AC Chat: 2017-05-17 GAC / ALAC Leadership Team Call
Gulten Tepe: (5/17/2017 14:04) Welcome to GAC and ALAC Leaderships Call being held on Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 12:00 UTC
Yrjö Länsipuro: (14:55) Hi Gulten, please enable the audio on Adebe Connect
Gulten Tepe: (14:57) Hi Yrjö, I was able to hear you through Adobe
Yrjö Länsipuro: (14:57) Thank you, Gulten. I have audio now
Gulten Tepe: (14:57) great, thank you Yrjö
Manal Ismail: (15:01) Hello everyone :) !!
Feng: (15:01) hello
Mark Carvell GAC Vice Chair: (15:03) Hello everyone. The bells of Westminster Abbey are chiming joyfully for midday in the background.
Tom Dale (ACIG GAC Secretariat): (15:04) When a man is tired of London he is tired of life (Dr Johnson)
Mark Carvell GAC Vice Chair: (15:05) I'm not tired but it is great to get away every now and then - as I will do next month!
Olof Nordling: (15:06) sounds nice Mark, poetic caption about the bells...
Mark Carvell GAC Vice Chair: (15:07) London is a modern Babylon (Disraeli)
Olof Nordling: (15:09) already during Disraeli's time?
Tom Dale (ACIG GAC Secretariat): (15:16) The paramaters of ACIG work are specified in a contract between ICANN and ACIG.
Mark Carvell GAC Vice Chair: (15:19) In summary: ACIG provides all our policy briefings. Olof the liaison with ICANN leadership. Julia and Gulten the meeting logistical and technical support.
Manal Ismail: (15:21) And the working groups support split among all ..
Olof Nordling: (15:25) Priority for communities was one recommendation piece of the Policy adopted by the Board
Olof Nordling: (15:28) The origin of "community" is Latin "communita", meaning the inhabitants of a defined geographical location ...just FYI
Manal Ismail: (15:29) Thanks Olof .. Nice to know :) ..
Yrjö Länsipuro: (15:34) I propose we keep this item on the agenda of our joint meetig in JNB, perhaps under a more general title related to the subsequent procedures
Manal Ismail: (15:35) +1 Yrjö ..
Heidi Ullrich: (15:39) Anspruch = claim
Manal Ismail: (15:39) +1 Thomas
Mark Carvell GAC Vice Chair: (15:40) If you set community-wide prioirties, that leads to more stregic approach tot he work - looking ahead over 3 or more meetings.
Mark Carvell GAC Vice Chair: (15:41) ...more strategic approach - in GNSO too. That is largely missing from the work planning.
Tom Dale (ACIG GAC Secretariat): (15:41) There is an argument, supporting Thomas, that ICANN (management rather than Board) is in effect abusing its volunteer base through uncoordinated and un-costed demands.
Tom Dale (ACIG GAC Secretariat): (15:43) A perspective we will look at developing further in briefing for GAC for relevant sessions at ICANN 59.
Manal Ismail: (15:49) Can merge this point with 4 and discuss both for the sake of time ..
Maureen Hilyard: (15:49) The capacity building in Fiji was an example of serving underserved regions
Olof Nordling: (15:50) the original frequency (from the first Bylaws) for each review was to do it every three years - was stretched to each five years a couple of years ago...
Maureen Hilyard: (15:50) especially for gaining much needed support from Pacific governments
Tom Dale (ACIG GAC Secretariat): (15:51) The GAC is looking at including comments on underserved regions/applicant support in its public comment on the CCT-RT Draft Report.
Holly Raiche: (15:52) Thanks Tom - we are also working on comments for the same report - be interested in what you have to say
Maureen Hilyard: (15:53) Aslo in the Subsequent Procedures Public Comment as well
Holly Raiche: (15:54) @Maureen - agree - it's an issue with many homes
Tom Dale (ACIG GAC Secretariat): (15:54) I assume comments will all arrive at the traditional one minute before the deadline - because there are very few there at present.
Mark Carvell GAC Vice Chair: (15:54) The GAC and ALC leads should get together. Finding effective remote particiaption solutions is possibly a shared goal.
Holly Raiche: (15:54) @ Tom - correct - why break with precedent!
Julia Charvolen: (15:55) @Alan, I can inform the USR WG Co-Chairs about your suggestion for a joint team
Maureen Hilyard: (15:55) @Mark - set up GAC/ALAC leads to work together on identified issues
Manal Ismail: (15:56) I think it would be useful to receive more information on this in Jo'burg !!
Holly Raiche: (15:56) Maybe we should be briefed by Dave - or maybe a joint Briefing?
Manal Ismail: (15:57) @Holly joint briefing sounds good too
Mark Carvell GAC Vice Chair: (15:58) IWF names gTLD and ccTLD registries where there is illegal child abuse content - ss there annual report.
Mark Carvell GAC Vice Chair: (15:58) ...see their annual report.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (16:01) in the UK restaurant health inspections are commonly available on the Web. Great service.
Mark Carvell GAC Vice Chair: (16:01) The bells have stopped but Big Ben is now striking authoritatively and I have to go to an internal meeting on security Thanks to Alan and colleagues for a very useful meeting. Goodbye until next time.
Gulten Tepe: (16:02) thank you Mark
Olof Nordling: (16:04) suggest we punt item 4 to the Jo'burg session as some of those that attended Fiji will be present - none is today...
Alan Greenberg: (16:05) Fine with me.
Maureen Hilyard: (16:06) Pacific Forum liaison a good idea
Holly Raiche: (16:06) Another item for APAC
Maureen Hilyard: (16:07) Thank you all
Manal Ismail: (16:07) Thanks everyone .. Bye ..