ALT 2015.08.31 AC Chat
Gisella Gruber:ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Mid-Monthly Meeting Monday 31 August 2015 at 20:00 UTC
Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
Holly Raiche:It's a lovely early morning!
Maureen Hilyard:Morning all 8am for me..
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All
Holly Raiche:Could we go to the policy page
Gisella Gruber:@ All - this PDF was done prior to this change - apology
Leon Sanchez:something's wrong with audio
Maureen Hilyard:you're all underwater..
Holly Raiche:Then letr's ask for them to monitor it
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:+1
Heidi Ullrich:Acaemics ae included in the CS Engagement Plan
Holly Raiche:I do think the term consumer is better - and more precise - than user
Leon Sanchez:I wouldn't die on a ditch on that
Holly Raiche:Civil society is much better than user - but does miss the individuals who are not necessarily represented in civil society but then are not commercial
Heidi Ullrich:Fair trade associations are considered to be civil society types of organizations
Heidi Ullrich:and they are businesses...
Maureen Hilyard:@ Holly.. I think I go more along your viewpoint
Holly Raiche:Lots are ISOC chapters and fit in to civil society
Leon Sanchez:I am not very familiar to individual as ALS but could that be the case of a for profit ALS?
Leon Sanchez:I would disagree that civil society is only non for profit
Holly Raiche:That's why I use the term consumer - ACCAN (the group CLO mentioned) - is a peak consumer group
Leon Sanchez:I would think that civil society has a broader range of members than those in the not for profit sector
Holly Raiche:@ Leon - agree - probably include academia as well
Heidi Ullrich:I used to work for Consumers International and they considered all organizations who were members as part of civil society.
Leon Sanchez:indeed Heidi
Leon Sanchez:right Holly
Leon Sanchez:and then we set ICANN on fire
Maureen Hilyard:If we tried to list & define all the different types of users/consumers/civil society, we'd could go on for ages
Holly Raiche:If we talk about user at least use end user (still to genral, but OCL is right - we are supposed to represent Internet end users
Holly Raiche:@ Maureen - all too true -
Maureen Hilyard:But trying to generalise is a real problem too
Heidi Ullrich:Would the ALT support the production of a venn diagram of the various ICANN groups and how they fit into CS?
Heidi Ullrich:The GSE/Policy teamleaders will be discussing CS during our meeting in Istanbul this week. I can ask for such a venn diagream
Leon Sanchez:That, I agree on, naming users and civil society won't harm anyone
Leon Sanchez:the most that can happen is that we are labeled as obsesive but other than that I see no harm
Holly Raiche:No CLO - there are LOTS of interest parties - with many divergent interests - better civil society and end users
Holly Raiche:Rinalia send the info on the call he is talking about
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:A 3 hours call on Wednesday!
Alan Greenberg:When on Wed? Not on my agenda!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Rinalia has sent an email with both calls
Leon Sanchez:Wednesday 22 UTC
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I'll send you calendar invites
Alan Greenberg:CCWG-Board meeting overlaps with LACRALO candidate meeting
Julie Hammer:Gisella, are you sending to everyone please?
Gisella Gruber:@ Julie - yes sending to all
Julie Hammer:Thanks... :-)
Holly Raiche:Friday is ( I'm prety sure) an all day F2F with the privacy/proxy WG
Gisella Gruber:Thank you Holly
Holly Raiche:@Gisella - will confirm to you
Holly Raiche:When I said Friday I mean the 16th
Maureen Hilyard:Is there a workspace for the strategy sessions for jotting down ideas?
Maureen Hilyard:ccNSO were going to select their Leadership participants today.
Holly Raiche:Agree with Tijani - if we don't have someone with the knowledge we don't comment
Holly Raiche:I have a pretty hard stop at the end of this half hour
Maureen Hilyard:Comments/support from within the RALOs of the scripts also important
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:This sall smelled like politics to me.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and LGRs appear to be pretty political for reasons that evade my understanding
Holly Raiche:Fune by me. And a suggestion send an email to WG chairs saying just that
Holly Raiche:(sorry - Fine by me)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:new ALAC people = new opportunities for them to be WG Chairs too
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:should we look for suitable candidates & ask them?
Julie Hammer:Thanks, Alan. Bye.
Ariel Liang:thanks all bye
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all bye
Maureen Hilyard:Bye all