Post ATLAS II Implementation - IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
3 | ICANN should continue to shape an accountability model reaching not only Board members but all parts of the ICANN community, in order to develop a more transparent and productive environment | ICANN Board; ICANN Staff; ICANN Community | TG1 |
Implementation Details
At-Large Community members actively contributed to the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 1, which produced a set of enhancements to ICANN's accountability mechanisms that must be in place within the time frame of the IANA stewardship transition. Establishing an Empowered Community, which would make the ICANN Board more accountable, is one of the final recommendations. The Work Stream 1 proposal has been approved by the ICANN community and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The implementation of the recommendations is underway, and the At-Large Advisory Committee is formal participant in the Empowered Community. In addition, the Board has also put in place measures to increase the transparency of their work processes, including publishing Board meeting transcripts.
Focused on addressing broader accountability topics that extend beyond the IANA Stewardship Transition, the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 would propose further enhancements to a number of designated mechanisms, including the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committee accountability, staff accountability, and improving ICANN’s transparency. At-Large members have been leaders and/or active participants in different SubGroups in Work Stream 2.
Next Step
At-Large will continue engaging in the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 to help shape the accountability model reaching all parts of the ICANN community. Seasoned At-Large leaders will encourage more At-Large members to participate.
- Could feed into ICANN accountability process and At-Large work in this process
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- CCWG Accountability has been tackling the accountability model reaching the 'Board' Work Stream 1; Work Stream 2 will tackle the accountability model reaching the rest of the ICANN community.
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- The content of recommendation is on the radar of the CCWG-Accountability and is within the scope of its work; the CCWG is making recommendations as part of the organizational reviews.
- This is a recommendation from the At-Large Community but it is not really up to At-Large to implement it single handedly. Nonetheless, the issue mentioned in the recommendation is regarded as an active issue of the whole ICANN community. At-Large is part of the process.
- This recommendation gives ALAC members the ability in the CCWG to press issues that the At-Large community feels strongly about.
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- Many stakeholders have raised this issue during the 2nd public comment period of the CCWG-Accountability. This might be one of the main issues of concern with regard to the single membership model and other alternative model proposed by the CCWG-Accountability. If the community is given too much power, the accountability of the community may be at risk and unintended problems may occur. This issue will most likely be discussed during the CCWG f2f meetings in LA and Dublin.
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In the final Proposal of CCWG-Accountability WS1, it includes the Community Power which makes Board members more accountable. The Proposal has been ratified and passed to NTIA, pending review from the Congress.
WS2 will deal with the broader accountability issues;
Board has come up with measures to make their work more transparent, including publishing their meeting transcripts (, e.g.: ICANN should do no less. Every official ICANN Board meeting should be webcast in real time. When the Board is meeting telephonically then the Web audiocast should be available simultaneously. And all should be archived for future access and review. Only limited redactions should be made, such as when the Board is discussing internal personnel matters or when the proprietary and confidential information of a contracted party might be revealed, and then only if a rationale is provided)
Next Step: At-Large Community should encourage members to participate in WS2
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
5 | ICANN should examine how best to ensure that end-users remain at the heart of the accountability process in all aspects pertaining to the transition of stewardship of the IANA function. | ICANN Board; ICANN Staff; ICANN Community | TG1 |
Implementation Details
The At-Large Community has played a vital role in all aspects pertaining to the transition of the IANA stewardship, contributing valuable end user input. The ALAC is a chartering organization of both the CWG-IANA and CCWG-Accountability. It also has representatives in the IANA Coordination Group. In those groups, At-Large Community appointees not only actively participated, but also often held Chair or Vice Chair positions in leading the work, shepherding the processes, and influencing the outcome.
The IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal and Enhancing ICANN Accountability Recommendations have been approved by the ICANN community and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). In the post transition implementation, the ALAC is a formal participant in the Empowered Community, which would empower end users to hold ICANN Board accountable. An ALAC Liaison is involved in the operational oversight, previously performed by the NTIA and will then performed by a Customer Standing Committee (CSC), as it relates to the monitoring of ICANN’s performance of the IANA naming functions. The ALAC will also appoint representatives to the IANA Functions Review Process as per proposal’s requirements.
