14 June 2010

14 June 2010

NARALO Monthly Teleconference

Date: Monday, 14 June 2010

Time: 19:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

How can I participate in this meeting?

Adobe Connect Link: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/naralo/

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Participants: Annalisa Rogers, Beau Brendler, Alan Greenberg, Darlene Thompson, Gareth Shearman, Jolie Mc Fie, Garth Bruen, Seth Reiss, Alan Hughes, Alan Skuce

Apologies: Evan Leibovitch

Staff: Matthias Langengger

Summary Minutes: Summary Minutes 14 June 2010

Action Items: Action Items 14 June 2010

Recording: ENGLISH


Standing Issues:

1. Roll Call (2 minutes)

2. Review of Summary Minutes 10 May 2010 and Action Items 10 May 2010 (5 minutes)

3. Open Public Consultations (5 minutes)

a. At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule

b. ALAC Statements are being prepared for the following consultations:

Proposed Agenda Items

4. Presentation and Discussion on latest Whois Report (Garth)(10 mins)

See Presentation of KnujOn study on registrar compliance (PPT)

5. Update on the ALS Survey 2010 (Darlene)(10 mins)

The global ALS Survey closed 24 May.

a. ALS Survey Analysis Working Group - Next Steps

Background information:
Presenation Results NARALO (PPT)
Survey Stats
Questions on the ALS Survey
ALS Survey Schedule

6. Brussels Meeting Activities (Evan, Beau, Alan, Gareth)(10 mins)

a. At-Large Meeting Agendas and Remote Participation Information

> i. Click here for the schedule of At-Large Meetings in Brussels

7. Update on the At-Large Board Selection process (Annalisa, Myles)(5 minutes)

a. Activities of the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

Click here for the BCEC Workspace

b. Next Steps

8. Update on Draft FY11 Operating Plan and Budget (Gareth)(5 mins)

See Community Call on Draft FY11 Operating Plan and Budget 10 June 2010 (with Kevin Wilson)

9. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Alan, Beau, Gareth) (10 mins)

10. Recent/Upcoming activities of NARALO members (all)(5 mins)

11. Any other Business (5 mins)