AC Chat: 2018-08-29 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (8/29/2018 15:10) Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) Call taking place on Wednesday, 29 August 2018 at 13:00 UTC
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (15:11) Agenda:
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu: (15:52) Hello all!
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (15:54) What you do is to carry lots of stuff within yourself.
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (15:57) yes I'll have lots of stuff in my pockets
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (15:57) Good morning all
Ā Ā Gordon Chillcott: (15:57) Good morning.
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (15:58) Welcome all!
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu: (15:59) Lol @Olivier
Ā Ā Alberto Soto: (16:00) Good morning everyone!!
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu: (16:01) Buenos dias, @Alberto!
Ā Ā Alberto Soto: (16:02) Gracias Evin, perfecto your Spanish... btw , What is the telephone access code?
Ā Ā Alfredo Calderon: (16:03) Good morning, afternoon or evening to all!
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (16:03) Hi all,
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu: (16:05) 22 August CPWG Action Items:
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu: (16:05) @Alberto the Adigo code is 3535
Ā Ā Joanna Kulesza: (16:06) Hi everyone, happy to be joining you.
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu: (16:06) Welcome, Joanna!
Ā Ā Sebastien: (16:08)
Ā Ā Satish Babu: (16:09) @Ed, I can help you contact Don
Ā Ā Satish Babu: (16:09) Yes, we have been in touch with him.
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:09) Don isn't with APTLD any more OCL
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (16:09) @Satish: Contact him and let me know when to join th ecall
Ā Ā Satish Babu: (16:09) Don is now with UASG
Ā Ā Satish Babu: (16:10) Ok @Ed
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (16:10) Tnak you Sebastion
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (16:10) <>,
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (16:11) Don is also available at - personal email
Ā Ā Sebastien: (16:12)
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:12) They are so easliy confused with each other OCL ;-)
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (16:12) Edmon can also be contacted at but the registry address is his main address
Ā Ā Satish Babu: (16:14) :-)
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich: (16:14) LOL
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:14) I shouldn't have told you ;-)
Ā Ā Holly Raiche: (16:18) Thee has been a lot of discusson on the definition of community
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (16:18) Can we have a brief summary of substance of what we are saying?
Ā Ā Avri Doria: (16:21) how does an unorganized community apply for a gTLD?
Ā Ā Daniel Khauka Nanghaka: (16:22) Hello All
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (16:24) Two docs I will be talking about during the EPDP section:Ā Ā and
Ā Ā Holly Raiche: (16:25) @ Avri - tha's the issue.Ā Ā In cnsideration of the first round, in looking a whether the applicant community got prioity, the definition was narrowly drawn.Ā Ā If we want a broader view of 'community' we need to come up with elements of a definition
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (16:28) @Marita, yes, prior existance, but to what with your example of smokers, how many of the world's smokers must you have worked with?
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (16:30) @alan -- perhaps that's a component we could work on
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (16:31) Will have to catchup on the earlier part of this call. Sorry, just came off another call.
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (16:31) Welcome Justine
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu: (16:32) Welcome Justine!
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (16:32) Thanks for making yourself available for the call, Justine.
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (16:36) appologies for joing late
Ā Ā Evin Erdogdu: (16:36) Welcome, Hadia!
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:36) indeed Alan very important
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (16:37) The Category 1 and Category 2 designations?
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:37) we went through the list using Vol PICs as an important criteria (or the absence of any)
Ā Ā Holly Raiche: (16:40) I don't think we'll debate this.Ā Ā The UDRP applies to those with an interest in the name.Ā Ā The members of the general public do not have standing to claim harm
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (16:41) I wasn't asking what they were .. I was asking whether the debate was in reference to those.
