2009 Election Calls - NARALO
Positions to be elected
As an integral part of ICANN's At-Large infrasructure, the membership of NARALO must hold a number of elections:
Position |
Current status |
NARALO Chair |
Evan Leibovitch was acclaimed as the only nominated candidate as of the close of the nomination period |
NARALO Secretariat |
Darlene Thompson was acclaimed as the only nominated candidate as of the close of the nomination period |
One of the two NARALO-elected representatives on the At-Large Advisory Commitee (ALAC) |
Gareth Shearman was acclaimed as the only nominated candidate as of the close of the nomination period |
A recommendation for the North American At-Large appointee to the ICANN Nominating Committee |
Eduardo Diaz was elected by NARALO as their recommended candidate for the North American NomCom seat. He has since been confirmed by ALAC to serve on the nominating committee |
One or more candidates for the position of ALAC liaison to the ICANN Board |
Seth Reiss and Alan Greenberg have been put forward as candidates, by consensus decision taken at the NARALO conference call meeting of Sep 14 |
Each of these positions is for a one-year term except for the NARALO representative to ALAC which is a two-year term.
- The nomination period for all positions opens 16 August 2009 at 00:00 and ends at 23 August 2009 at 23:59 (Hawaii time zone)
- All candidates must be nominated by NARALO members, and may nominate themselves
- Candidates for the ALAC liaison to the Board may be from any ICANN Regional At-Large Organization; candidates for all other positions must be NARALO members
- In the case that only one nomination is received for a position by the end of the nomination period, that position will be deemed to have been acclaimed by the nominee
- Nominees must indicate their intention to stand for office, by email to the Chair, Secretariat or NARALO mailing list, in advance of the opening of the voting period
Voting timeline
For selection of the North American At-Large appointee to the ICANN Nominating Committee
- Because of a compressed schedule, questions of candidates may take place during the nomination and voting periods
- Voting period is from 24 August 2009 at 00:00 to 30 August 2009 at 23:59 (Hawaii time zone)
For all other positions
- Discussions and questions of candidates are to take place between 24 August and 6 September
- Voting period is from 7 September 2009 at 00:00 to 13 September 2009 at 23:59 (Hawaii time zone)
Voting procedures
- Voting will take place online, using a confidential process operated by ICANN staff.
- Staff will instruct and assist NARALO members on how to vote.
- On the ballot, voters are to "rank" candidates in order of preference.
- Ballots will be tabulated using the "Single Transferrable Vote" method.
Eligibility to vote
- According to NARALO operating procedures, each ALS is entitled to one vote.
- Unaffiliated members of NARALO are to achieve consensus regarding how their collective vote is to be cast. Beau Brendler is the representative for unaffiliated members.
- The Chair of NARALO will mediate the discussion amongst unaffiliated members if required.
- Each ALS, and the unaffiliated NARALO members, are to instruct staff on the name(s) of their voting representatives by 31 August.
- On 31 August 2009 the NARALO Chair will announce the results of the voting for the representative to the Nominating Committee, and will forward the results to ALAC in advance of its 1 September deadline. ALAC must then select all At-Large repesentatives to the Nominating Committee and is not officially bound by the NARALO vote.
- At the regularly scheduled NARALO conference call on 14 September, the NARALO Chair will announce the results of all votes that concluded the previous day. At that meeting, NARALO will determine by consensus how many of the NARALO-nominated candidates for ICANN Board liaision will be passed to ALAC for consideration.
- For all other elected and acclaimed positions, their term begins immediately following the end of the Seoul ICANN meeting.
Position Descriptions and List of Nominees
ALAC Representative
The RALOs elect two out of three of their regional representatives on the ALAC. The third representative is appointed by the Nominating Committee.
ALAC Members - Obligations and Responsibilities
The incumbent is Gareth Shearman. He is eligible for re-election.
Nominations for ALAC Representative |
Nominated By |
Date Nominee Accepted |
Darlene Thompson |
18 August 2009 |
Evan Leibovitch |
Seth Reiss |
Declined 20 August |
NARALO Officers
Available positions: Chair and Secretary
NARALO Officers obligations and requirements.
The incumbent for Chair is Evan Leibovitch. He is eligible for re-election.
