22 September 2008

22 September 2008

NARALO Monthly Teleconference

Date: 08 September 2008

Time: 19:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

How can I participate in this meeting?

Participants:Darlene Thompson, Robert Guerra, Danny Younger, Evan Leibovitch, Alan Greenburg, Beau Brendler, Eduardo Diaz, Gareth Shearman, Seth Reiss

Staff:N Ashton-Hart

Summary Minutes: Summary Minutes 22 September 2008

Action Items: Action Items 22 September 2008

Recording: English


This meeting was convened to discuss agenda items carried over from the 08 September 2008 Teleconference.

  1. Roll Call
  2. Review of the Summary Minutes 08 September 2008
  3. Review of the Action Items 08 September 2008
  4. Election Results
  5. The Redemption Grace Period, see email thread about restoring the safety net(this is the first email sent by D Younger)
  6. Phantom registrars (see email thread about Comprehensive Review of ICANN Accreditation Process)
  7. ALAC statement on the RAA (it has already been ratified by the ALAC and sent to the Board)
  8. Danny's letter to Paul Twomey
  9. At-Large travel procedures
  10. Registrants 'Bill of Rights and Responsibilities' - Call for Volunteers

Revised language:

Dear Dr. Twomey,

On 21 March 2007 you stated:

“What has happened to registrants with RegisterFly.com has made it clear there must be comprehensive review of the registrar accreditation process and the content of the RAA.”

While we are grateful that attention has been given to the content of the RAA, we are still awaiting the promised comprehensive review of the registrar accreditation process.

Members of the NARALO are of the view that 18 months is long enough for such a review to have been completed. We
look forward to ICANN's early publication of the comprehensive registrar accreditation process review.

contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2008-09-22 17:24:33 GMT

I am working on the issue of the RDP with Danny and Cheryl and can speak about the current status.

contributed by alan.greenberg@mcgill.ca on 2008-09-22 18:23:31 GMT