Action Items 16 November 2009
Action Items 16 November 2009
Participants: Darlene Thompson (DT), Monique Chartrand (MC), Evan Leibovitch (EL), Gareth Shearman (GS), Myles Braithwaite (MB), Eduardo Diaz (ED), Gordon Chillcott (GC), Louis Houle (LH), Danny Younger (DY), Wendy Seltzer (WS), Seth Reiss (SH), Alan Greenburg (AG), Glenn McKnight (GB)
Regrets: Beau Brendler
Staff: Heidi Ullrich (HU)
NomCom Review– WS will put together a draft letter on this.
The New gTLD Applicant Guidebook has a section on morality and public order. It was surprising how many of the GAC at the Seoul meeting also didn’t agree with it - DY is going to find out what his GAC representative thinks on all of this.
Outreach – what can be done? What needs to be done? - This issue is to taken up on-line.