At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce AC Chat 2015.09.09
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce on Wednesday, 09 September 2015 at 18:30 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, All!
Heidi Ullrich:Just an FYI, there have been 445 days since ATLAS II :)
judith hellerstein:HI all
Ariel Liang:I will be sharing screen the whole time
Terri Agnew:Recommendations for ICANN Board :
Terri Agnew:Recommendations, per working group :
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hi all
Terri Agnew:Welcome Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Ariel Liang:Mac ;)
Terri Agnew:The recommendations for IANA Transition & Accountability:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The discussions regarding Meeting B would fall more with Rec 1
Terri Agnew:Glenn McKnight has joined audio
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Yes, and I'm thinking that a conference call with the Nextgen could happen with the O and E SC
Heidi Ullrich:Great idea, Dev! We will also have more structured interaction at ICANN Meetings going forward - including at ICANN 54 in Dublin
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Good point Heidi re: ALSes being involved - perhaps the goal can be that selected works, we can share that on social media
Terri Agnew:Welcome Aziz Hilali
judith hellerstein:Yes. Glenn and I had a talk with Jeffrey Dunn ad deborah.escalera from Next gen about some collaboration between at large and the next gen people
Terri Agnew:Welcome Matthieu Camus
judith hellerstein:He will talk to the outreach groups and we also think he should talk to all in at large about his and deborah's efforts
Aziz:Thnaks Terri
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The O & E has set up group calendars for each RALO via Teamup
Matthieu Camus:Thank you Terri
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Terri Agnew:As a reminder, please mute when not speaking
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Here's the link to view all RALO calendars
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Rec 25 should be
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:for IANA Stewardship and Accountabilty
Glenn McKnight:I am online now muted mic
Glenn McKnight:@ Judith this is what I remember too
Glenn McKnight:I thought they dropped KAVI
Glenn McKnight:Caution on kicking too many tires
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:Reviews
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:Perhaps it's cost
Glenn McKnight:question on last request I thought we discussed a portion of the board not the entire board
Glenn McKnight:Can't remember the recommendation number
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:No, re: cost of Kavi - it was more that the GNSO found it cumbersome to use, and this included feedback from ICANN staff themselves who would be key users in setting up policy sessions in Kaci
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:in Kavi
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I imagine that the Board will respond that way re: Rec 27
Glenn McKnight:Yes this is what I was saying about the PR event in January for Eduardo and Alfredo
judith hellerstein:Has LACRALO published its strategy document
Heidi Ullrich:ICANN's Civil Society Engagement proposal - including appendix of events in regions where possible collaboration could take place -
judith hellerstein:I will add one event to this list
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Judith
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:LACRALO Outreach Strategy : ; the LACRALO proposal to have F2F events :
Glenn McKnight:Nothing from North America. Sadly we found out from a third party that ICANN NA offices was doing outreach in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal and no communication with NARALO
Glenn McKnight:We need better communication
Glenn McKnight:@Judith we need to suggest a IGF USA , ICF Canada etc to the attached document
judith hellerstein:i am next in the que
Glenn McKnight:Many of the NA events on the list are odd
Alberto Soto:@Glenn, We are two now, in LACRALO
Glenn McKnight:ie
Glenn McKnight:I would assume that these events should be applicable to our efforts ie. Internet Governance, Human Rights, etc
Glenn McKnight:@ Judith I have discussed with Joe and Chris numerous times on outreach to universities
Ariel Liang:Adobe Connect's audio gets cut off frequently today. Phone bridge is better
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Ah, I thought it was me, regarding AC audio
judith hellerstein:Sorry about that
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Indeed, we can take this to the O & E
judith hellerstein:I thought it was just others
judith hellerstein:Glenn is right
judith hellerstein:we have never met with them
Glenn McKnight:This is only in theory
Wolf Ludwig:Tis was a nice claim ;-)
judith hellerstein:unfortunately this is common for GSE's collaboration with at large
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks @Glen: a good reminder is in order
judith hellerstein:Or even outreach to universities. This is why Glenn and I reached out to Jeff Dunn's team when we saw the next gen fellows
judith hellerstein:I know they are not called fellows just used that name for convenience
Heidi Ullrich:@Judith, please note ALAC/NPOC, etc events on the link I posted above. Proactive activity is welcome
Glenn McKnight:NetGen is the only program where NARALO can recruit new faces since the Fellowship is not avaialble
judith hellerstein:that is why we reached out to Jeff dunn's team
Wolf Ludwig:Yes, thanks again!
