NARALO Hot Topics 2017

NARALO Hot Topics 2017

Rationale and Background

The preliminary list includes the following issues identified at the NARALO GA (break out sessions) held in New Orleans in April 2017: In addition  NARALO did a ALS Expertise Survey of all the ALS's and they self identified topics of interest. A total of 161 names were identified associated with 34 ICANN topics.  Interesting that some of the hot topics didn't match the 34 ICANN topics but the majority do.

Linking Hot Topics to the ICANN Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan: articulates ICANN's new Vision; restates ICANN's founding Mission; and sets forth five Strategic Objectives and sixteen Strategic Goals, each with Key Success Factors (Outcomes), and Strategic Risks.



TopicLInk to ICANN StrategyDriver/Lead Volunteer
Privacy3 Advance organizational, technological and operational excellenceJavier Rua Jovet

2 Support a healthy, stable, and resilient unique identifier ecosystem

4.3 Participate in the evolution of a global, trusted, inclusive multistakeholder Internet governance ecosystem that addresses Internet issues.
4.4 Promote role clarity and establish mechanisms to increase trust within the ecosystem rooted in the public interest.
5.2 Promote ethics, transparency and accountability  across the ICANN community

Garth Bruen
Howard Deane
Net Neutrality
Seth Reiss
Digital Literacy1 Evolve policy development and governance processes,  structures and meetings to be more accountable, inclusive,  efficient, effective and responsive.Monique Chartrand
Universal Internet Access

1 Evolve policy development and governance processes,  structures and meetings to be more accountable, inclusive,  efficient, effective and responsive.

4 Promote ICANN’s role and multistakeholder approach
5.3 Empower current and new stakeholders to fully participate  in ICANN activities

Judith Hellerstein
Cybersecurity2 Support a healthy, stable, and resilient unique identifier ecosystemGeraldo Ortega

See NARALO GA collaborative notes document (pages 12-14) page for further details.

Part Two:   2018  NARALO Monthly Educational  Snippet Sessions 

MonthTopicSpeaker and Resources
January 2018Net NeutralityMark Buell
Feb 2018SecurityKristen Doan
March 2018GDRPICANN Staff
April 2018City TLDsTom L
May 2018Universal AcceptanceJonathan Zuck