Meeting Summary 9 July 2007
Participants: B Fausett (I Chair), R Guerra, D Dailey, G Shearman, S Reiss, M Maranda, D Thompson, G Graham, W Seltzer, S Caras, D Younger, E Leibovitch
Staff: N Ashton-Hart, S Sandford-Smith
Agenda adopted without objection
San Juan Meeting Recap
Robert said that there was a one day session to go over documents and comments that had been made prior to San Juan to finalise and adopt documents related to the North American RALO and that by end of day documents were agreed and concluded. Beau Brendler and Robert Guerra were voted as NA ALAC.
Dharma said it would be helpful to map out the relationship between what internet users care about and how that affects the region's governence, she suggested a facilitated workshop with people that know how to do that type of mapping.
Michael said that some of the ALSes has got involved in IPV6 immediately following San Juan.
Robert has been appointed the liaison on SSAC.
Priorities for July-August
IPV4 migration to IPV6, Domain Tasting, Transparency and Openess Review, Call for proposals for the At-Large review as a whole. Agreed that dates/interim steps etc that need to be taken for example on proposals for the At-Large review should be put up on the NARALO. Nick said that all the Secretariats can add things to the global At-Large Google calender.
The ALS orientation and recruitment meeting to be held in LA and the Global Summit. The idea for the Global Summit was to have a parallel conference that might start the day before the June conference in Europe. It would run as a seperate conference and be open to ALL ALSes. Cheryl Langdon-Orr suggested that the NA Secretariat send the invitation out to the other Secretariats. Nick said that a request re funding the Global Summit has already come in and he has begun discussing with Denise. Darlene and Evan are working on this, Darlene has got a group of people interested in helping out and will go over the list next week with a view to moving forward.
Nick reminded the group that it would be good to have someone from each region subscribed to each of the Working Group lists.
Danny - .us if it's going to change it needs to come from public comment in the US and not the US Government. A comment needs to be sent in by the 30th, Danny will write a paragraph for the NA-Discuss list including the address for comments to be sent.
Outreach Efforts for More NA ALS
Sponsored face to face outreach in LA. Nick said that there wouldn't be funding from ICANN available for two back to back full meetings of the whole NA region. Nick would be the first person to put a case to if the region felt there were a compelling reason to have two back to back meetings but thought that an outreach meeting with some ALSes attending would be salable but not one with a full NA attendance. There is nothing to stop there being telephonic attendance at an event like this. Discussion to be continued on the list.
Staffing: GA Chair, Secretariat
There will soon be an additional member of staff - Secretary for the Regions At-Large, Susie will be leaving soon and will be replaced by someone working fulltime. The Administration job is already posted, Secretary position will be posted within the next few days and will be based within 2 timezones of Nick.
Bret will send to the list a note asking for statements of interest for GA Chair and Secretary - held open until August 1st - he will send a paragraph on the role/requirements and will propose a term.
NARALO Meeting Schedule through 2007
2nd Monday of the month at the same time was agreed for a standing teleconference.
Any Other Business
- Bret, Nick and Secretariat to compile a list of deadlines, for example the deadline for gTLD comments, the At-Large Review proposals, sometime over the next week.
- Danny to write a paragraph on .us and send to the NA-Discuss list.
- Darlene to pull together group of people interested in working on proposals for the Global Summit.
- ICANN Staff to arrange teleconferences for the meetings each month in good time.