New gTLD WG Documents
Draft Statement
Draft statements will be linked to this section as they become available. Note that per the decision of the Summit Working Group, the Staff have been tasked with putting together an initial text with ideas on the various issues from previous At-Large statements and the perspectives of various members of the community. The WG is of course free to use, or not use, any of the contents of the staff paper. It will be posted shortly.
27 January 2010: Input requested for the Draft Working Group Statement on Draft Applicant Guidebook v3
Reference Materials
In this section you will find a continually-expanding set of sources from which to draw ideas, and where you can see previous work related to the subjects of the working group.
Draft Statement of the Summit Working Group on new gTLD
ALAC New GTLDs Working Group
- Some comments found in the mailing list of the ALAC New GTLDs Working Group
Version 2 draft Guidebook new GTLDs
Redlined version of the Draft Applicant Guidebook.
At-Large response to the Guidebook V2 (based on the statement of WG3 at the Summit, reviewed by a merged committee of WG3 and the existing ALAC subcommittee on gTLDs
Summary and analysis of First Draft Applicant Guidebook Public Comments
This documentinventorises all comments entered on the first draft version of the Draft Applicant Guidebook.
I have extracted the summary of key points on each part of the Guidebook. This looks to me
a very appropriate basic document for our working group session. It is even bullet pointed, something we were considering.
Overview of individual modules with specific comments.
Module 1
Module 2
- and also to note for this module is the Evaluation Questions...
Module 3
- and the attachement to module 3 at
Module 4
Module 5
- has very many support sub sections which follows...
Previous ALAC Statements on New gTLDs
- 27 June 2008: Statement on New GTLD Policy Objections Provisions (English) (Espanol) (Francais)
- 9 October 2003: ALAC Response to the Proposed sTLD RFP and Suggested Principles for New TLD Processes (English) (Francais)
- 6 May 2003: ALAC Comments to the GNSO's New gTLD Committee (English) (Francais)
Draft Statements on New gTLDs from Various Sources
The statements below are the current working drafts from January / February 2009 in relation to the first-round consultation on the Draft Applicant Guidebook.
- EURALO alacworkinggroups:Statement Draft (Designed to accompany the ALAC draft below when completed)
- ALAC alacworkinggroups:Draft v1
Draft Applicant Guidebook
- 18 February 2009: The second draft of the Applicant Guidebook (English)
Audiovisual Resources
> Despite being a few months old, this is an excellent introduction to the new gTLD programme and the policy which it derives from.
Other Resources
> A short, 1200 word summary of the new GTLD policy for those new to the subject.
- ICANN New GTLD Programme Microsite - English but with many documents and pages in other languages.