Get to Know ARIN
In advance to the NARALO GA @ ARIN meeting in New Orleans on April 2nd to the 5th, 2017. we are sharing some background information about ARIN, American Registry for Internet Numbers
ARIN, a nonprofit member-based organization, supports the operation of the Internet through the management of Internet number resources throughout its service region; coordinates the development of policies by the community for the management of Internet Protocol number resources; and advances the Internet through informational outreach.
Not-for-profit Membership Organization Community Regulated
• Fee for services, not number resources
• 100% community funded
• Open
• Broad-based - Private sector - Public sector - Civil society
• Community developed policies
• Member-elected executive board
• Open and transparent RIR Structure
A short Introductory Video On ARIN
Take a look at the short video introducing ARIN on our website at:
And you can find it in our YouTube library:…..Intro to ARIN just past all the ARIN 37 videos.