NARALO ALS Outreach and Recruitment Efforts

NARALO ALS Outreach and Recruitment Efforts

NARALO ALS Outreach and Recruitment Efforts

  1. Brief

This is a project of the NARALO Outreach and Recruitment Subcommittee. This page is a tracking workspace for our efforts to locate, contact, recruit, on-board and welcome potential ALSes in our region. This project is open to all NARALO members. Our overall goal is to find groups who are currently under-represented either geographically or in terms of discipline. While North America was first in Internet development, it is last in community input. Among the groups missing from our ranks are the disabled, journalists, consumer groups, and aboriginal communities. Beyond the diverse communities already in existence, we need further representation from all U.S. and Canadian territories as well as more participation from our Spanish and French speaking communities. If the Internet is for everyone, the policy discussion is for everyone.

2. Tools

2.1. Application Status

2.2. NARALO slideshow

2.3. Draft Letter for Recruitment

2.4 List of  Outreach Events by calendar 

2.5. Link to events 




2.6. Applications

2.6.1. English - Information

2.6.2. Espanol - información

2.6.3. Francais - Information

3. Suggestion List Queue/Liste de suggestions/Lista de sugerencias

Place recommendations for ALS recruits here and the Chair will initiate contact

ContactOrganizationPhoneEmailWebsiteSuggested By
 Michael Geist, ????  www.michaelgeist.ca/GM
 Boston-area User Group  bugc.org/bostonusergroups.orgGB
 Boston Linux & Unix User Group  blu.orgGB
 New England Mid-Range Users Group  nemug.comGB
 OpenNet Initiative/Citizen Lab  opennet.net, www.citizenlab.orgGB/GM
 HacksHackers Boston  meetupbos.hackshackers.comGB
 Make Web Not War  webnotwar.caMM
 Stop Badware  stopbadware.orgGB
 Taylor Hooton Foundation  taylorhooton.orgGB
 .miami    ?GB/TL
 .vegas   dotvegas.com GB/TL
 GovLab at NYU  thegovlab.org/about/


 AccessibilitéWeb  http://accessibiliteweb.com/MC
 Réseau Libre  http://wiki.reseaulibre.ca/MC
 Un Québec branché sur le monde  http://uqbm.qc.ca/MC
 NY Tech Women  meetup.com/NYTechWomen/GB
 LeanIn  http://leanin.org/GB
 BlackGirlsCode  blackgirlscode.comGB
 ColorComm Network  colorcommnetwork.comGB
 TechWomen  techwomen.org


 The Governance Lab  thegovlab.orgJM
 International Association for Computer Information Systems  iacis.orgGB
 Web We Want  webwewant.orgGM


4. Contacted Groups/Ya contactado/déjà contacté

Group NameWebsiteLetterEmailPhone CallMeetingByResponse
American Indian College Fundcollegefund.org1/14/20142/6/2014  GB 
Tor Projecttorproject.org 2/1/2014 1/6/2014GBIn discussion
Free Software Foundation, Inc.fsf.org1/14/20142/6/2014  GBFTF meeting pending
Public Insight Network(APM)publicinsightnetwork.org1/14/20142/6/2014  GB 

Association of Information Technology Professionals

aitp.org1/14/20142/6/2014  GB 
National Network to End Domestic Violencennedv.org1/15/2014   GB 

New England ADA Center/Institute for Human Centered Design

adaptenv.org1/15/20142/14/2014  GB 

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)

rainn.org1/15/2014   GB 
Web Accessibility in Mindwebaim.org1/15/20142/17/2014  GB 
American Samoa Community Collegeamsamoa.edu1/16/20142/17/2014  GBApplication pending
Electronic Frontier Foundationeff.org1/16/20142/17/2014  GB 
ConsumersUnionconsumersunion.org2/17/2014 3/17/14 GB/GM 

Better Business Bureau

bbb,org1/16/20142/1/20141/23/2014 GBSlight delay, our contact left the organization for a new job.

