NARALO Member Survey 2020

NARALO Member Survey 2020

NARALO routinely surveys its membership to gauge community attitudes on the core policy issues facing ICANN and NARALO membership Survey created, distributed and analysis by NARALO Survey taskforce of Bill Jouris, Denise Hochbaum and Glenn McKnight. 

NARALO  Capacity Development Survey Report


May 11, 2020


The survey of the  NARALO membership is a follow up to a NARALO  survey completed three years ago to determine the skills and interests of the  NARALO membership.  That survey wasn’t tied to ICANN policy issues.  The current survey organized by  Bill Jouris, Denise Hochbaum and Glenn McKnight reinforced the role of NARALO  as it  “ represent the interest and concerns with ICANN in regards to the coordination of the global Internet's systems of unique identifiers” .  This survey has greater granularity and a strategy to encourage the NARALO membership to make their voices heard on ICANN policy concerns.  It also tries to identify areas where members are not just interested but willing to put in work on developing a NARALO position on the issue. 

This redacted version, for publication, has the names of respondants removed.  The NARALO leadership will receive the full version.

Timelines and Actions 


  • Request by Chair Eduardo Diaz to survey the NARALO membership on their capacity to be involved in commenting on ICANN policy issues 
  • Creation of working document


  • The team composed of Bill Jouris, Denise de alcantara Hochbaum and Glenn McKnight worked together to formulate a Google Form survey  

April 3

April 9-12

  • Personal emails to all the ALS representatives and Unafiliated membership

April 12

  • Presentation at  NARALO April meeting 

April 28

  • Email to NA List requesting leads on topics
  • Verification of leads   Adrian, Glenn/Alfredo no response from others
  • Analysis and completion of report

May  11

  • Presentation to NARALO membership Monthly meeting
  • Slideshow to be distribution 


  • 30  completed surveys( 58% completed  24 ALS and 27 Unaffiliated)
  • 46.7% Individuals
  • 53.3  are ALS

Top Picks 

  • Internet Governance - 80%
  • Transparency and Accountability - 67%
  • Cybersecurity - 57%
  • DNS Abuse - 53% 
  • Multistakeholderism - 53%

Lowest Picks 

  • Jurisdiction-3.6%

  • IDN - 3.6%

Matrix of Topics and Volunteers 


Recommended actions

  • Creation of  NARALO position papers on top topics led by block of volunteers 
  • Recommend members to join  appropriate mailing list ie.
    Domain abuse https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/dns-abuse-measurements
  • Promote Capacity Building Webinars  ( see appendix 1)
  • NARALO monthly calls with educational snippets on topics
  • Updated in NARALO newsletter on topics
  • Organize Zoom special session to discuss topic in detail 
  • Monitor the  ICANN policy statements ( c
  • Improve documentation on how ICANN works, especially how ALAC works 
  • Expand Engagements  efforts with existing members
  • Creation of simple info card summarizing the ideas

What is ICANN’s policy topics  vs  NARALO interest

(Table of topics and potential team members and leads redacted) 


  • Identify the leads per topic
  • Verify the lead participation
  • Verify membership 
  • Refine the focus of each group
  • Assemble a statement and timeline for each group
  • Establish basic action plans
  • Link to the  Capacity Working Group ie. Alfredo and Joanna

Key Topics

 ICANN  and  DNS Abuse 

DNS Abuse Framework

o   http://dnsabuseframework.org/media/files/2019-12-06_Abuse%20Framework.pdf


ICANN page on reporting abuse

o   https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/abuse-2014-01-29-en

ICANN Org’s Multifaceted Response to DNS Abuse

Domain Abuse Activity Reporting (DAAR)

DAAR project is a system for studying and reporting on domain name registration and security threat (domain abuse) behavior across top-level domain (TLD) registries. 










ALAC and DNS Abuse

DNS Abuse Video- Jon Zuck 



Audio recording and Presentation 




Capacity Building Webinar- May 4, 2020@1300 UTC


NARALO and DNS Abuse

Recommend  members to join mailing list 


DNS Abuse Primer


ICANN  and Transparency and Accountability 

ATLARGE  and Transparency and Accountability

NARALO and  and Transparency and Accountability

  • What is ICANN doing on this? 
  • What do WE think should be done?  Specifically, what should we be doing to provide input to ICANN policy on this? 

ICANN and Internet Governance 

ALAC and Internet Governance

NARALO and  Internet Governance

  • NARALO has conducted two North American Schools of Internet Governance 
  • What other steps could/should we be taking? 
  • How do we keep aware of what issues are being discussed (e.g. at IETF), so we can see which ones we wish to get involved in? 

ICANN and Cybersecurity 

ALAC and Cybersecurity 

  • June 1 @ TBA  session on Geopolitics and Cybersecurity

ATLARGE and Cybersecurity 

NARALO and Cybersecurity 

ICANN  and Multistakeholderism

ALAC and Multistakeholderism

NARALO and Multistakeholderism

  • What parts of the Multistateholder model are working well? 
  • What parts of the model have issues?  What could be done to address those issues?

Appendix 1- Webinars


At-Large  Capacity Building Webinar: “Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – Phase 2.

Hadia ElMiniawi

Alan Greenberg(


06 Apr 2020 

20:00 UTC



DNS Abuse

Jon Zuck


04 May 2020 

13:00 UTC (TBC)


Geopolitics and Cybersecurity

Joanna Kulesza


01 Jun 2020 



Universal Acceptance

Ajay and co-chairs from UAWG


06 Jul 2020 



New gTLD Rounds and Subsequent Procedures

Justine Chew


03 Aug 2020