Glenn McKnight:@ I attend all the NPOC meetings and taped their meetings for the past three years. As to NCUC I have also filmed many of their sessions plus attended the African School of Internet Goverance Very few ALAC people are integrated with NPOC and NCUC
judith hellerstein:I think we really need to invite the team running next gen to speak to us in Dublin
Glenn McKnight:Note NARALO was gracious to pass this year
Glenn McKnight:We would do it next year during the ICANN PR event next year
Ariel Liang:Aziz you may be muted
Glenn McKnight:@ Judith we have a list on the NARALO pages of various events throughout the year
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks to NARALO for granting EURALO the GA.
judith hellerstein:I will work with Rudi and Klaus from NPOC on some joint events through out the year
Glenn McKnight:We want to be cooperative
Glenn McKnight:Smaller local area GA are cheaper and more focused
judith hellerstein:@heidi check the spelling of assemblies
judith hellerstein:on the action items
Terri Agnew:@Judith, spelling has been updated
Glenn McKnight:The issue kept happening on visas, Especially Beran's issues since she had to travel . I wonder if she is ok
judith hellerstein:yes beran has her visa
Glenn McKnight:This was discussed at a ALAC Board meeting at last meeting
Glenn McKnight:It was Beran
Ariel Liang:
Glenn McKnight:@ Heidi do you have a link to the document you sent instead of a PDF
Glenn McKnight:DRAFT – ICANN Civil Society engagement in FY16
Glenn McKnight:Judith and I want to add content
Glenn McKnight:This goes to a PDF to download
Glenn McKnight:@ Judith were you aware of this Engagement program?
judith hellerstein:yes but thought it was just GSE's efforts and not one where we can suggest joint programs
judith hellerstein:also seems to be geared only to ncsg and not to NPOC
judith hellerstein:sorry I mean NCUC and not NPOC
Glenn McKnight:You mean NCSG
judith hellerstein:yes
Glenn McKnight:Perhaps Heidi can clarify since we have a long list of valuable events on a NARALO calendar that Garth and I did
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:NPOC is part of NCSG
judith hellerstein:they feel civil society is only ncsg and not NPOC
Glenn McKnight:Civil society is all of us
Glenn McKnight:NCUC doesn't have exclusive ownership of this term
judith hellerstein:the def of end users which is at large is not civil society
Glenn McKnight:Many ALS's are Civil Socieety organizations
judith hellerstein:no it was Adobe connect
judith hellerstein:it has been doing this to everyone
Glenn McKnight:Note
Glenn McKnight:For the purposes of this plan, ‘civil society’ would include Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), individual Internet end-user representatives, and academics. Within ICANN, this would include in particular the GNSO Non Commercial Stakeholder Group (NSCG, with both of its components the Non Commercial Users Constituency NCUC, and the Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency NPOC) as well as the At- Large community, including the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC).
judith hellerstein:As was stated in the email discussion on how civil society is defined and thought of is Civil society" may include individuals, but usually refers to organizations, typically NGOs;- "Global Internet user" designates individuals;- could we combine in one sentence "civil society" and "the global Internet user", so as to cover all the non-business and non-state ("government") segments?
Glenn McKnight:It includes ALAC
judith hellerstein:not necesarily
judith hellerstein:and not so for use and definition of terms outside the US and canada
judith hellerstein:would prefer civil society and the globa; internet uset
Glenn McKnight:Look at the cut and paste from the document above it says ALAC
Alberto Soto:Thanks! Bye all!!
Heidi Ullrich:Bye all. Very useful call.
Glenn McKnight:Bye all. Should be fine with me
Vernatius EZEAMA:Thank you all
Ariel Liang:lol
Matthieu Camus:Thank you very much for this work and these interesting discussions! Bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks All, take care all