AC Chat: 2018-09-04 GAC/ALAC Leadership Team Call
Gulten Tepe: (9/4/2018 20:28) Hello everyone, welcome to GAC and ALAC Leaderships Call being held on Tuesday, 4 September 2018 at 18.00UTC
Maureen Hilyard: (20:54) Hi Manal and all. I am on the phone bridge as well - connectivity issues at my end :(
Gulten Tepe: (20:55) Hello Maureen, thank you for notifying us
Heidi Ullrich: (21:00) Welcome, All.
Bastiaan Goslings: (21:01) hi everyone!
Gulten Tepe: (21:03) Hello Bastiann
Gulten Tepe: (21:04) We will be starting shortly, thank you everyone for your understanding
Evin Erdoğdu: (21:04) Hello all
Gulten Tepe: (21:05) Hi Evin
Evin Erdoğdu: (21:06) :)
Bartlett Morgan: (21:07) Hello everyone
Gulten Tepe: (21:07) Hello Bartlett
Tom Dale: (21:31) The CCT draft report does not address the fundamental issue being raised by Ana. It may be published by end September.
Tom Dale: (21:32) It in their wiki page.
Maureen Hilyard: (21:35) @Alan.. that's a good start to the ALAC list of questions for the Board :)
Alan Greenberg: (21:43) back
Robert Hoggarth: (21:50) thank you for the summary Alan. I will produce a follow-up action items list from this call and share a draft for confirmation.
Heidi Ullrich: (21:50) Thank you, Rob.
Maureen Hilyard: (21:52) Agree.. thanks to Ana and Yrjo and to Alan and Manal for this meeting
Bartlett Morgan: (21:52) bye all
Evin Erdoğdu: (21:52) Thank you all