At-Large Working Group Template
At-Large Working Group Template
About the At-Large Working Group
<text describing what the WG does, its charter>
Latest Updates
Latest activity goes here - It could be a macro highlighting latest changes to the wiki
On August 2, 2016 meeting the feedback from members on the current O and E Wiki page needs serious reworking to make the page more logical
Links to each RALO
RALO Strategies
Achievements or Milestones
Suggested Events or Dates for RALO O&E activities
Suggestions for new Wireframe layout of page
Mandate of O and E
Key Deliverables
-Share best practices amongst RALO membership
-Work collaboratively with Staff
RALO Reports
-RALO Showcases
-RALO Special Outreach Initiatives
-RALO Joint GSE Initiatives
-CROPP reports per region
At-Large Members