New gTLD WG Summary Minutes 2012-11-12

New gTLD WG Summary Minutes 2012-11-12

New gTLD working group

Monday 12 November 2012 at 1400 UTC

Summary Minutes


Avri Doria briefly reviewed the items on the Agenda  for today's call.


Staff presented the roll call.


Dev Anand : Will update the timeline .

No objections in the works at the time.

Avri mentioned that the period will be extended  until March.

Rolling list

Avri updated the list (wiki link).

Letter remains open

Pending Generic Word applications: Evan: The issue has not changed too much, 2 complains were technically out of scope of our review process. I have not written any policy and would like direction from this group. It was not quite clear what type of conversation this should be. I am asking for direction on how far we should take it.

Evan: We need to figure out what happens next.

Is there an explicit policy outcome coming out of ALAC?

Dev Anand: Perhaps we can contact those who have submitted comments from At large.

Avri: It is for the people that feel that there is something to be done, to recommend something to the group.

I would recommend that we schedule a call. Invite people who made the statement and ask what is that we want to recommend.

AG: ALAC was given a right for objection and a budget. We need to make sure that we are diligent following through every objection. We need to work through this and invite people who made the comment and invite them.

Avri: This has nothing to do with credibility. To say we will lose credibility, it was processed correctly. No one is recommending to leave it there.

Evan: We received 2 applications. There were objections out of scope. We received those comments which were noted, analyzed and we have followed the process. The objections had due process.

Should ALAC be making a statement on the generic issue of private words domains?

OCL: I met with IT for change, one of the organizations commenting and I explained the answer and some other people said that they really hope that the ALAC writes a report on this.

This send us to a question, if none of the ALS ask for something but others ask us to do something, what do we do?

AG: In the end we should make sure to follow this through.

Avri: Do you recommend an action?

Evan: I have no  problem putting pen to paper. And whatever ALAC decides to do is up to ALAC.

AG: I suggest to present the facts to ALAC. and ask ALAC, give them the facts.

Dev: Some comments have to happen before.

Alan: Quite happy if there is a statement.

Evan: Consider the call in the possible revision of the statement.

It would not be a formal PCP.

Avri: There must be different people who feel energized.

Document and call is the way forward.

Fatimata: my only concern about influencing people's opinion prior to the meeting with the 2 comments authors.

Outreach and Evaluation:

Avri:  I took the transcript from Toronto, and came up with a process.  I created a different page. I collected averything I heard so far. What is our theory on the survey. On the survey we talk about 2 kinds of getting information.

And some ideas about the questionnaire and getting a questionnaire. It should be a fairly simple questionnaire.

Draft the initial report on this, what it happened, why it happened.

Between Beijing and Durban we actually frame solutions and 2 possibilities can come out.

I would like to ask people to take a look at it, make comments and having a monthly meeting as people are working on specific issues..I collected what I could collect and we can now move this further.

AOB: Evan: There is an ad-hoc meeting being called by Fadi to address what the intellectual property has put forward. We have taken a look that there is a couple that need to be look at. We are working hard to get participation. I thank  OCL: Thank you for your work  getting us there. I just wanted to put on the record that this happened.

AG: We were not included in the first group that met in Brussels.  The last memo that went out from Fadi, included a record to ALAC and it was forwarded to OCL.

OCL: There was no harm intended by not sending it to me.

Fadi absolutely wants several people from ALAC.  I have sent an email and we should get a reply hopefully soon.