Focused on addressing broader accountability topics that extend beyond the IANA Stewardship Transition, the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 would propose further enhancements to a number of designated accountability mechanisms. At-Large members have also been leaders and/or active participants in different SubGroups in Work Stream 2.
Next Step
At-Large will continue playing its critical role in the post transition implementation and engaging in the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2. Seasoned At-Large leaders will encourage more At-Large members to participate proactively and make greater influence.
- Could feed into ICANN accountability process and the work of At-Large IANA issues WG.
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- It is a very important recommendation. Are we pushing enough to strengthen the position of the end users (this concerns the question of civil society and the role of ALAC/At-Large)? It seems that we haven't pushed CCWG-Accountability to fully address those questions and consider the position of end users.
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- The ALAC/At-Large have been advocating for end users to balance the power of other interested parties, and will continue to do so.
- We are not in the position to say that the end user rights are more important than other rights.
- Should the ALAC advocate that the end users' concerns trump other concerns? Yes, in some cases, users should take dominance; but not all the time.
- The needs of users may not be so much different from the needs of other parties. For example, regarding IANA stewardship transition, there is almost 100% overlap between the interests of registries and the interests of users in terms of the operational aspect of IANA functions.
- Assignees shall evaluate the implementation of this recommendation pending the outcome (i.e. final report) of the CCWG-Accountability.
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- We cannot say that the recommendation has already been implemented.
- End users are at the heart of the accountability process, but have limited knowledge and influence in the process.
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The Empowered Community (EC) model in WS1 will empower end users to hold ICANN accountable; the Proposal has been ratified and passed to NTIA, pending review from the Congress
At-Large Community members to participate in WS2 more proactively to make greater influence
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
6 | ICANN’s MSM should serve as the reference in encouraging all participants (individuals or parties) to declare and update existing or potential conflicts-of-interest, each time a vote takes place or consensus is sought. | ICANN Board; ICANN Staff; ICANN Community | TG1 |
| COMPLETED - Pending confirmation from the ALAC regarding the 'Next Step' |
Implementation Details
The At-Large Community has an established practice for members to declare and update existing or potential conflicts-of-interest via the online Statement of Interest (SOI) form. In particular, before and after an ALAC or RALO election or selection, relevant At-Large members are required to update their SOIs. ALAC members, ALAC liaisons, and RALO leaders are also requested to update their SOIs immediately following every Annual General Meeting.
In other ICANN groups, such practice also exists but varies somewhat, depending on their rules and work procedures. For example, in the GNSO, its working groups require every member to fill out a SOI as a prerequisite for membership; GNSO Council members must state changes to their SOIs, if any, at the beginning of every Council meeting.
However, there is limitation to expand or streamline such practice in all Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees due to their structural or operational differences. They need to develop their own workable, enforceable mechanism to ensure that members declare and update conflicts-of-interest regularly and on a timely manner.
Next Step
The At-Large Community will continue improving its mechanism for members to declare and update conflicts-of-interest. The ALAC will follow GNSO’s example and require ALAC members and liaisons to state changes to their SOIs, if any, at the beginning of every ALAC monthly teleconference.
- : Assignees to modify the wording of this recommendation
- : Ariel Liang to email this recommendation to the IANA-issues mailing list to encourage members to propose modified wording.
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- It seems to be a standard practice as it is reflected in the way that working groups and the Board conduct their work.
- It is uncertain whether all participants explicitly declare and update existing or potential conflicts-of-interests. This request doesn't seem to be included in the CCWG-Accountability Report.
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- The wording of this recommendation seems to be a bit over-reaching. We may not want to have all members to declare conflicts of interests during every single vote. We, however, expect members to update their conflicts of interests regularly.
- Re conflicts of interests updates, it seems that every community group has some type of rules (e.g. SOIs in GNSO, ALAC) that are appropriate to what they are doing.
- Conflict of interests issues will be dealt with by CCWG-Accountability WS2?
