Summary Minutes 22 September 2008

Summary Minutes 22 September 2008

Attending: Darlene Thompson, Robert Guerra, Danny Younger, Evan Leibovitch, Alan Greenburg, Beau Brendler, Eduardo Diaz, Gareth Shearman, Seth Reiss
Staff: Nick Ashton-Hart

1. Roll Call

2. Review of the Summary Minutes 08 September 2008

3. Review of the Action Items 08 September 2008

4. Election Results

As there were no other nominations or volunteers for the vacant ALAC position so Beau Brendler will be serving due to acclamation. Well done!

5. The Redemption Grace Period, see email thread about restoring the safety net(this is the first email sent by D Younger)

Danny: The RGP is a time frame in which domain names that expire go into a period of stasis after their deletion so that inadvertent expirations can be corrected; the names are disabled during this stasis period so that the registrant's attention is better drawn to the situation. It’s a safety net. Unfortunately, this is not policy. ALAC should call for a PDP so that this becomes an actual policy rather than just a “good idea”.

Alan: This item was on the last ALAC agenda but they ran out of time and were unable to deal with it. There is some interest, though, in making it a Consensus Policy so this is not just a NARALO-specific item and would probably have ALAC support. ALAC would have to do a “Request for Issues Report” on this matter.

Danny: We can probably get other letters of support from constituent groups.

Nick: What is the objective that this is designed to do? Alan: If you inadvertently let your name expire, through the payment of a fee you can get it back and it won’t be sold to someone else.

Nick: We also have a couple of briefings in the next two weeks to bring us up to speed on this issue.

The NARALO endorses the creation of a Consensus Policy to enforce the registrar use of the RGP and requests that the ALAC take appropriate action. Danny moves and Robert seconds this motion. This motion adopted by consensus.

6. Phantom registrars (see email thread about Comprehensive Review of ICANN Accreditation Process)

ICANN doesn’t publish details about new registrars. We have talked about two different registrars that have individuals on their staff that have been convicted of crimes. We are not aware that ICANN has established a process on this at all.

Danny, Nick and Evan will work to put together a letter to move this forward.

7. ALAC statement on the RAA (it has already been ratified by the ALAC and sent to the Board)

As this has already been sent to the Board, this is rather a moot point.

Tim Cole is working on a summary of the statements.

8. Danny's letter to Paul Twomey

Eighteen months ago Paul Twomey promised that there would be a comprehensive review of the registrar accreditation process and the content of the RAA. This has not yet happened. This is being looked into by compliance but no report has been forthcoming. This is why Danny suggested sending a note to Paul Twomey, with appropriate cc’s.

Since the RegisterFly fiasco happened in NA, this letter should come from us and be copied to Cheryl.

9. At-Large travel procedures

There is serious confusion on how this whole thing was handled. The two issues are how the travel procedure has come about now and how we will go forward for next fiscal.

Nick suggests that we set aside some time in Cairo to address this. Robert suggests that between now and November we try to advance this on-line so that we can get feedback from the NARALO. Robert will be sending an e-mail to the list on this. We have time and do not have to come up with a policy statement in Cairo. It may be better to have Nick produce a discussion paper on this that we can pass around and use for a basis.

APRALO has a process whereby if their ALAC members do not meet requirements, they do not get to travel. NARALO needs to have their own rules to judge this that are not just quantitative.

With the projected increase in revenues at ICANN, why are we even discussing this? Its shameful.

10. Registrants 'Bill of Rights and Responsibilities' - Call for Volunteers

When the call for volunteers went out, some new people did sign up for the working group. ALAC ExCom has split their duties with some working on the Code of Conduct and the rest working on the RAA.

Is this something that we should be discussing during the Summit? The Registrants Bill of Rights and Responsibilities doesn’t exist due to the wording of the RAA which doesn’t include third parties. Having such a code can help to put pressure on those that are outside of ICANN contracts.

Meeting closure: 4:06 pm Eastern