WebEx Chat: 2018-05-17 ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Monthly Call

WebEx Chat: 2018-05-17 ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Monthly Call

05/17/2018    12:51:52 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Hello all

05/17/2018    13:06:58 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:


05/17/2018    13:07:09 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Action Items: 2018-04-23 ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Monthly Call

05/17/2018    13:07:57 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            **FINALLY** got into WebEx *SIGH*

05/17/2018    13:08:49 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            Note Seun in Skype his dial out dropped

05/17/2018    13:09:01 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:


05/17/2018    13:09:15 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:

            I alos support the statement as is. Right to the point

05/17/2018    13:09:19 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:


05/17/2018    13:10:19 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            CSC Charter comment wikispace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/3XAeBg

05/17/2018    13:10:29 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:

            pretty much

05/17/2018    13:10:57 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            I haven't had a chance to look through the docs although I did note there was nothing on the page

05/17/2018    13:11:44 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            IPC/BC Accreditation & Access Model for Non-Public Data: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/p3EeBg

05/17/2018    13:11:51 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            v1.5 is posted

05/17/2018    13:15:05 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            Collaboration and interaction with the RZ operators  is very important

05/17/2018    13:15:37 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            and yes there are a few "grumpy" operators but that is nothing new

05/17/2018    13:16:03 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            I confess to my ignorance about this area

05/17/2018    13:16:14 PM    from Evin Erdoğdu to All Participants:

            Thanks Alan and Seun, I will assign you as penholders, and if others are interested please let Staff know.

05/17/2018    13:16:44 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            these last 2 are only just out but we should make comment

05/17/2018    13:17:47 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            I think they are impudent

05/17/2018    13:19:52 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            It effects the Bylaws and there is good reason to comment on both

05/17/2018    13:20:46 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            Barrack and I can comment on the reasons for the delay the ccNSO review

05/17/2018    13:22:24 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            Exactly they are VASTLY different

05/17/2018    13:22:39 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            the Specific Reviews should be inviolate!

05/17/2018    13:23:05 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            the Org Reviews are another matter all together

05/17/2018    13:24:13 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            +1 Alan.. consultation lacking

05/17/2018    13:24:35 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            It looks as if MSSI is now  more important than bylaws and thr EC

05/17/2018    13:24:57 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            nothing for me we have a GNSO Call planned for next week though

05/17/2018    13:25:06 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            For ccNSO report i on the wiki

05/17/2018    13:25:13 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:


05/17/2018    13:26:30 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            Geo names and gdpr are relevant for the two ACs

05/17/2018    13:32:00 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            Would be useful for you to read their comments to the Draft Review ...

05/17/2018    13:32:41 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            INdeed the Board is yet an *unknown* but I am aware of issues being raised from them (individually)

05/17/2018    13:32:47 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            on their views of what ALAC/At-Large activities  should be...

05/17/2018    13:34:18 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            I am SO not reay to be heading to Panama so soon, SO much to do in other things like SubPro

05/17/2018    13:34:21 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Thank you

05/17/2018    13:34:45 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            I am finally "all good"  after a stupid amount of effort

05/17/2018    13:40:10 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            bri g your DEET cream

05/17/2018    13:40:59 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            And ZIKA carrying mosquitos

05/17/2018    13:41:21 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            Not sure the mosquitoes care about the architecture

05/17/2018    13:41:28 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            LOL :)

05/17/2018    13:41:31 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            We will confirm all BBQ details ahead of time ... nothing has been confirmed

05/17/2018    13:42:25 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            Is this schedule available for us to use yet, Gisella? Can we get a copy

05/17/2018    13:43:08 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            @ Maureen - I will share with all

05/17/2018    13:43:31 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:


05/17/2018    13:43:48 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            He is on a train Alan so that might cause a delay in Wevex

05/17/2018    13:44:08 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            We can scroll AG

05/17/2018    13:44:38 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:

            in case scrolling is a problem, try the wiki link: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacexcomm/pages/106053076/2018-05-17+ALAC+Leadership+Team+ALT+Monthly+Call

05/17/2018    13:50:29 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            It does and there is conflicts unavoidable though

05/17/2018    13:51:04 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            and if it is council on Wed I will of course be with them(one assumes)

05/17/2018    13:51:14 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:


05/17/2018    13:51:24 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            'tis what it 'tis

05/17/2018    14:01:09 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            An opportunity was offered to one of our leadership team but he adamantly refused. If people aren't prepared to step up we also have to address

05/17/2018    14:01:35 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:

            this could be an appropriate place for criticisms about the Fellowship programme

05/17/2018    14:02:00 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            it requires encouragement

05/17/2018    14:02:01 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            Definitely something we could add to our list of topics Bartlett

05/17/2018    14:03:31 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            It was a good email Alan, covered all bases

05/17/2018    14:04:23 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            I agree

05/17/2018    14:04:36 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            Perhaps review the title for the public Agenda

05/17/2018    14:06:16 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            Is Jonathan not already the co-Chair of the Consolidated Policy Group - can he not have this as a responsibility of this role

05/17/2018    14:06:39 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:

            I really just wanted clarification of your explanation of the Tzar role - is it to craft a strategy for policy work or is it to lead the polcy work itself?

05/17/2018    14:07:50 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            I would see it as a bit of both.. and I think we should be shifting people towards the Consolidated Policy Group to get more input but also a bit of knowledge building a well

05/17/2018    14:09:18 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            Process for Policy input (fresh thinking - options)  as oppossed to creating the Policy per se

05/17/2018    14:09:41 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            My thinking too Cheryl

05/17/2018    14:10:08 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            With our Mandate we *Have to do better*

05/17/2018    14:10:08 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            Jonathan would be perfect for this role

05/17/2018    14:10:23 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            with Olivier alongside to get more people engaged

05/17/2018    14:10:50 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            And of course the Consolidated Policy Group

05/17/2018    14:10:57 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:

            i was done

05/17/2018    14:10:59 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:


05/17/2018    14:11:00 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

             I do agree with Heidi on timing

05/17/2018    14:11:17 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            NARALO being what it is

05/17/2018    14:11:49 PM    from Maureen Hilyard to All Participants:

            I agree with Heidi too

05/17/2018    14:13:15 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            ************in camera session*****************

05/17/2018    14:45:42 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            **********end of in camera session************

05/17/2018    14:46:51 PM    from Cheryl Langdon-Orr to All Participants:

            Thanks everyone, bye for now then...  Good Call Alan...

05/17/2018    14:46:58 PM    from Bartlett Morgan to All Participants:

            bye bye

05/17/2018    14:47:06 PM    from Barrack Otieno to All Participants:

            Bye everyone

05/17/2018    14:47:37 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Thank you all