AC Chat: 2019-02-21 At-Large Leadership Team (ALT-PLUS) Monthly Call
Andrea Glandon: (2/21/2019 11:58) Welcome to the At-Large Leadership Team (ALT-PLUS) Monthly Call held on Thursday, 21 February 2019 at 19:00 UTC.
Andrea Glandon: (11:59) Wiki Agenda Page:
Evin Erdoğdu: (12:52) Hello all, welcome.
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (12:54) Hello everyone!
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (12:54) @Evin, please call me at +54 9 2235215819
Andrea Glandon: (12:55) We will dial out, Sergio, thank you!
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (12:55) Thanks @Andrea!
Andrea Glandon: (12:55) De nada!
Heidi Ullrich: (12:58) Welcome, All!
Heidi Ullrich: (12:58) 15 days to Kobe...
Andrea Glandon: (12:59) Welcome Jonathan Zuck to the audio
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:01) Evan and I had a desert and coffee at a cafe in Tokyo and it cost me $24 bucks a few years ago. I am bringing a small #2 Melita filter and coffee. small tins of spicey tuna etc
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:02) Marita and I have been discussing the travel medical insurance costs on trips
Filina Natalia: (13:05) hello, everyone!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:05) please unsync agenda
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:05) thanks
Andrea Glandon: (13:05) ICANN64 work space
Holly Raiche: (13:06) @ Gisella - cound you also send the link by Skype or email so it is on our cmputer/ipad etc and can refer back to - thanks
Heidi Ullrich: (13:07) @All, this link is on the ALAC Portal in the purple gateway section -
Holly Raiche: (13:08) Thanks Heidi
Maureen Hilyard: (13:08) The purple gateway section is my favourite part of the community wiki :)
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:10) I suggested that the Chairs and Secretariats meet one morning for an informal breakfast during the week
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:11) what was that noise
Heidi Ullrich: (13:11) @Glenn/G, I believe that the breakfast will be on Monday morning.
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:12) Looking for feedback on the Joint Atlarge flyer in the google doc to promote the event
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:12) Is is Joan - not JO-Anne
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:12) @olivier correct
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:13) :-)
Maureen Hilyard: (13:13) Yes I think that Joan is being confused with Joanna
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:13) Its a long story...
Gisella Gruber: (13:14) Thank you Olivier for correcting me!!
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:14) Sorry for my tardiness
Gisella Gruber: (13:14) Welcome John
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:14) Lots of gaps in the booth sign up
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:14)
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:16) Tues Regional Meeting session flyer is made. Any other feedback for edits, let me know
Andrea Glandon: (13:17) Jonathan Zuck had to leave the call
Andrea Glandon: (13:18) finding the line
Andrea Glandon: (13:19) One moment, the interpreter will speak
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (13:19) ME ESCUCHAM
Andrea Glandon: (13:20) Thank you, Sergio!
Judith Hellerstein: (13:20) Also Arin will not be there either
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (13:21) YES OLIVIER
Heidi Ullrich: (13:23) Should the RALO Chairs invite them?
Heidi Ullrich: (13:24) To confirm, the RALO Chairs should invite their RIRs and other regional reps to the Partnership meeting?
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:24) ARIN will not be in Japan
Andrea Glandon: (13:24) Welcome back to audio, Gisella!
Filina Natalia: (13:25) @Heidi, each RALO Chair already does it
Filina Natalia: (13:25) RIPE NCC will be in Kobe too
Heidi Ullrich: (13:26) Thanks, Filina.
Maureen Hilyard: (13:26) We don't have Weds programme up yet
Heidi Ullrich: (13:26) @RALO Chairs, please confirm to Maureen and staff who from your region is confirmed.
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (13:26) call dropped
Heidi Ullrich: (13:26) in an email.
A-Eduardo Diaz 2: (13:26) UNsynv doc please
Andrea Glandon: (13:27) Welcome back to audio, Daniel
Andrea Glandon: (13:27) Welcome Alan!
Filina Natalia: (13:28) @Heidi, you are welcome!
Holly Raiche: (13:30) Maybe we could have JJS thoughts anyway?
Heidi Ullrich: (13:32) @MH/YJ - who should cover the Joint ALAC/GAC item and the CB?
Judith Hellerstein: (13:32) @maureen and @heidi Arin will not be in Japan. Maureen had me do the intial correspondence and invitation and we have heard from the exec director of ARIN stating that they will not be in Kobe
Holly Raiche: (13:32) Could we have JJS's thoughts on Macron anyway?
Judith Hellerstein: (13:33) @eduardo please remember that Arin will not be in Kobe
Judith Hellerstein: (13:33) If plans change they will tell us
Holly Raiche: (13:36) @ Sebastien - would it be possible to schedule something on the Macron statement anyway ?
