New gTLDs WG Summary minutes 30-04-2012
Summary Minutes and Action Items
Monday 30 April 2012
1. Avri reviews the agenda.
2. Nathalie goes through Roll call.
3. Avri asks about the meeting time. the Tijani agrees to a joint meeting (option b). Heidi states a large room will be available, Avri confirms that this this important. Avri noted her change of preference from option a to option b. It is understood that the joint meeting will be primarily for gTLD RG issues.
4b Avri spoke about the CMR of SARP which will be required to have the same SOI/COI standards as SARP members. There are some questions pending such as the number of members and whether there should be more than one review group (raised by TIijani). Some CMR members were selected on the JAS call.
4ai Cintra described the status of the call for members of the gTLD RG text. Hong raised issues to the role of the RG. Dev and Avri clarified that the RG will not be creating the comments on its own but working with the community. Cintra agreed that the change Tijani made was appropriate as it is not necessary for the WG to micromanage that aspect, agreed by Avri, Cheryl and Dev.
4bii Dev confirmed the dashboard is working and went through some tweaks and improvements being made. Avri invited everyone to attend the training session/demonstration on Wed 2 May at 2100 utc. Dev will present/demo through slides. Avri suggested that perhaps we should table this demo for Prague meeting.
4c Avri is now handling this section of the WG, acknowledges the work done by Cintra and Cheryl. Avri suggests that there is a bridge between the issues before and issues after the application period. Issues suggested are TAS, Press campaign, capacity building etc. Alan disapproves that TAS be on the list, but does think that the action process is the only thing that is warranted to be discussed. Avri also suggests Applicant Support be an issues, Tijani and Cintra confirm.
5 Settling time approved to be fixed to 1300 utc so that Hong can attend all the calls.
6 Avri stated the COI issue was handled and declares it closed. Next meeting on 14 May will be chaired by Cintra.