Action Items 13 July 2009
Action Items 13 July 2009
Action Items of NARAOLO Meeting of 13 July 2009
Participants: Beau Brendler (BB), Garth Bruen (GB), Monique Chartrand (MC), Evan Leibovitch (EL), Danny P. (DP), Seth Reiss (SR), and Gareth Shearman (GS)
- HU is to follow up on previous Action Items on NARALO ROPs and status of previous NARALO request for funding.
- SR is to analyze the WIPO statement on ICANN’s IRT Report
- HU is to post the draft ALAC Statement on the Terms of Reference for the Root Zone Scaling Study on the NA-Discuss list (Update: on 14 July the study was posted on the At-Large website with a request for comments by 20 July - http://www.atlarge.icann.org/announcements/announcement-14jul09-en.htm)
- HU is to urgently follow up with GB and ICANN staff regarding the removal of GB’s WHOIS submission privileges (Update: this issue was followed up with and resolved the week of 13 July).
- SR is to begin process of preparing a proposal to host the March 2011 ICANN meeting in Hawaii. HU is to send SR information on the procedure for submitting a proposal. (Update: this issue was followed up with the week of 13 July. SR forwarded the information to the relevant convention-planner).
- Staff is to organize an Adobe Connect Training session to take place 30 minutes prior to the 14 September NARALO teleconference.