Yrjö Länsipuro: (13:37) JJS has written his thoughts on Macron speech and the text can be distributed
Holly Raiche: (13:38) @ Yrjo - is what JJS had to say about Macron available - i've only seen reports of the statement
Holly Raiche: (13:38) @ Yrjo - I"d love to see what JJS has said - so distribution would be great
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (13:39) effective capacity building for policy engagement
Yrjö Länsipuro: (13:40) I'll send JJS's analysis the staff for distribution
Maureen Hilyard: (13:42) Ive dropped as well
Holly Raiche: (13:42) Thanks Yrjo
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (13:42) I have to drop off the call
Andrea Glandon: (13:42) Thank you, Daniel
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (13:42) bye all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:42) Yes we can
Heidi Ullrich: (13:42) Questions page:
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:42) yes maureen
Holly Raiche: (13:43) Maybe recirculate an email on just that question?
Heidi Ullrich: (13:44) Topics would be ok for them
Heidi Ullrich: (13:45) However, we do need to provide them an indication of the topics to be discussed.
Andrea Glandon: (13:46) The operator is still trying to connect Maureen. They are having issues with the network.
Heidi Ullrich: (13:46) The questions to the Board have been submitted.
Heidi Ullrich: (13:46) However, I will follow up re the timeline for the suggestions.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:47) OKO I had heard thatthe input /feedback deadline was a hard one in the GNSO call ealrier today (perhaps ALAC is to be treated differently)
Andrea Glandon: (13:48) It doesn't look like Glenn has his mic connected
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:48) i am here now
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:48) mic is now connected
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:48) unmuted
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:48) Yes @Heidi I was refering to the responses from the ALAC not the questions to the Board
Andrea Glandon: (13:48) thank you, Glenn
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:49) hand up
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:49) Glenn: I'm happy to volunteer in my "copious" "free" time in Kobe.
Heidi Ullrich: (13:50) Booth sign up:
A-Eduardo Diaz 2: (13:51) Flashing glasees
Sebastien: (13:51) Kimono
Maureen Hilyard: (13:52) Will we have all the large banners up behind the booth, so that people can get their photos taken in a kimono in front of their RALO banner??
Heidi Ullrich: (13:52) The Social Media WG will also be holding a daily contest for SM posts. Prizes will be announced at the booth.
Holly Raiche: (13:53) I'm happy to help out at the booth
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:53) I did create a mailcard for the events to prmote
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:54) if any one has some dress up stuff for the booth
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:54) tv with laptop pics
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:54) Booth will have brochures, pins, food/candy stuff
Heidi Ullrich: (13:55) We also have ICANN pens.
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:55) In comparison to the ICANN and NCUC booths at IGF was evident
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:55) our booth was very good
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:55) Need banners too
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:56) Any Japanese stuff
Heidi Ullrich: (13:56) We will have banners and the new mini-banners
Andrea Glandon: (13:56) Recently ratified
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (13:57) Im dropped
Andrea Glandon: (13:57) We will dial back, Sergio
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (14:04) It's the unofficial channel: Tatiana and me
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (14:05) thanks @Andrea
Holly Raiche: (14:05) Thanks John
Andrea Glandon: (14:05) You're welcome, Sergio!
Holly Raiche: (14:06) @ OCL - you're not wrong about the 'dialogue' on the list!
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:07) I have not seen this dialogue , for example?
Holly Raiche: (14:07) @ Glenn - the dialogue is confined to those on the EPDP
Heidi Ullrich: (14:07) @Yjro, who will replace Ana in Kobe?
Evin Erdoğdu: (14:08) Reminder - please register for ICANN64 Prep Week webinars by this Friday, 22 February via the form here: The Policy Webinar will take place on 28 February @ 16:00 UTC.
Alan Greenberg: (14:11) Hope I can speak soon. Need to leave.
Holly Raiche: (14:11) Maybe in Kobe, everyone on the E
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:11) ok understood. Thanks. That's clear.
Holly Raiche: (14:11) to finish my statement - maybe in Kobe, everyione - face to face, will continue to dialogue!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:12) So the motion on phase 2 was not even touched on. OK. Understood. A separate motion.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:12) I thought it was one motion for all of it.
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (14:13) can't roll eyes hard enough
Judith Hellerstein: (14:13) We all know where he stands
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:14) That is the belief held by some Alan :-(
Holly Raiche: (14:14) Agree with John - eyes REALLY rolling
Andrea Glandon: (14:15) Wiki Agenda Page for next ALAC Monthly Meeting
Holly Raiche: (14:15) The AGenda on this page says 26 MARCH
Judith Hellerstein: (14:16) Ayden Férdeline has been on the anti-at large perch for a long time so it is nothing new . he has been bashing at large for years
Andrea Glandon: (14:16) @Holly it
Andrea Glandon: (14:17) sIt's been updated on the wiki page
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:18) CPWG is a great success
Judith Hellerstein: (14:18) Yes, it has bee a success
Evin Erdoğdu: (14:21) Thank you all!
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (14:21) bye