At our last NARALO call the request by the Chair is to to ask the community of any interest to become our liaison between ARIN and NARALO.
The only expression of interest has come from Kerry Brown.
We also have been communicating with Susan Hamlin of ARIN to consider a MOU between our two organizations. Most of the RALO's have a close relationship and three of the five have a signed MOU with their corresponding local organisation.
*American Registry for Internet Numbers* a not for profit, membership-based company operating the regional internet registry in the North American and Caribbean region and is one of the five Address Supporting Organizations of ICANN hereinafter referred to as “*ARIN**”*
To learn more about ARIN visit
We will keep the community informed on the progress of this MOU. If possible it would be great to have a signing ceremony in LA if all goes well.
- On Sept 23 a draft MOU was sent to Susan Hamlin of ARIN.
- Reminder email on Sept 30 to Susan Hamlin
- Wiki page set up by staff on Sept 30
- Endorsement by NARALO of MOU from ARIN and NARALO
- Organization of the Signing ceremony with John Curran, President of ARIN and Evan Leibovitch Acting Chair of Naralo
- Signing ceremony verified for Sunday Feb 8 at 5 15 to 5 30 pm Singapore time
- ICANN staff responsible for gold table cloth, pens, copies of agreement and covers and NARALO pullup banner
- Glenn to volunteer for taking photos at signing event
- Glenn contact Susan on ARIN banner
- Evan: short blog post on the ARIN/NARALO signing
- Email to Silvia on the history of RALO agreements
DRAFT attached HERE