action items 19 october 2009
action items 19 october 2009
Participants: G. Bruen (GB), E. Diaz (ED), A. Greenberg (AG), E. Leibovitch (EL), J. MacFie (JM), G. Shearman (GS), D. Thompson, D. Younger (DY)
Staff: H. Ullrich (HU)
- Staff to permently re-schedule October NARALO call to third week in October so as not to conflict with Canada’s Thanksgiving holiday.
- NARALO members to discuss the At-Large selection process and discuss options. EL asked NARALO to finalize their preference on options through a discussion on the NA-Discuss mailing list.
- DY nominated EL to be NARALO represenative on WHOIS/IP working group; EL accepted.
- NARALO to raise issue of plans for new supporting organization with ALAC and with At-Large lists.
- HU to keep NARALO updated on meeting with the proposed Consumers Constituency and the SIC scheduled to take place in Seoul.