Meeting Summary 13 August 2007

Meeting Summary 13 August 2007


Meeting Summary

July 9, 2007

Standing Items

  1. Adoption of the Agenda – Adopted without changes
  2. Roll Call Apologies from Members (if any) – R Guerra (acting chair), D Thompson (acting secretariat), S Reiss, N Ashton-Hart (staff), G Shearman, S Caras, D Younger, E Leibovitch, E Diaz, B Brendler (apologies from Wendy who is in Alaska)
  3. Adoption of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting – Moved: Darlene, 2nd: Gary, all approved
  4. Review of Action Items of the Previous Meeting -  Incomplete


  1. Report from Secretariat

One of the action items from the previous meeting was for the Secretariat to pull together a group of people interested in working on proposals for the Global Summit. Evan created a list for us in Google to which we have been inviting people. Invitations to join were posted to the Secretariat and At-Large lists. We have 12 people participating, 8 from NA and 4 from other places in the world

  1. NA At-Large Committee Representatives (Robert, Beau & Alan)
    • Status of Board Liaison Elections – This has still not taken place but should happen shortly after the ALAC teleconference held on Aug. 14.  Sebastian has decided to withdraw as a candidate due to conflicts of interest.The remaining two candidates are Wendy and Vittorio. Nick is of the opinion that the election will be scheduled for next week.

Rules of procedures (for ALAC) – R Guerra said that the voting system had been agreed recently by the ALAC and he hoped that the entire rules of procedure would be accepted on the 14th August meeting
At-Large Structures - R Guerra asked the Staff to provide an update on the implementation of the new process. Staff then noted that:<?

      1. The final process and guidelines for applications had been agreed by the ALAC on 29th June.
      2. The ICANN Board accepted in June 2003 a number of proposals of ALAC related to the structure of the At-Large community and a number of these would be changed by the new process and guidelines, so the ALAC needs to review a proposal of staff prior to communicating to the Board the same
      3. One new application has just come in.
  1. SSAC Rep – Robert: The fast flux issue was sent around to us to gather comment for forwarding back to the SSAC. Evan: If we were to put tons of energy into this and come up with a lovely policy statement on this, what could ICANN actually do about this? Robert: We still need to know exactly what they DO need from us. At-large should also maybe get SSAC to give us a presentation on this subject so that we can give recommendations back. We need to wait on them and coordinate with them. What role does At-Large have in this? Do we have substantive say in this? Robert: Maybe we need to start a discussion on how to measure a success or not. There will be increasingly problems that are a technical issue, which would be in ICANNs realm. Nobody (not the board or anybody) would have any problem with At-Large coming up with a potential solution that might be a partial solution to a larger problem. There are many stakeholders in the solutions to many of these problems and ICANN is only one.
  2. Report from staff – Nick: He has done a great deal of work with other staff re translation for public consultation.There is a good deal going on with the new organization in policy development and international translation. This especially effects communicating about IDNs. He has also been working on the new ICANN website and looking for the two people that are to be working with him. Transportation and the fellowship program are also being addressed. A proposal has come through for the secretariat to meet in LA. The domain tasting RFI should be up in the next day or two.


  1. meeting Planning – Darlene knows nothing and Dharma and Michael aren’t on the call.
  2. At-Large – We need the support from the other regions. If this is to be a global summit then we need support from the other regions. We do not have to do all of the planning and logistics ourselves. Nick has offered to do a framework for us and Evan is working on one, too. Having said that, we still need more support from the regions. We need to make it more appealing to others. We also need to send messages to LAC and AF to get the message out. We don’t need a huge team – just 8 or so to work on this. We need e-mails of support as well as actual people to work on this. The Secretariat can also get more support for this through the LA meeting.

Policy Matters

Danny: ICANN has started work on protection of registrants. There is also a new announcement on domain tasting; which At-Large submitted much information on previously. We need to do a study on typo squatting and such so as to quantify the domain tasting problem. The GNSO has concluded the new gTLD recommendation. The WHOIS working group will also be completing its initiative in the next week or two.

Danny: In the aftermath of the RegisterFly debacle, ICANN is looking at new contracts between itself and the registrars for the protection of the registrants. We need to get opinion in on the matter ASAP.

We need a telephone conference in regards to RAA matters.

Danny: Are we willing to support or endorse a new constituency within the GNSO for registrants so that specific groups can operate in the proper policy arena? Nick: We need to do a separate briefing on this topic so as not to dilute its importance.

Outreach & Related Activities

Has there been any outreach related activities? Beau – has tried to get the National Consumers Association involved (they are like Consumer Reports). Nick will be having lunch with one of them soon. Dharma has also been doing work in this area.

New Business

Deadline for nominations from ALS

September 3rd 2007 2300 UTC

Vetting of nominations and consensus process

September 4th to September 10th

Reach consensus

by September 10th

Vote (if no consensus)

September 11th to September 15th

Announce and relay result

September 16th 2007

Three names have been suggested so far. If you know of individuals who would be good for this, get in touch with the people and then add them to the Wiki that Robert put up. This will then go to the ALAC and then gets submitted to the chair. We may need a voting page and Nick can facilitate that.

Other business & Announcements

Action Items:

  1. Undone from last meeting – Bret, Nick and Secretariat to compile a list of deadlines, for example the deadline for gTLD comments, the At-Large Review proposals, sometime over the next week.
  2. LA Meeting planning – we need to get a hold of Michael and Dharma and see where we are heading here.
  3. At-Large summit – Nick, Evan, Eduardo & Darlene will get together to brainstorm ways of improving support for the idea.
  4. We need to contact the list to get reports of any Outreach activities being pursued.

Next Meeting: Sept. 10, 2007

Meeting Closed: 4:15 pm