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (16:42) Not particularly, from me. Debate still going on
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (16:43) And I have not been working on that section
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (16:43) Thanks Justine and Marita
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (16:44) Deeper knowledge -- not on my side
Ā Ā Holly Raiche: (16:45) What I will add in my response is the special category of PICs - which are dealt with by the GAC - which we supported (they have separate questions in the Subsequent Procedurres questions
Ā Ā Alberto Soto: (16:46) no, sorry
Ā Ā Alberto Soto: (16:46) ok
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (16:46) @Alberto: lowered your hand, fyi
Ā Ā Alberto Soto: (16:46) Thanks Yesim
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (16:47) you're welcome!
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (16:47) Yes, let me think about it more and see how to work through the Asssessment in Rounds comment.
Ā Ā Holly Raiche: (16:47) @ Justine - the two issues regarding the PICs were whether there should be a PDP on mandatory PICS and their inclusion in the actual agreement and the other issue was whether to continue with voluntary PICS
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (16:51) Excellent, thanks Olivieir
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (16:51) Olivier
Ā Ā Holly Raiche: (16:53) @ Justine - your question please
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (16:55) @Holly, Q 2.8.1.e.15
Ā Ā Holly Raiche: (16:56) Tks - will have a look and get back to you
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (16:58) Olivier, I've already told that I didn't need the 10 minutes agenda item 4
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (17:10) I have attempted to read the GDPR ;)
Ā Ā Alberto Soto: (17:11) I loss the sound
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (17:11) Thank youĀ Ā @ Alan
Ā Ā Holly Raiche: (17:17) The real shame is that RDAP implementation did NOT require the implementation of tiered access.Ā Ā What RDAP does is allow the addition of the ability to provide tiered access.
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:18) my connection was lost I am back again
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (17:21) Thank you Alan for the explanations for each of the recommendations. - it really helps for understanding
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (17:24) Staff, can I have the screen unsynched please?
Ā Ā Holly Raiche: (17:25) Can we please have the ablity to scroll
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (17:25) sure!
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:27) May I please receive a dial out
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (17:28) Dialing out to you now
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:28) ok thanks
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (17:33) Absolutely! Dubious data mining occurs with other databases like TMCH's. Rate limiting should be applied to "non-legit miners"
Ā Ā Gordon Chillcott: (17:34) Generally support SSAC 101, but I confess to being soft on Recommendatin 4.
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (17:35) We can't really be selective about which law enforcement authorities to give access to or limit access.
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (17:37) @Justine, yes we can and will!
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (17:38) @Alan, good luck!
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (17:39) I agree Justine, and what about corapt entitiesĀ Ā within the system
Ā Ā Alfredo Calderon: (17:40) +1 with Alan's position. We as end-users are affected by what the recommendations imply.
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:40) in my opinion nothing is not an option
Ā Ā Alberto Soto: (17:41) +1 with Alan and Alfredo
Ā Ā Justine Chew: (17:41) +1 for SSAC101
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:42) the rational is very imprortant
Ā Ā Gordon Chillcott: (17:42) I willĀ Ā support the letter.
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (17:42) I supportĀ Ā 101
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:43) icann is a joint controller
Ā Ā Satish Babu: (17:44) +1 for an assertive position around SSAC101
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:45) i support 101
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (17:46) Thanks everyone this action is most useful
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (17:46) I will refer to it if needs be in the GNSO Council
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:46) ultimately I would have liked that we submit our own whuch could have overlapping issues
Ā Ā Satish Babu: (17:46) Thanks Alan, for the useful insights
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (17:46) Thank yo u Alan
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (17:46) Thanks everyone. Great discussion
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (17:46) Great discussion thank you.
Ā Ā Alfredo Calderon: (17:46) @Alan, thanks for an insight view and discussion.
Ā Ā Gordon Chillcott: (17:47) Thank you, Alan - it was worth while.
Ā Ā Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (17:47) still a *To Do* then Hadia
Ā Ā Alfredo Calderon: (17:47) Thanks!
Ā Ā Gordon Chillcott: (17:47) Bye for now.
Ā Ā Alberto Soto: (17:47) Thanks to all, bye bye!
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:47) Ok cheryl thanks
Ā Ā Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (17:47) Bue
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:47) bye all