Best tools for ICANN F2F meetings

Best tools for ICANN F2F meetings

Here's a collection of software tools for anyone going to an ICANN F2F meeting The  rationale is provide  suggestions of  best of breed tools to help the intrepid  traveller

Final PDF of newsletter for ICANN 52 Singapore : Singapore Newspaper.pdf


Singapore  Travel Tips for the  War  Warrior while in Singapore

Author  Judith Hellerstein,  Dev , Glenn and Beran


Singapore  Specific  Technology Solutions

  • Need  links  and pics  for  the flyer

Story  One  Mobile  Plans

Singtel offers Pre-paid SIMs in several varieties

an 8$ and 15$ 3G sim which gives the user $10 and $18 respectively.  A 28$ and 38$ 4G plan

These plans offer casual data as well as voice. Voice: 16cents for daytime minutes and 8cents for evening and weekend minutes. Data: 5.4 cents/10K for the $8 sim and 2.7 cents/10K for SIMs above $10.

Data Plans

They offer special Facebook, WhatsApp, Blackberry, and Data Plans


The best one I think is the $7 high value plan that gives 1Gb of data for 7 days


They also have plans for heavy users for those requiring data of 14gb or more.


Story  Two  Metro  APPS

There are a number of Metro Apps which include maps and other services. It seems this one is the better one and is available in both android and iOS versions.

Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.exploremetro.sg&hl=en

iOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/explore-singapore-mrt-map/id364911596?mt=8


Story Three:  EZ Link Metro Prepaid  Cards   - Judith

Easy Link Pass- Singapore Tourist Pass  and Singapore Tourist Pass Plus http://www.thesingaporetouristpass.com.sg/about-the-passes/

The Singapore Tourist Pass Plus is an extension of the existing Singapore Tourist Pass, brought to you by EZ-Link Pte Ltd, the largest CEPAS issuer in Singapore. It combines unlimited travel on Singapore’s public transport system which includes the MRT, LRT and basic bus services, and also an extension of bundled deals which includes an ez-link card, 1 day ride on hop on hop off bubble jet and Funvee buses. This excludes Express Services, Fast Forward, Night Owl, NightRider, Chinatown Direct and other premium and niche bus services.

These are available in 1, 2, and 3 day passes.  The Plus pass does not require a refundable deposit but the regular one does. They can be bought in the airport and at most train stations. After they expire they become regular EZ link passes, which are pay per ride passes.

You can get a regular ez-link card through the Metro's extensive network of sales points.http://ezlink.com.sg/get-your-ez-link-card/where-the-cards-are-sold Cards cost $5 which is not refundable

You can also pay for cabs with the money in your regular EZLink cards., https://cabrewards.cdgtaxi.com.sg/

Story Four  Munzee  Applications   Scavenger  Hunt - Glenn





Story  Five   Google Translate for iOS and Android

  • Google has updated the Google Translate app for iOS and Android devices. The latest update offers powerful and impressive translation capabilities.
    First, Google Translate offers instant translation using your camera to recognize and to automatically overlay the translated text on the screen. (this is the technology from Word Lens which Google acquired some time ago). 
    Instant translation currently works for translation from English to and from French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish without any internet connectivity.
    Note that the Google Translate app can still scan a photo of text taken from your phone for sending to Google to get a translation of it in 36 languages. 
    What's more interesting is the ability for your phone to capture audio from two speakers and have Google Translate speak a translated version so two speakers speaking different languages can communicate back and forth. See the 30 second YouTube video to see it in action.


Story Six - The XE Currency Converter - Beran Gillen


Ever find yourself asking..... How much is that in ???????? Then your brain goes into a flurry......... calculating, dividing, multiplying.......

Save yourself all the hassle and just get the XE Currency Converter which does just that. Available on both IOS and Android platforms for free!!!