At-Large Briefing Adobe Connect Chat 2014-06-05
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the At-Large Briefing Session: Enhancing ICANN Accountability on Thursday 5 June 2014 at 2000 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
CW:Sorry. Wrong call. Come back later
Holly Raiche:Morning everyone
Oksana Prykhodko:hi everyone
Siranush Vardanyan:good night from Armenia to all
Holly Raiche:Hi Siranush
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Siranush Vardanyan:hi, Holly
Leon Sanchez:hello everyone
Jordi Iparraguirre:hello!
cristiancasas-cetic-ajb-:buenas tardes para todos
Allan Skuce:Greetings
Mark (ISOC DSN):Greetings
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, All !
Ali AlMeshal:Hello everone
Mark (ISOC DSN):Mark Urban
Ellen Strickland:HI all
Winthrop Yu:Hello All, Winthrop here
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hi Mark :-) :-)
Fatima Cambronero:hello everyone
Terri Agnew:Allan Greenberg has joined
Evan Leibovitch:Hi all
Alan Greenberg:Is there an Adigo bridge? I am getting the message "Please wait for the subscriber"
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes @alan there is
Terri Agnew:Please state names for the interpreters and speak at a reasonable speed to allow for accurate interpretation
Ariel Liang:This is the At-large workspace for the PC:
Alan Greenberg:My problem. My mouse slipped and I clicked on the wrong meeting!
Terri Agnew:Welcome Dev
Terri Agnew:Welcome CW
Terri Agnew:Welcome Alejandro
Sebastien:If you do thepage by page it is OK
Alejandro Pisanty:Hi!
Holly Raiche:Suggest that there be a link in the wiki to both presentations
Alan Greenberg:Our leader is getting mighty aggressive!
Heidi Ullrich:@Evan, I've made you a presenter, so you also have control of the slides.
Mark (ISOC DSN):Point 1 - Should we create a short hierarchy of the three overarching requirements (transparency, accountability, and Internet user community) and then build a list of issues? the ARTS-2 report is labrynthine at best.
CW:Oh! some transition: 16 years. CW
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:good points and good plan IMO@Mark U
Mark (ISOC DSN):spent a week reading it last night...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr::-) :-) :-)
Holly Raiche:@ Mark - do you mean you spend a week reading it, or you read it all last night?
Mark (ISOC DSN):I read it last night. It just FELT like a week... :-)
Holly Raiche:Not good news for those who plan to go through it!
Terri Agnew:Welcome Darlene
Darlene Thompson:Sorry to be late!
Mark (ISOC DSN):Point 2: a short list of principles as a summary for non-technical/policy wonks is essential. ICANN suffers from an image problem: that it is an engineering/technical group, not an open community-directed governance body. short, simple resources can help alleviate that and allow us to communicate ICANN's values effectively.
Alan Greenberg:@Evan, where is indication that Board is not going to follow ATRT2 Recs? They will only report back for the first time in London
Darlene Thompson:Nicely explained, Evan
Evan Leibovitch:alan, maybe you're right. But the Board could have better embraced the whole of the ATRT2 by now.
CW:not muted
Evan Leibovitch:at very least we need to resolve how the ATRT2 reults are handled before starting up something new
Alan Greenberg:@Evan. SInce we willl have a reply in London, I think that is exactly what we will be doing. For clarity, the process as planned is for ICANN to both evaluate recs AND scope out how they will be implemented along with the time-line they are comitting to. Then make the entire announcement.
Heidi Ullrich:@Christopher, would you like a dial out?
Alan Greenberg:Perhaps not the best way to do it, but that was the plan and announced intent.
CW:I believe that I am back on line with the meeting. OK?
Terri Agnew:@CW, please activate your mic again to be heard
CW:I think I have done that OK.
Terri Agnew:Welcome Mwendwa
Mark (ISOC DSN):agree, Cheryl!
Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi, Kenya:I had challenges with internet access :(
Terri Agnew:as a reminder, please mute mics/telephone when not speaking
Mark (ISOC DSN):I envision a statement of principles, a list of issues/challenges that currently exist re; the principle, and then a list a "to-do"s - WHAT not HOW.
Leon Sanchez:it's very loud
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes @Mark that woulybe most useful indeed and facilitate better and increased engagement... IMO
Winthrop Yu:ok, better now
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:speak a little further out from your mic
CW:Let us try a dial-out: 34965793693
Mark (ISOC DSN):CW you are not muted
Terri Agnew:@CW will do
Mark (ISOC DSN):agree, Alejandro - Polysci experience is needed.
Holly Raiche:I still think we need to be very clear about accountability for what, to whom and how - and the NTIA role is larger than just one function - so principles, yes, but targetted
Mark (ISOC DSN):I like the for what, and to whom. the HOW can be a pointer to applicable ATRTs recommendations.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Transparancy is key here also
Mark (ISOC DSN):@Holly
Mark (ISOC DSN):oooo ... good point cristian. need to have a metric that define RESULTS
Oksana Prykhodko:dropped
Holly Raiche:@ Mark - yes, the how, butI"ll have to reread ATRT2 and the AoC tosee for what before the how - and in theend, themetric for results must include what happens if metrics are not met
Evan Leibovitch:The ALAC position has been clear: Implement the ATRT2. I'm not sure that any interim steps are possible untlil we know the extent to which ICANN chooses to follow its own RT's advice.
Mark (ISOC DSN):@Holly. agree. as CW and Cheryl pointed out, the environs have changed
Oksana Prykhodko:thank you!
Holly Raiche:@ Mark Yes, the spotllight is shining - which is not a bad thing
Holly Raiche:@ Mark - have you signed up for the Transparency and accountability session?
Evan Leibovitch:ICANN has faced the spotlight before, but it has done so with great words but little action underneath.
Mark (ISOC DSN):@Holly - not seen that one.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:to @CW's points. again Transparency is key at the component parts of ICANN level as well
Evan Leibovitch:This is why the reaction to the very specific recommendations of the ATRT2 are so critical to wath.
Holly Raiche:From what I have heard, already some countries are walking away from the NETMucdial statement
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:apologies all, have to leave the call, I'll read the transcript of this informative call
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:take care all
Holly Raiche:Thanks Dav
Darlene Thompson:Can't hear
Oksana Prykhodko:Great point! @cristiancasas! Would be happy to discuss with you my European IG ecosystem dashboard!
Maureen Hilyard:Hi all.. I am not connected to the mike. Cheryl has it covered :)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@understood Maureen - apologies for not seeing you
Terri Agnew:Welcome Peter
Oksana Prykhodko:dropped again(
cristiancasas-cetic-ajb-:disculpen me tengo que retirar a clases en la universidad
Terri Agnew:@Oksana, we are dialing back out to you
Holly Raiche:@ Alan - agree. I like the call for higher level principles
Mark (ISOC DSN):agree! the priciples drive everything you do. otherwise you have to fight the same battle everytime anything new happens.
Alan Greenberg:#mark - yes, very true.
Garth Graham:To account is to answer. In a global context, who get sthe answer?
Heidi Ullrich:Alejandro is on AC only.
Holly Raiche:@Garth - that is the big question
Heidi Ullrich:@Alejandro, we've lost you
Heidi Ullrich:could we call out to you ?
Sebastien:for me a new
Terri Agnew:Welcome Inam
inam:tha k
Alejandro Pisanty:At Large must be exemplary in its accountability and transparency. E.g. ALAC-elected Directors must have the highest accountability and transparency obligations - think "innkeepers wife"
Alejandro Pisanty:A weakly accountable At Large engenders suspicion against the whole of ICANN.
Holly Raiche:Hear Hear!