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- Members' conflicts of interests should be updated if their status change (with regard to their work and other potential areas of conflict of interests).
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At-Large Community has already established the practice of updating SOIs before elections and selections
Some ICANN community groups require members to update their SOIs whenever a meeting takes place (more than requested in the recommendation) (e.g. every GNSO council member states changes to their SOIs, if any, at the beginning of every Council meeting); however, there is limitation to expand this practice in every stakeholder group (e.g. ccNSO);
ALAC to follow GNSO’s example to require members to update their SOIs and state changes, if any, before every ALAC meeting as a standing agenda item
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
7 | A periodic review of ICANN's MSM should be performed to ensure that the processes and the composition of ICANN’s constituent parts adequately address the relevant decision-making requirements in the Corporation | ICANN Board | TG1 |
Implementation Details
Periodic Organizational Reviews are performed by independent examiners for each of ICANN’s Supporting Organizations (SOs), Advisory Committees (ACs) (excluding the Governmental Advisory Committee - GAC), the Nominating Committee, Board of Directors, and the Technical Liaison Group (TLG). These reviews are meant to determine whether the organization has a continuing purpose in the ICANN structure, and if so, whether any change in structure or operations is desirable to improve its effectiveness.
However, there does not seem to be a periodic review of the overall composition and balance of ICANN’s stakeholder groups.
While the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability Work Stream 2 (CCWG-Accountability WS2) has a SubGroup that addresses the SO/AC Accountability issues, evaluating the composition of ICANN’s constituent parts is not within the scope of its work.
Next Step
The ALAC will advise the ICANN Board to initiate a process -- whether through an existing review process in ICANN (e.g. The Third Accountability and Transparency Review - ATRT3) or through a new periodic review process -- to evaluate the overall composition and balance of stakeholder representation in relations to their decision-making requirements in ICANN.
- : Ariel Liang to send this recommendation to the ALAC mailing list for review.
- : Olivier Crepin-Leblond to get in touch with the Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board (Rinalia Abdul Rahim) with Alan Greenberg's permission
- Could feed into ICANN accountability process and the work of At-Large IANA issues WG.
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- CCWG-Accountability doesn't seem to work on the specifics as mentioned in the recommendations;
- In Work Stream 2, the CCWG will discuss how the rest of the community should be accountable to each other and the rest of the Board. Hence, this recommendation may be addressed after the IANA transition.
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- Seems to be a fair assessment re previous notes.
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- WS2 will address the accountability issue for all parts of ICANN. This recommendation doesn't concern that issue.
- Tijani Ben Jemaa: This recommendation speaks about the decision-making process in ICANN and the distribution of power?
- Olivier Crepin-Leblond: This recommendation talks about the review of all components of ICANN (e.g. the roles and structures of SOs/ACs). The organizational reviews address this. Another path of dressing this would be the CCWG-Accountability WS2?
- Tijani Ben Jemaa / Sebastien Bachollet: This recommendation is not really within the scope of the CCWG-Accountability. CCWG-Accountability WS2 will touch on the roles and structures of SOs/ACs, but its work is not all about organizational reviews. Maybe ATRT or other processes will address the global review of ICANN in a more systematic manner.
- R3 White Paper of the Future Challenges WG (re. restructuring ICANN) may be relevant to this recommendation. The ALAC needs to understand what exactly it wants out of this recommendation.
- This recommendation is related to ATLAS II Recommendation 13.
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The Board and every SO/AC has a full organization review
CCWG-Accountability WS2 *might* have an analysis and study of the overall multistakeholder model of ICANN;
there does not seem to be a review of the overall MSM of ICANN -- this should be a topic of one of the existing reviews
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
13 | ICANN should review the overall balance of stakeholder representation to ensure that appropriate consideration is given to all views, proportionally to their scope and relevance. | ICANN Board | TG2 |
Implementation Details
Periodic Organizational Reviews are performed by independent examiners for each of ICANN’s Supporting Organizations (SOs), Advisory Committees (ACs) (excluding the Governmental Advisory Committee - GAC), the Nominating Committee, Board of Directors, and the Technical Liaison Group (TLG). These reviews are meant to determine whether the organization has a continuing purpose in the ICANN structure, and if so, whether any change in structure or operations is desirable to improve its effectiveness.
