Capacity Building Working Group - ICANN May 2009.doc

Capacity Building Working Group - ICANN May 2009.doc


ICTs contribute to the integration of population into the economy and promote their access to basic social services such as education and health care, market services and communication. This sub-sector also potentially promotes the creation of direct and indirect jobs in the cities and countryside, with the result the fight against rural exodus, poverty and unemployment.

The objective of this paper is to propose areas for capacity building in areas managed by ICANN, stakeholder groups, individuals and local populations for applications best suited to their needs and constraints. The following points will be addressed:


Strengthen the capacity of internet users to participate in the African development policies of ICANN with the taking into account their concerns

Specific objectives:

  • Inform and educate Africans on the Internet of ICANN and its activities,
  • Encourage the emergence of registrars in Africa
  • Assist leaders to organize the Internet for networking,
  • Assist in the understanding of ICANN policy,
  • Develop a real upgrade of Languages (English, French ...) working within the various stakeholders of ICANN for a broader reach,
  • Establish a communications policy that reflects the realities of the regions of the At- Large Community.


Popularize effectively the activities of ICANN to promote a lasting and positive Internet users under the AFRALO.

Target Audience

 Members of the At Large

  • Leaders users,
  • Policymakers,
  • Regulators
  • Operators and service providers internet services,
  • ICT Actors

Actions / Activities:

I. Obtaining updated constituent texts (English, Arabic and possibly other languages) of ICANN for a proper understanding of its operation
II. Presentation of the structure of ICANN with the functions: an overview of the different structures of the ICANN advisory committees of ICANN and the supporting organizations.
III. A vast campaign of information and awareness of policy makers and the regulator on issues of ICANN
IV. Regular communication on the progress of governance, participation and spirit of transparency within the ICANN
V. Presentation of the thematic components of ICANN which are the basis for the creation of working groups
VI. Presentation of the At-Large community, its role, its operations and its prospects
VII. Support for training of members of the At Large:
► Training of trainers in all areas of activities of ICANN as AFRALO priorities. Recommendations:

  • Ability to establish a partnership with AfriNIC in order to facilitate the training of our members, http://www.afrinic.net/training/index.htm
  • Progressive decentralisation  training at local level
    VIII. Participation in meetings (seminars, symposiums, forums ...)
    IX. Identification of sensitive networks and communications,
    X. Identification of African resources available to conduct training
    XI. Sequential organizational linguistic seminars or short-day course in appropriate areas.
    XII. Forum regional or sub regional GAC / At-Large.
    XIII. Develop a plan for training regional and local synergies with other RALOs.

For the Working Group
Gabriel Bombambo

NB: We are always ready to accept new people in our working group.