Alejandro Pisanty:For some important purposes At Large is one more competing party, not the leavening or balance to all others. It competes for resources like translation, travel funds, management overhead, people's time and energy, etc.
Heidi Ullrich:ATLAS II Thematic Group on Transparency and Accountablity:
Sivasubramanian M:@Alejandro That doesn't sound constructive
Sivasubramanian M:@Alejandro sounds more like negative propaganda
Holly Raiche:Have to go - sorry. A great call
Mark (ISOC DSN):@ Holly - Thanks
Ariel Liang:Yes, the agenda page:
Heidi Ullrich:Agenda:
Alejandro Pisanty:Siva I don't understand
Sivasubramanian M:@Alejadro Your comments about At-Large that "At Large is one more competing party, not the leavening or balance to all others. It competes for resources like translation, travel funds, management overhead, people's time and energy, etc." in a subtle way amounts rather deprecating, so I said it did not appear constructive
Sivasubramanian M:Too much of negative criticsm in public lists, be it against ISOC Governance or At-Large creates the unintended consequence of a negaive effect and a negative impact. Certain gaps, if well meant, are better discussed off-list, and in internal mail.
Ariel Liang:This is the thematic group information:
Alejandro Pisanty:Siva, the perception exists and if we don't face it we are actually helping it grow
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The Thematic WGs will address the points made here
Sivasubramanian M:@Alejandro Doesn't help much if it is repeatedly and consistently highlighted
Sivasubramanian M:@Alejandro It amounts to branding At-Large as in pursuit of matters petty
Oksana Prykhodko:@Olivier - which WG? New one?
Alejandro Pisanty:S, that's exactly the reason I mention "inn-keepers wife"
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thematic WGs Oksana. Face to face discussions in London
Peter Knight:I agree that NETmundial should be a starting point. Also the strategy panel on ICANN’s role in Internet Governance Ecosystem, Chair Vint Cerf and the At-Large Future Challenges WG - R3 White Paper
Oksana Prykhodko:@CW+100!
Alejandro Pisanty:S, if, for example, an At Large org leader is speculating with domain names, or facilitating the market, he&she is in conflict
Alejandro Pisanty:S if this conflict is not stated it hurts everybody's perception of AL accountability
Sivasubramanian M:please name the AT Large org leader speculating on domain names, I am curious
Evan Leibovitch:The problem is not that they are stated, Alejandro.
Evan Leibovitch:Statements of Interest enable us to see the conflicts, and there are quite a few.
Evan Leibovitch:The issue is that, having disclosed the conflicts, nothing changes.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
Alejandro Pisanty:exactly, Evan, so the answerr to Siva is I may have doubts but there is no list of SoI's that keeps people straight
Evan Leibovitch:In ICANN, you can have as many conflicts as you like so long as you disclose
Ariel Liang:Yes
Alejandro Pisanty:Evan, except at some point yo ureally are disqualified from certain discussions and decisions
Peter Knight:see chat
Sivasubramanian M:@Alejando You are exactly adding one accustation on top of another on AT Large
CW:Thankyou everyone. Good night
Peter Knight:I was notdialed in, joined late.
Pedro Veiga:Thank you all for the updated information
Sivasubramanian M:The deadline is 6th ?
Evan Leibovitch:This is ICANN. You are never disqualified so long as you disclose.
Leon Sanchez:I apologize for having to leave the call
Leon Sanchez:Thanks to all
Leon Sanchez:Great call
Cheryl Langdon-Orr 2:bye for now then
Ali AlMeshal:Thank to all
Oksana Prykhodko:thank you all, bye!
Ellen Strickland:Thanks very much
Winthrop Yu:Thank you All!
Fatima Cambronero:thanks to everyone, bye
Sivasubramanian M:Bye everyone
Ellen Strickland:Bye
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks and bye
Ariel Liang:thank you all! bye bey
Allan Skuce:Thank you.
Allan Skuce:Bye