Eduardo Diaz 2009 NomCom Statement of Interest
Eduardo Diaz
Principal Consultant
D Consulting Group, Inc.
I have the knowledge, experience and time to help ICANN in this endeavor.
About me:
I am a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology (GaTech) with a Bachelor (1980) and Master (1981) degrees in Science of Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Computer Design and Electronics.
Later on I acquired a Master in Computer Science (1984) through a in-house curriculum at AT&T Bell Labs.
Professional Experience:
Member of the Technical Staff and Supervisor at AT&T Bell Labs, Whippany, New Jersey (1982-1989). Designed narrow-pass digital signal filters, spectrum analyzers and system tests for a parallel computing environment.
Director of Information Systems and Director of Product and Market Management at Puerto Rico Telephone Company, San Juan, Puerto Rico (1989-2003). Products created/developed/introduced: (biggest ISP in Puerto Rico), Residential voice mail system, DSL, Broadband IP over Frame Relay and ISDN, to mention a few.
Experience related to this position:
Member of the NARALO since its inception
ICANN meetings attendance
Participation in ALAC working groups
Founding member and current President of the Internet Society of Puerto Rico
Professional recruiter for AT&T Bell Labs (1985-1989) at:
- University of California at Berkley, California
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston
- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan
- University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Other memberships: Professional Engineer (PE) and Member of the Engineering Professional College of Puerto Rico Member of the Puerto Rico Technological Corridor Advisory Board IEEE member (1978-1981) Languages: Spanish and English – 100% written and spoken