New gTLD WG Summary Minutes 2012-11-26
New gTLD working group
Monday 26 November 2012 at 1600 UTC
Summary Minutes and Action Items
Roll call - Julia
AG: This is a special call to review the outreach plan and try to get ICANN buy-in. I have written a plan which I've put in the agenda. Asked to review the draft outreach plan. There are a couple of discussion points that came up in Toronto. I tried to come up with a process that would hopefully get us to complete this by the end of the year.
The first thing is theory foundation.
I also had the idea that we'd be working in teams.
Yaovi, I remember in Toronto saying you'd be working on this team. So I hope that is ok.
YA: That was correct.
AG: I just recorded the ideas that came up in Baku. Hopefully we can complete them by the end of the year.
AG: The second idea is that of a survey. Dev drafted an initial survey. I don't know if we would be carrying out the survey or whether we would get a professional service. The first thing would be to speak to the ALSes. So the first question would be, did you know about the availability of support? The second would be, if you did, why did/didn't you apply for support?
Also, we would wish to speak to regions where there were not many applications. The idea is to get some answers that dive deeper into the theory. Part C would be after Beijing - then come up with an initial report. The idea would be then to put that out for comment to get more input. The next step would be to, based upon the responses, think about solutions. How to get it fixed before the next round. So this page is me taking a first step at the process. I'd like to get more people to work on it. Do people think this is a good idea?
YA: I think this the plan is very good process, very interesting work. We can't even speak about a second work if we don't know what is happening. You speak about general outreach but also interviews with general groups. The type of questions that we drafted for B1 and B2. Like if I take an ALS, the information we can get from an ALS, may not be the same that we get from industry in developing countries. The most important is to get down on paper the type of questions we wish to ask. That is the only way we can solve the problems of the current round.
EL: Is there any plan to ask ICANN for formal staff (or outside contractor) resources to assist in this effort? Just making a Survey Monkey survey and expecting "non-applicants" to apply will not provide satisfying results.
AG: The question from Evan, is do we plan on asking help for our survey. We would have to ask Olivier and Evan to what the chances are of having professional support.
OCL: I think that as far as funding is concerned, there might be funding available within policy development support.
HU: Could ask, but also other relevant departments might have funding.
AD: This would be a short questionnaire.
TBJ: I agree with you. It would need to be short and simple. The longer it is, the less people will answer it
YA: I would like to add that thinking about this, we need to consider having this survey in at least three languages - at least FR and ES.
AD: Excellent. I would think approximately 10 questions - 1) did you hear about applicant support; 2) If so, why didn't you apply? Some would be T/F, some would be fill-in responses.
EL? Could we get the names of the people who attended the IGF?
AG: The names would be likely, but the email contacts would be more problematic.
AG: We could also use Social Media - Twitter.
HU: What exactly would the funding be used for? We could help with the Survey Monkey, translations, Adigo, etc.
AG: I think if staff could just have that happen, we wouldn't need professional services.
AG: Does anyone have anything to add? I'd like to have more volunteers for the survey.
AG: Talk to Evan and ask him re professional services
AG: Tijani, could you start working on the theory? Could you please take responsibility for that theory part with any other volunteers?
TBJ: Ok. I agree. However, I will need to follow up with her.
YA: Mail for details, please.
AD: I will send a note on the list later today. I appreciate you sticking to this call given the audio issues.