NARALO General Assembly 2022 Action Items

NARALO General Assembly 2022 Action Items

Call 10 October

Call 03 October 

Call 06 September 

  • Susie Johnson  to follow up with the ICANN org Travel & Event Safety Committee which is finalizing the health and safety requirements, the required waiver for attendees and registration form.
  • Susie Johnson will follow up on ICANN's  registration system ( attendees will  acknowledge the terms and conditions of attending, as well as noting if they will be in-person or virtual).
  •  Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the  NARALO October 10 monthly call will include a prep session GA session. This call will be promoted by staff in coordination with leadership.
  • Claudia Ruiz to prepare a Jamboard zoom room with instructions for participants.
  • Claudia Ruiz will set up a NARALO GA webpage.
  • Michelle DeSmyter will schedule the next Organizing Committee  meeting on Oct 3 at 16 UTC.
  • Joe Catapano will work with Greg to add details to the NARALO IG & Policy session.
  • Heidi Ullrich to contact Betsy Andrews from ICANN learn to participate in the NARALO Capacity building session
  • Susie Johnson  will contact ARIN to get the schedule with Policy sessions
  • Naela Sarras and jonathan.zuck will work on GA  Metrics

Call 15 August

  • Susie Johnson  to provide an update on the logistics - Dates for participants to receive travel and Hotel confirmation information from CT, Update on meeting space booked., Update on Restaurant reservations for farewell dinner to be held on October 20th. Check with ICANN tech support on audio visual equipment and staff to work on NARALO GA.
  • Claudia Ruiz Claudia will set up a GA zoom registration form 
  • Claudia Ruiz will set up a jamboard for remote participants
  • Eduardo DIaz and OC members to discuss if "observers" can be allowed to watch the GA sessions via zoom. 
  • gregory.shatan and all OC members to continue the discussion on the GA Agenda.
  •  gregory.shatan in coordination with the OC members, will review the GA Program and will include an "ALS mobilization session" and a "Capacity building session". A draft will be presented at the next call.
  • gregory.shatan will work on a draft for a  NARALO North American-centric session with items such as relevant legislation in USA and Canada.
  • GA charter definitions and deliverables should be restated and synchronized with the program. Currently, they are as follows:
    1. Theme: Triple E → Empower, Engage & Encourage
      1. Empowerment

        1. User Guide on techniques on how to use Social Media for Outreach and Engagement
        2. User Guide on how to participate in CROP
        3. List of possible CROP events to attend in FY '23
        4. Others 
      2. Engagement

        1. Creation of NARALO Working Groups (max three people per group )
        2. Validation of group charters
        3. Validation of group reporting frequency
        4. The naming of leaders and group members
      3. Encourage

        1. List of validated At-Large/ALAC for participation
        2. The naming of members disposed to participate per group or organization

WIKI page shows the three E's as: 

      1. Enroll: New ALSs
      2. Engage: Capacity building
      3. Energize: RALO
    1. Core Deliverables
      1. Empowerment

        1. User Guide on techniques on how to use Social Media for Outreach and Engagement
        2. User Guide on how to participate in CROP
        3. List of possible CROP events to attend in FY '23
        4. Others (question)
      2. Engagement

        1. Creation of NARALO Working Groups (max three people per group (question))
        2. Validation of group charters
        3. Validation of group reporting frequency
        4. The naming of leaders and group members
      3. Encouragement

        1. List of validated At-Large/ALAC for participation
        2. The naming of members disposed to participate per group or organization

Call 01 August 2022

  • gregory.shatan will work on a draft for a  NARALO North American centric session with items such as relevant legislation in USA and Canada.
  •  Glenn McKnight and jonathan.zuck in coordination with all  OC members  to draft GA measurable outcomes and will develop draft metrics for the next call.
  • Silvia Vivanco will send a reminder with the google survey to all NARALO ALS.  There will be a waiting list of individuals who are interested to attend, after the deadline for ALS to confirm attendance any remaining available slots will be offered to individuals on the waiting list. 
  • Susie Johnson will organize a call with ARIN to coordinate venue logistics.
  • Susie Johnsonwill get in touch with tech staff to coordinate facilities and logistics to support the meeting in hybrid format (Audio visual)
  •  An online  preparatory session will be held before the GA meeting, the preparatory session (s) would include a session with ARIN staff.

Call July 25 meeting 

  • Silvia Vivanco to send a google survey to determine the ALS willing to travel to the GA. Travel database must be ready by August 15.
  • Susie Johnson to get in touch with ARIN to start working jointly on logistics
  • Eduardo DIaz  and all to  work on the  GA Program 
  • Yesim Saglam will schedule the NARALO GA OC calls every Monday in August at 16 UTC.