However, there does not seem to be a periodic review of the overall composition and balance of ICANN’s stakeholder groups.
While the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability Work Stream 2 (CCWG-Accountability WS2)has a SubGroup that addresses the SO/AC Accountability issues, evaluating the composition of ICANN’s constituent parts is not within the scope of its work.
Next Step
The ALAC will advise the ICANN Board to initiate a process -- whether through an existing review process in ICANN (e.g. The Third Accountability and Transparency Review - ATRT3) or through a new periodic review process -- to evaluate the overall composition and balance of ICANN stakeholder representation, ensuring that appropriate consideration is given to all views, proportionally to their scope and relevance.
- : Ariel Liang to send this recommendation to the ALAC list for review.
- Could feed in the accountability process
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- Part of the CCWG Accountability work (Stress Test regarding the GAC advice) may be relevant to this recommendation
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- This recommendation is related to ATLAS II Recommendation 7, as they address different aspects of the same question. Comments on ATLAS II Recommendation 7 apply here as well.
- The ALAC needs to discuss this Rec 7 and Rec 13 to clearly understand what the ALAC wants out of these recommendations.
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ATLAS II Recommendation 7 is directly related to this recommendation
The definition of ‘balance’ needs to be clarified, WS2 may explore this topic
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
14 | ICANN should adjust its contractual framework to minimize conflict between its requirements and relevant national laws. | ICANN Board; ICANN Staff | TG2 |
Implementation Details
The At-Large Community has been keen on advising ICANN to systematically adjust its contractual framework and minimize the conflict between contractual requirements and national laws/regulations. For example, the ALAC is in process preparing a Statement that advises ICANN to improve the Registrar Data Retention Waiver Request process and to develop a preemptive solution that minimizes the legal, financial, and operational impact on non-US registrars.
At-Large members have also been actively contributing to the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream Jurisdiction SubGroup. One of the work areas of the SubGroup is to address ICANN’s relationships with the national jurisdictions for particular domestic issues (ccTLDs managers, protected names either for international institutions or country and other geographic names, national security, etc.), privacy, and freedom of expression.
Next Step
The ALAC will submit the advice to the ICANN Board with regard to the Registrar Data Retention Waiver Request process. At-Large will continue engaging in the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 Jurisdiction SubGroup. Seasoned At-Large leaders will encourage more At-Large members to participate proactively and make greater influence.
- The ALAC Ex-Chair (Olivier Crepin-Leblond) to informally get in touch with colleagues on other SOs and ACs about this issue
- Alan Greenberg and holly.raiche to be consulted on this matter. Update on
This problem is often found when it comes to the treatment of personal information.
Work is currently taking place two-fold:
by ICANN issuing special amendments to its contracts on a case by case basis specifically regarding its data retention waivers:
etc. Many of these are individual Data Retention Waivers but also a process to change the agreement on a more permanent basis
The ICANN Cross Community Working Group on ICANN Accountability is also looking at the Issue. I would recommend that the work of this working group be examined once it is complete
Worth noting that I have asked other SO/AC Chair in the past about this issue (prior to the work taking place above) and there was, at the time, barely any response.
It is partially completed as the ICANN has done a lot of work with respect to this recommendation, examples as mentioned above.
Part of the CCWG Accountability work (e.g. how the Review Process will be taken into account, role of local/national laws, how to write the bylaw, discussion regard the human rights at the global and national level) is relevant to this recommendation
(feedback from Alan Greenberg)
The WS2 Jurisdiction Staff Paper ( #) includes among its points:
"Relationships with the national jurisdictions for particular domestic issues (ccTLDs managers, protected names either for international institutions or country and other geographic names, national security, etc.), privacy, freedom of expression."
- So I would say it will certainly be discussed.
