FY 21 NARALO Outreach and Engagement Strategic plan
FY21 NARALO Outreach and Engagement plan Google document for review and edits :https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_13y13jkDWgToUjaqXgZblPIq7VNWP-2DT5IaOAdtD1Lrv8_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=ds9md1zoepmwqw2nfk-Vs9ssxn1I3jPs97ekKkctEkM&m=6eK5MEjO9a5wTgSJCj-fc0uMT9Cs1tx2VmqnMOuv42w&s=mwvxKn6pjQ_tEl9SFZo80v9-jRNxCvrYFsjIQUKd8Qk&e=
ICANN FY21 At-Large Virtual Outreach and Engagement Strategy Workspace
Date January 30, 2020
Authors Glenn McKnight
Date Feb 21, 2020
Edits by Alfredo Calderon, Judith Hellerstein,Adrian Schmidt, Eduardo Díaz
1.0 NARALO CROP PLAN FY'21 Overview
Draft Glenn McKnight
- NARALO's Outreach and Engagement Plan for FY 21 takes a five-part approach:
- Build on the ARIN RIR Relationship
- Leverage the relationship established for the National Digital Inclusion Conference
- Review and examine the GSE plans for FY 21 looking for harmonization or synergy
- Participate in the National and Regional IGF events, i.e., IGF USA in Washington DC and Canada IGF in Montreal, Canada
- Leverage pre/post ICANN events
1.1 Observations and Gap Analysis
Recruitment of unaffiliated was successful with twelve new unaffiliated members, but efforts need to be taken to provide orientation and ways to get them involved that do not overburden or swamp them, Also need to provide new members with recruitment and adequate supporting materials.
Strong encouragement for NARALO participation at the two yearly ARIN events in North America- (1 out of 3 trips)
- Work to entice ALS or individual members who are pre-, post-college or graduate students
- Gaps- Membership Recruitment
- No reps from Southern, and South Western states in the US (ALS in 7 states only Mass, Cal. NC, NY, ILL, DC and CO).
- No reps from Canadian Prairies (ALS in only Ont, Quebec, BC, NS)
- No Francophone ALS’s outside of ISOC Quebec
- No reps in many of the Western and North Western states of the US, only 1 ALS in California
- No Canadian First Nations group (E Manitoba decertified)
- Only one Indigenous US group, (NPM) Seeking additional ones.
- Other Cities considering the acquisition of a TLD might be interested in forming an ALS
- Gaps- Internal Capacity
- Clear understanding of representative skills and contributions
- Increased participation of membership in policy comments
- Regular pre or post ICANN meeting readouts
1.2 NARALO Community Priorities Suggestions
Here is the list of priority areas where we hope to do outreach and also increase the engagement of current and new ALSes in NARALO as well as educating the populace about ICANN, At-Large, and NARALO issues.
- Identify the GSE Academic Outreach efforts and piggyback participation
- Commitment to building a strong relationship with ARIN and their bi-annual events
- Participation in the National Digital Inclusion conference put on by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (attendance four years straight )
- Local small community events spearheaded by ALS’s i.e. ICANN Readouts, etc
- Enhance communication and engagement via NARALO INSIGHTS Video Series on North American current & relevant Topics and Issues
1.3 Clarity of Plan
To identify the opportunities to enable some of the NARALO members to outreach to a specific audience to educate them on the value of ICANN, At-Large, and specifically NARALO. In addition, in underserved sectors, we will deliberately do outreach for recruitment for new organizations to become new ALS's and unaffiliated people to become Individual Members.
1.4 Attributes of Participants
- Positive attitude to proactive marketing
- Confident and supported by the RALO
- Focused and purposeful
- Proven track record
- Preparation of the target market to educate
- Awareness of the ICANN ecosystem
- Expertise in core NARALO/ICANN issues
1.5 Environmental Factors
- Research completed on existing ALS participation, absence and issues
- Event has opportunities to promote, speaking engagement and networking opportunities
- Match of NARALO goals and event's mission
- Endorsement of NARALO of the event schedule
1.6 Skills of Participants
- The assumption that the sponsored NARALO member is willing and able to present to an audience, conduct interviews, do radio interviews and more
- Understand the importance of social media reporting
- Prompt reporting of event and follow up with possible individuals or organizations
1.7 Plan Implementation Timelines
Jan 2020 Call for contributions to the Outreach and Engagement FY 21 plan
Feb 2020 Commence the draft plan for Outreach & Engagement
July 21, 2020 Earliest possible First CROP Trips
- IGF USA - July 2020
- Digital Inclusion, April 2021 TBA
- NASIG September 2020
June 30, 2021 Completion of the three CROP trips and various local discretionary funding events
1.8 Proposed Trips
Our FY 21 Trips must abide by the ICANN guidelines as indicated in the two slides provided by staff. In the case of NARALO, we don’t have an ICANN meeting in our region so we need to propose events that have merit.
2.0 Discretionary Funds Initiatives
According to the ICANN approved budget each RALO has $5,000 to be used for local community outreach events.
List of ideas
Date | Location | Theme | Status | Traveller |
All year | North America | Academia Outreach | Work with GSE | |
Puerto Rico (Spanish) USA/Canada (English | ICANN 67 Read-Out | Not Started | None | |
September/Oct | Washington DC | NASIG 2020 | Planning started | Eduardo Díaz, Judith Hellerstein, Alfredo Calderón, Glen McKnight |
October - November | Puerto Rico | InternetDay 2020 | Not Started | None |
November 2020 | Poland | IGF 2020 | Not Started | |
Puerto Rico (Spanish) USA/Canada (English | ICANN 68 Read-Out | Not Started | None | |
Several Locations | ISOC Chapters AGM | Not Started | None | |
February 2021 | Puerto Rico | In Love with Internet | Not Started | None |
March 2021 | Puerto Rico (Spanish) USA/Canada (EnglishPuerto Rico | ICANN Cancun Read-Out | Not Started | None |
Recruitment drives | Washington DC and elsewhere | Not started | Purchasing 8 table top banners to give out to different regions to help in their outreach | |
June 2020 | Puerto Rico (Spanish) USA/Canada (English) | ICANN KL Read-Out | Not Started | None |
July 22 and 23 between 11 am and 6 pm EDT | US Based | IGF USA | Virtual | |
Nov-June | READOUTS | IGF Hamburg | ALL | |
Nov-June | Local IG Events | ALL |
Our plan identifies the gaps in our NARALO membership and we intend to use CROP and the Discretionary Funds to do outreach for membership recruitment and general engagement