Maine Cyber Security Cluster

mcsc.usm.maine.edu1/16/2014   GB 

Little Shell Chippewa Tribe






Public Interest Advocacy Center/Centre pour la défence de l’intérêt public

piac@piac.ca1/16/2014   LH 

Centre facilitant la recherche et

l’innovation dans les organisations - CEFRIO

cefrio.qc.ca1/17/2014yes  LH 
Wikimedia-NYnyc.wikimedia.org1/18/20143/11/2014  TL/GB 
African-American Women in Technology organization (AAWIT)aawit.net1/18/20143/11/2014  GB 
National Sexual Violence Resource Centernsvrc.org1/18/2014 2/7/2014 GBBoard voted to join NARALO, application pending.
Blind Canadiansblindcanadians.ca1/21/2014   GB/GM 
Online News Associationjournalists.org1/21/20143/11/2014  GBApplication submitted
American Foundation for the Blindafb.org1/21/2014   GB 
Centre de recherche informatique de Montreal - CRIMcrim.ca1/20/2014Yes  LH 
Instituto de Ingenieros de Computadorasiicom.ciapr.org YesYes9/10/13EDPlanning to meet with their board of directors on 5/30/14
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)aarp.org1/23/2014   GB 
Human Rights Internethri.ca1/26/2014   GM/GB 
Canadian Association of the Deafcad.ca1/26/2014   GM/GB 
Human Rights Watchhrw.org1/26/2014   GB 


owasp.org1/27/2014   GBFace-to-face meeting pending
Black Hatblackhat.com1/27/2014  2/26/2014GBMet at RSA, will have follow up

Vision Maker Media

nativetelecom.org1/28/2014   GB 
TribalNettribalnetonline.com1/28/2014   GB 
Consumer Council of Canadaconsumerscouncil.com1/29/2014   GM/GBInitial contact, scheduling phone call
National Technical Association, Inc.ntaonline.org1/29/2014   GB 

Knowledge Ecology International

keionline.org1/30/2014   GB 

National Consumers League

natlconsumersleague.org1/30/2014   GB 
Southern Cherokee Nation of Kentuckysoutherncherokeenationky.com1/30/2014   GB 
Open Technology Instituteoti.newamerica.net2/1/2014   GB 
Internet Merchants Associationimamerchants.org2/2/2014   GB 
Archive.orgarchive.org2/3/2014   GB 
Digital Copyright Canada/Flora Community Consultingdigital-copyright.ca2/3/2014   GM/GB 
The Wireless Innovation Forumwirelessinnovation.org2/3/2014   GB 
Telecommunication And Distance Education Operation (TADEO)uog.edu/professional-international-programs/tadeo-peacesat2/3/2014   GB 
Survival International USAsurvivalinternational.org2/3/2014   GB 
Association for Computing Machinery Student Chapterorgsync.com/36260/chapter2/3/2014   GB 
Center for Technology Innovationbrookings.edu/about/centers/techinnovation/about2/3/2014   GB 

Indian Health Service Tele-education Coordinator

graduate.asu.edu/student/A_George2/5/2014   GB 
Reporters Without Borders U.S.en.rsf.org2/17/2014   GB 
Copyright Alliancecopyrightalliance.org3/3/2014   GB 
Internet ScambustersScambusters.org3/3/2014   GB 
DemocracyInActiondemocracyinaction.org3/3/2014   GB 
Teachers without bordersteacherswithoutborders.org3/3/2014   GB 

The Coalition Against Domain Name Abuse

cadna.org3/3/2014 (returned - need to verify)   GB 
.bostonboston.com 3/11/2014   GB/TL 
Réseau d'informations scientifiques du Québec (RISQ)
risq.qc.ca3/14/2014   LH 
Koumbitkoumbit.org3/4/2014   MCIn discussion