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
15 | ICANN should examine the possibility of modifying its legal structure befitting a truly global organization, and examine appropriate legal and organizational solutions. | ICANN Board | TG2 |
Implementation Details
Jurisdiction is one of the most significant topics in the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2. At-large members have been actively contributing to the work of the Jurisdiction SubGroup. The primary jurisdiction issue being investigated is the process for the settlement of disputes within ICANN, involving the choice of jurisdiction and of the applicable laws, but not necessarily the location where ICANN is incorporated.
Next Step
At-Large will continue engaging in the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 Jurisdiction SubGroup. Seasoned At-Large leaders will encourage more At-Large members to participate proactively and make greater influence.
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- Part of the CCWG Accountability's work (e.g. proposal of the single membership model) deals with the legal structure;
- Some areas of the legal discussions (e.g. whether the ICANN headquarter should be within the US) will not take place until Work Stream 2 or even later.
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- Most of the CCWG Accountability's work is addressing organizational solution
- It seems that this topic (i.e. jurisdiction issues) will be addressed in WS2
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Jurisdiction issue is one of the most significant topics in CCWG-Accountability WS2
At-Large members should be encouraged to participate in WS2
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
20 | Input the user perspective, wherever necessary, to advance accountability, transparency and policy development within ICANN. | ICANN Board | TG3 |
- Proposal is to give mandate to a new ad hoc At-Large WG on Accountability
- Will address this rec in sync with the accountability track
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- At-Large Ad-Hoc IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability Working Group has the mandate to implement the specifics of this recommendation. Is this enough?
- ALAC members in the CCWG Accountability have been advocating for the interests of end users, and have been facing challenges in doing this; we need continue doing this Work Stream 2 and later on
- ATRT 3 will start shortly, and this can also be an opportunity for advocating for end user interests; the ALAC needs to select representative for the ATRT3.
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- Who should do this is uncertain, and this can be problematic, as the ALAC is a volunteer-based group. It requires more people to follow through.
- The upcoming At-Large/ALAC Review will produce output related to the expectations and evaluation criteria of ALSes. This output will be relevant to this recommendation, as it may construct formalized ways to continuously engage volunteers in the work of At-Large in a sustainable manner. The work of the ALS Criteria and Expectations Taskforce will be complementary in this aspect, but the upcoming At-Large/ALAC Review will be crucial.
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At-Large members (including ALSes, in addition to the At-Large Review WP) should engage in the At-Large review
No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
25 | To enhance ICANN's community effort on building a culture of Transparency and Accountability, as called for in the recommendations of ATRT2, oversight of the Board's decisions now requires an effective mechanism of checks and balances, capable of providing true multi-stakeholder oversight and effective remedies. | ICANN Board; ICANN SO and Acs | TG4 |
Implementation Details
At-Large Community members actively contributed to and effectively influenced the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 1, which produced a set of enhancements to ICANN's accountability mechanisms that must be in place within the time frame of the IANA stewardship transition. Establishing an Empowered Community (EC), which would make the ICANN Board more accountable, is one of the final recommendations. Specifically, the EC will have the ability to 1) appoint and remove Board members and to recall the entire ICANN Board, 2) exercise oversight with respect to key ICANN Board decisions, and 3) approve amendments to ICANN’s “fundamental bylaws”. These mechanisms of checks and balances would provide a true multi-stakeholder oversight within ICANN. The Work Stream 1 proposal has been approved by the ICANN community and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). The implementation of the recommendations is underway, and the ALAC is formal participant in the EC.
Next Step
The ALAC, in consultation with the broader At-Large Community, will fully exercise its rights and powers within EC to hold ICANN Board accountable and build a culture of transparency and accountability in ICANN.
- Part of the Accountability Process
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- It seems to be addressed in WS1 already
- The completion of this recommendation is pending the outcome of WS1
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- This issue will be discussed in the LA F2F meeting of the CCWG-Accountability
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WS1 Proposal has been ratified by the Board and passed to the NTIA for review, pending response from the Congress
At-Large community should fully take part and exercise their rights in the Empowered Community (EC) model