Action Items 08 February 2010
Action Items 08 February 2010
NARALO Brochure.
Matthias to find out what format was used for the EU brochure and inform the NA drafting team.
Matthias to make sure that everybody in the drafting team has a ST account for the NA workspace (Joly, Eduardo, Myles, Monique and Louis).
Joly will contact Danny to ask him whether he would like to be on the ABSC
RAA Activities
Alan will send a personal message to Beau and Garth to inform them about the current RAA activities and ask them to get involved.
Joly will inform Danny about the RAA initiatives which are currently ongoing.
*Feb 25: No success in getting response from Danny thus far. - Joly
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2010-02-27 06:57:51 GMT