5 Geographic Tracking

Canadian ProvincesHaveNew ContactedNotes
British ColumbiaY  
Nova ScotiaY  
ManitobaY Welcoming Anthony Niiganii from the Cree Nation into NARALO as a fellow in the ICANN mentor-ship program
New Brunswick   
Prince Edward Island   
Newfoundland and Labrador   
Canadian Territories   
Northwest Territories   
U.S States  U.S. Broadband Map
Alabama   http://www.cherokeetribeofnortheastalabama.com/
Alaska  Yhttp://www.epa.gov/tp/whereyoulive/tribes-alaska.htm
Arizona YYhttp://www.ak-chin.nsn.us/
Arkansas  http://www.afognak.org/
California Y http://aguacaliente-nsn.gov/
Colorado YYhttp://www.southern-ute.nsn.us/
Connecticut   http://www.pequotmuseum.org/
Florida Y  
Georgia  Y 
Hawaii Y  
Idaho  http://www.cdatribe-nsn.gov/
Kentucky  Y"Worst Internet access" http://www.southerncherokeenationky.com/
Louisiana   http://www.chitimacha.gov
Maine  Y

"Worst Internet access", http://www.techmaine.com/groups


Maryland  http://skipjack.net/le_shore/accohannock/
Massachusetts YY 
Michigan   http://www.baymills.org/
Minnesota  Yhttp://www.uppersiouxcommunity-nsn.gov/pages/boardoftrustees.htm
Montana  Y"Worst Internet access" http://www.blackfeetnation.com/
Nebraska   http://omaha-nsn.gov/tribe/
Nevada  http://www.fpst.org/
New Hampshire    
New Jersey    
New Mexico  Yhttp://jicarilla.net/
New YorkYY 
North Carolina   


ISOC North Carolina- Josh Price

North Dakota   http://www.spiritlakenation.com/



Oregon   http://www.burnspaiute-nsn.gov/
Pennsylvania  Y 
Rhode Island   http://www.narragansett-tribe.org/
South Carolina  http://www.catawbaindiannation.com/
South Dakota   http://www.fsst.org/
Utah  http://www.nwbshoshone-nsn.gov/
Vermont   http://www.cowasuckabenaki.org/index.htm
Virginia  Y 
Washington   http://www.chehalistribe.org/
District of ColumbiaYY 
West Virginia   
Wisconsin   http://www.badriver-nsn.gov/


U.S. Commonwealths  Study on cost and access of telco in the Pacific
Guam Y 
Mariana Islands   
Puerto RicoYYhttp://www.taino-tribe.org/jatiboni.html
Virgin Islands YRecently recruited non-affiliated member Ron Sherwood from NIC.VI
U.S. Territories   
American Samoa Y"American Samoa has most expensive internet"



6. Topical Suggestions

6.1. Internet Broadcasters

6.2. Telemedicine

6.3. Internet Journalism

6.4. Disabled Internet Users

6.5. Distance Education

6.6. Aboriginal Communities


7. Completed Queue

  LetterEmailPhone CallMeeting  Application
Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS)hets.orgYesYesYes10/21/2013EDApplied/Accepted(186) Hispanic Educational Technology Services [PDF, 833 KB]
Capital Area GlobetrottersFB Page   DirectGMApplied/Accepted(188) Capital Area Globetrotters [PDF, 227 KB]
Visually Impaired and Blind User Groupvibug.orgYesYesYesYesGBApplied/Accepted(196) Visually Impaired and Blind User Group (VIBUG) [PDF, 166 KB]
Native Public Medianativepublicmedia.orgYes   GBApplied/Accepted(195) Native Public Media [PDF, 199 KB]
Internet Society Disability and Special Needs Chapterisocdisab.orgYesYesYes GMApplied/Accepted(194) Internet Society Disability and Special Needs Chapter [PDF, 135 KB]

Manitoba e-association


4/8/2014   AN/GM/GB


Decertified/Closed operations-Jan 2016

(201) Manitoba E-Association [PDF, 253 KB]
Open Media Canadaopenmedia.caYes Yes GBApplied/Accepted(197) Open Media [PDF, 371 KB]
ISOC North Carolina     ACUnder Application