Zoom chat: 2022-10-03 NARALO General Assembly Organization Call
00:30:52 Glenn McKnight: I wasn't on the call I still have pneumonia
00:31:18 Marita Moll: Awkward for me as well. I have to think hard about it -- whether I will attend this meeting or not given the changes
00:32:19 Glenn McKnight: it was the Loews hotel
00:33:07 Glenn McKnight: Question on logisitics. Did everyone complete the ICANN Travel confirmation email?
00:33:35 Jonathan Zuck: W is beautiful!
00:33:42 Glenn McKnight: nice hotel
00:34:49 Glenn McKnight: ARIN meeting will finish early at 2
00:35:01 Glenn McKnight: Don't forget the ARIN orientation call next Tuesday
00:35:13 Marita Moll: Will ICANN pay for an extra night at the hotel -- if needed
00:35:21 Glenn McKnight: I don't think so Marita
00:35:39 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Arrival- 18th - welcome reception
00:36:08 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Hotel booked checking out on 21st
00:37:45 Jonathan Zuck: Bingo!
00:37:57 Judith Hellerstein: Exactly
00:38:27 Judith Hellerstein: I think we should focus on what is good for us and not for ARIN
00:38:47 Judith Hellerstein: I agree with Greg
00:39:05 Judith Hellerstein: I am not sure I could attend as well
00:39:50 Eduardo Díaz: Shall we have the meeting on another date in the future?
00:40:00 Judith Hellerstein: Yes but it is the relationship between people and the relationships that can be gained in person that is important
00:40:18 Judith Hellerstein: That cannot be done via hybrid
00:41:34 Glenn McKnight: hand up
00:43:03 Jonathan Zuck: stay at W but later
00:43:46 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Two hands up - Marita and Glenn
00:57:24 Jonathan Zuck: So, to sum. later, at the W, if possible. If not, keep the new dates at the W. Don't postpone
00:58:02 Marita Moll: If ICANN would fly me back to Vancouver, give me a couple of stop-over days to recover my family time and then fly me to Ottawa -- that would be a compromise for me
00:58:04 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Thanks, Greg. We are urgently working with our meeting coordinator.
00:58:43 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: We can accommodate that, Marita. Where are you flying from?
00:59:12 Marita Moll: I would be flying to LA from Vancouver.
00:59:15 Glenn McKnight: Don't forget that Adrian could also be impacted as a Seven Day Adventist
00:59:52 Judith Hellerstein: All, I doubt the seventh day Adventist celebrate Simchat Torah
01:00:10 Glenn McKnight: He starts on Friday
01:00:20 Jonathan Zuck: We make the best possible plan for US and ARIN falls where it falls. Happy to throw an alternative garden party on Friday. ;)
01:02:42 Glenn McKnight: Since Ed was involved with ATLAS 3 perhaps he should also join the session
01:02:44 Jonathan Zuck: I could own that one, if helpful
01:03:43 Judith Hellerstein: If the date change was known In KUL than it would have been great if I would have been informed about this and I could have given my feedback
01:03:57 Judith Hellerstein: I was in KUL but no one mentioned it to me
01:04:57 Judith Hellerstein: I think we are setting a very bad precedent by having a meeting start the day after a Jewish holiday and a road we should not go down
01:10:32 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Love that - Getting people in/getting the word out.
01:10:55 Jonathan Zuck: that's a 3rd thing
01:13:46 Jonathan Zuck: Whatever!
01:13:59 Glenn McKnight: Remember the meeting we had with Naella in KL was clarifying the KPI idea from Sally in context to O and E and more
01:14:50 Jonathan Zuck: @glen, I think we really dumped the metrics session in KL but we can figure out examples to use, including O&E
01:15:59 Glenn McKnight: We only have one North American fellow from KL which is Leif Sawyer and he was following up as an individual member he is the Chair of the ARIN Advisory Council .
01:16:45 Glenn McKnight: Lets be clear we have very very few North American fellows from ICANN. The NextGen joins NCUC normally
01:16:58 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: We can follow up with Siranush/Deborah and our Fellowship and next Gen mentors
01:17:33 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Glenn, we need to find out why they join NCUC.
01:17:37 Glenn McKnight: knock yourself out
01:18:15 Glenn McKnight: we have never campaigned properly. No one from ATLARGE attends the NExtGen sessions etc etc
01:19:16 Jonathan Zuck: Exactly, @Heidi. they take a very "rights" based approach where we take a practical approach. they are focused on registrants but don't always make that clear. we are focused on everyone
01:19:22 Glenn McKnight: I think they are remote
01:21:12 Glenn McKnight: What about Avri
01:22:32 Glenn McKnight: I assume that Susie has the confirmation metrics of attendees
01:23:31 Glenn McKnight: The final report format is being created
01:23:40 Jonathan Zuck: Heidi is stealing my intervention
01:24:10 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Sorry!
01:25:56 Joe Catapano - ICANN Org: I have to leave for another call. Thanks all - speak next week.
01:27:02 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Do we want to set a deadline to finalize the program by the end of this week?
01:27:28 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Goal- to finalize the program end of the week
01:28:01 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Thanks Greg!
01:28:46 Judith Hellerstein: HI All, I will not be on the call next week because of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot
01:29:30 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: We need to sort out the dates today.
01:29:43 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: We are really late and need to arrange flights, etc.
01:30:18 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: We can accommodate you, Marita.
01:31:08 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Reminder : The next NARALO Monthly teleconference & prep session for the GA is scheduled for Monday, 10 October 2022 at 19:00 UTC 90 minutes.
01:31:53 Marita Moll: Okay, thanks Heidi. I will be in touch. For it is already evening -- so talk to you tomorrow morning
01:32:42 Glenn McKnight: For the record I wasn't consulted but I was told.
01:32:43 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Thanks Marita!
01:34:03 Glenn McKnight: I am still sick
01:34:20 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Get well Glenn! Take care
01:34:24 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Feel better Glenn!
01:34:27 Glenn McKnight: thanks all
01:34:30 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Take care Glenn
01:34:47 Marita Moll: Alright -- moving forward. Thanks everyone.
01:35:06 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: The next NARALO Monthly teleconference & prep session for the GA is scheduled for Monday, 10 October 2022 at 19:00 UTC 90 minutes.