The incumbent for Secretary is Darlene Thompson. She is eligible for re-election.
Officer Positon |
Name of Nominee |
Nominated By |
Date Nominee Accepted |
Chair |
Evan Leibovitch |
Evan Leibovitch |
16 August |
Secretariat |
Darlene Thompson |
Gareth Shearman |
16 August |
Chair |
Darlene Thompson |
Seth Reiss |
Declined 20 August |
Secretariat |
Gareth Shearman |
Seth Reiss |
Declined 20 August |
Nomination Committee Delegate from NARALO
Election timetable:
At its 4th August 2009 Meeting, the ALAC defined the following timeline for filling these appointments:
- Nominations Open (in each RALO): 5th August
- Nominations Close (in each RALO): on or before 25th August
- Nomination Acceptance Deadline: on or before 1st September
- RALOs to transmit all accepted nominations, with a recommendation of a preferred candidate if the RALO wishes to provide one: on or before 1st September
- ALAC Voting Begins: 7th September
- ALAC Voting Ends: 14th September
- Notification to NomCom of Appointees: 15th September
NomCom members - Obligations and Requirements
The incumbent for North America is Ross Rader. He is not eligible for re-election as he has served two consecutive years.
Nominations for NomCom Delegate from North America |
Nominated By |
Glenn McKnight |
Eduardo Diaz |
ALAC Board Liaison Position
The election process for the ALAC Board Liaison, who represents the ALAC and At-Large at the Board level has been slightly amended this year as specified by the Board Liaison Process 2009, which was adopted by the ALAC at their August 4th meeting. Each RALO is requested to forward a list of names of nominees that have been endorsed by the RALO. The ALAC will then vote on the list of candidates using the Instant Runoff Voting system, which means that they will rank each candidate, from most preferred to least preferred.
ALAC selection process
During its August 4 meeting, the ALAC adopted the following timetable for the Board Liaison election:
- RALO Nominations Open Until: 15th September
- Candidate Lists Published: 17th September
- Candidate Conference Call with Community: Between 18th - 20th September
- ALAC Election Period: 21st - 31st September
- Results Announced: 1st October
See also Board Liaison Process 2009 for a detailed overview of the process.
Requirements and Obligations:
Please click here for an overview on the general obligations and requirements for ALAC Liaison positions as specified by the organising instruments. Interested candidates may also want to review the Draft Position Description for ALAC Members and Liaisons which was prepared by ALAC member Alan Greenberg and is currently open for comments from the At-Large community and the Level of Commitment of Board Liaison as outlined in the Proposed Election Call Message for ALAC Board Liaison.
Received Nominations
Nominations for ALAC Board Liaisons |
Nominated By |
Region |
Date Nominee Accepted |
Evan Leibovitch |
16 Aug 2009 |
Evan Leibovitch |
18 August 2009 |
Wolf Ludwig |
Darlene Thompson |
Declined 20 Aug |
Carlton Samuels |
Darlene Thompson |
Withdrawn 28 Aug (see note) |
Seth Reiss |
18 August 2009 |
Note: Carlton Samuels' candidacy has been withdrawn, at his request, because of his appointment 28 August by the Nominating Committee as Latin American/Caribbean representative on ALAC.
I would like to nominate Darlene Thompson for the position of Secretariat
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-08-07 22:27:54 GMT
My name is spelt wrong in the Nominated By column
It should be McKnight
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-08-12 01:31:43 GMT
I have nominated some of our existing officers to alternative positions because I feel the organization, ALAC and NARALO could be strengthened by these same individuals filling different roles. I have nominated myself for the ALAC Board Liaison position (notwithstanding the impressive field) because I am most interested in serving this position. I hope to figure out how to link my qualifications to my name as it appears on this page in the not too distant future.
contributed by seth.reiss@lex-ip.com on 2009-08-19 06:36:24 GMT
Wow! Thanks for the vote of confidence Seth! Personally, I am not interested in the position as chair. I also think that since Gareth JUST started as ALAC and has been working really hard at bringing himself up to speed, he deserves a shot at the position.
Thanks, again, Seth!
contributed by dthompson@gov.nu.ca on 2009-08-20 16:48:24 GMT