Action Items 20 April 2009
Proposed text for recall procedure in NARALO
S Reiss will discuss it off line with G Shearman and D Thompson and they will draft together a new proposal for presentation at the next NARALO teleconference
ALAC Review WG Draft Final Review
A Greenberg will work some comments relevant for the methodology for selecting the board members and will distribute them through the list before the next Alac meeting
RAA approved amendments
E Leibovitch referred to the At-Large Summit WGs and invited those interested on that issue to join WG4 on accountancy and transparency as they talked about the RAA
Regional Advice for Papergate
E Leibovitch to work with D Thompson on getting in touch with Papergate and inform them that they should withdraw their application to resubmit a more detailed one, otherwise it will be rejected at the next ALAC meeting