and other dates impacting the speakers. Doodle polls are useful in this regard.
Perhaps pencil in two optional dates for planning purposes!
NB: In order to access ICANN discretional funds, this date needs to be at least three weeks after the application for funds.
This can be pre- or -post an ICANN meeting. If it is a pre- meeting we have called it a briefing rather than a readout -- i.e. pre-ICANN65 Marrakesh Briefing.
Look for dates that do not conflict with other Internet events in your region. It is often the case that there is a limited audience on the ground for these events and many events will draw the same public.
Step Two: Find A Suitable Location
The location should be central -- easy for people to get to. It is sometimes a good idea to rotate locations. Different locations will draw different audiences. E.g. Holding the readout in a community space/hub vs. the offices of a local ISP can extend the reach
Make sure people can get in the building if your event is after 6 pm -- some buildings are closed for security purposes.
Be prepared to have signs at the site on the day of the meeting guiding people to the right floor or area of the building.
Step Three: Apply for Discretionary Funding
Estimate the cost of your event and submit an application for discretionary funds to ICANN
NB: See note above re: lead time
Discretionary fund guidelines and application form available here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/98635092/FY19%20RALO%20DISCRETIONARY%20FUNDING%20REQUEST%20FORM%20-%20ICANN%20Studienkreis.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1533754342000&api=v2
Step Four: Create an Agenda
In choosing a date you have probably already connected with some of speakers and have an agenda in mind. In creating the formal agenda, use a google doc so that other team members can contribute and various parts of the agenda can be excerpted for various promo purposes. Keeping a central accessible space for this information is important as it serves as a version control. Elements of an agenda can change --- speakers drop out, new speakers sign on, etc. -- and a master version is essential.
In the process of creating the agenda, it is important to pay particular attention to the expected audience. Are you attracting people who are new to ICANN or those who are already comfortable with ICANN processes and acronyms. Readouts/briefings can be a way to spread interest about ICANN’s multistakeholder model and the kinds of policy work that goes on in the ICANN ecosystem. But bridging the knowledge gap between ICANN insiders and new audiences can be a real challenge. It will be necessary to introduce basic but critical information such as how the multistakeholder system works before diving into some of complex policy issues, So, a well constructed agenda has to keep these issues in mind. The goal is to keep people coming back.
Read-out funding will normally not be enough to bring in speakers from afar. So, you will probably be relying on a set of local players to speak to your agenda topics. You will also usually be able to have a member of ICANN GSE in person or remotely to speak to participants on the multistakeholder system
Example: Agenda for May 30 Pre-ICANN65 briefing
Step Five Promotion
Create an eventbrite invitation
Create materials to promote the event on social media and traditional media. Promote the event at any related conferences in your area. Use local online event listings, traditional media event listings, invite people you know who might be interested. Cast a wide net: ISPs, elected officials, advocacy organizations, academia, etc…
Example: Pre- meeting handout for conferences, etc:
If appropriate and desired, reserve on the ISOC livestream channel. If you can find someone with the equipment and technical expertise, livestreaming is an asset. It extends your audience as the sessions are promoted to ISOC members around the world. ISOC livestreams are also archived, so potential audiences can view them at their convenience.
If desired, ask ICANN staff to set up a Zoom room for the event and invite NARALO members to attend through Zoom which is more interactive than Livestream
At the meeting try to have some take away handouts available at the event, for example:
-- NARALO (or any other RALO) pamphlets and publications,
-- items from ICANN (a paper version of the mulituser graphic is useful -- ICANN can print and send if you give them enough advance notice
-- printed agendas
-- any other promo swag from ISPs, ccNSOs, etc. -- buttons, candies, etc.
Also at the meeting, keep track of your participants with a sign up sheet. You will be wanting to e-mail these people when you organize your next event.
Step Six Logistics
Order/buy refreshments
- Mics
- Whiteboard
- Projector
Ask speakers to arrive early and log into the Zoom Room and test their microphones
Arrive at the site early enough to set up and test equipment
Prepare promotional photos for NARALO newsletter and social media
Step Seven Reporting
Submit a report to ICANN
- Number of in room attendees
- Number of registered attendees
- Number on Livestream
- Number on ZOOM
- Agenda
- Brief description of discussions
- Observations
- Recommendations/suggestions
Submit an invoice to ICANN for expenses incurred
Step Eight Repeat
Start thinking about how you can improve your process. A one shot event is marginally useful so occasional events (2-3) in a year should be your goal. There are no easy ways to build a community -- it is just one step at a time. Be creative about how or where you might hold these and who you might. And don’t be discouraged by small attendance figures at the beginning.