New gTLDs WG Teleconference 12-03-2012 San Jose

New gTLDs WG Teleconference 12-03-2012 San Jose

New gTLDs WG 12 Mars 2012

Date: Monday 12 Mars 2012

Time: 15:00  - 16:00 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL.gTLD/MT.0212/3

At-Large meetings on Monday 12th March

How can I participate in this meeting? 

Who is on the dial-out list for this call?

Action Items: EN

Summary Minutes: EN



AC Chat Transcript:EN

Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/sjo43-girasol




A G E N D A - Draft

1. Objection Process - Review of process and changes due to the RALO review (15 min)

2. JAS/ASP - Outreach (15 min)

3. New gTLD Issues - Update (10 min)

4. Time of new gTLD WG meetings (5 min)