ALT 2015.08.12 AC Chat
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Mid-Monthly Meeting on Wednesday, 12 August 2015 at 20:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Glenn McKnight:Muted
Heidi Ullrich:HI All!
Heidi Ullrich:Noted
Terri Agnew:At-Large Policy Development Page:
Terri Agnew:Welcome Leon Sanchez
Leon Sanchez:Thanks Terri
Leon Sanchez:Apologies for arriving late
Ariel Liang:Armenian LGR PC:
Holly Raiche:And add Lliana? (sp?)
Cheryl LangdonOrr:good plan Alan
Cheryl LangdonOrr:the latter being probably the best
Holly Raiche:Sorry - so do it correctly - that said, there are more Armenians - Alan - do it politely
Maureen Hilyard:Yes the three Armenian members belong to different ALS groups
Ariel Liang:PC on Data and Metrics:
Cheryl LangdonOrr:exactly Maureen we need to be deliberately inclusive. especially as a they are now becoming so active in the Internet ecosystem.
Cheryl LangdonOrr:that was re Armenia. not GNSO :-)
Maureen Hilyard:@Ariel.. where does one put comments on this workspace page?
Ariel Liang:@Maureen - I just private messaged you
Ariel Liang:ICG Proposal:
Cheryl LangdonOrr:indeed oCL
Leon Sanchez:IMO the IPR issue is a non-issue at all
Ariel Liang:Bylaw amendments:
Cheryl LangdonOrr:yup same old stuff but important to. keep front and centre Alan
Ariel Liang:CCWG Accountability 2nd Draft Report:
Julie Hammer:Note closes 12 September, not 12 August as per agenda.
Ariel Liang:noted
Cheryl LangdonOrr:yes very shortly
Ariel Liang:Next Gen gTLD registration services:
Ariel Liang:.Sharp:
Ariel Liang:Maureen's comment is on the wiki space of the Data & Metrics for Policy Making:
Terri Agnew:At-Large Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability 2nd Draft Report (Work Stream 1) Workspace:
Terri Agnew:At-Large ICANN Civil Society Engagement in Fiscal Year 2016 Workspace:
Silvia Vivanco:See: AFRALO has also posted an event today
Alan Greenberg:I am adding an short item under AOB on Dublin meeting planning.
Heidi Ullrich:@Tijani, I encourage you to prepare it. I'm happy to take a look at it first
Heidi Ullrich:Alan, you are talking about the CROPP rather than this CS engagement plan, correct?
Cheryl LangdonOrr:Heidi Heidi c an you ensure that the APrIGF in Taiwan for 2016 is added to the outreach plan doc / it /will beJulo
Heidi Ullrich:@CLO - Yes
Cheryl LangdonOrr:y 2016 and as usual therefore won't get Regional CROPP supports
Heidi Ullrich:@All, please note that the CROPP needs RALO strategies (i.e., goals and deliverables for RALO outreach/engagement) The CROPP funding is simply a tool to help the RALOs with their goals
Heidi Ullrich:Regarding the Civil Society engagement Strategy - it is open for comment until 4 Sept
Heidi Ullrich:However, the identificiation of regional activitites attached to this doc is for possible activities that GSE/Policy might collaborate with ALSes, etc
Cheryl LangdonOrr:Indeed. OCL. we have some aspects of CS. but we are inclusive on not exclusive to
Terri Agnew:ALS Criteria & Expectations taskforce:
Holly Raiche:Absolutely agree - users and civil society are not the same thing. Users is a much broader term and encompasses civil society issues
Julie Hammer:Any time that is not between 2400 and 0500 for me is pain free!!
Cheryl LangdonOrr:soon true Julie
Maureen Hilyard:Is that Australian time Julie?
Julie Hammer:Yes!
Cheryl LangdonOrr:yes
Holly Raiche:Agree with Julie - and for us - 0600 is just fine, or even 0500
Cheryl LangdonOrr: so 1400 to 1900 UTC
Maureen Hilyard:@Cheryl -That suits me
Heidi Ullrich:However, the CS Engagement plan does need to know the activities in your region that possiblie side events might be organized
Cheryl LangdonOrr:happy to help Alan and I will ensure my flights work to make me available
Cheryl LangdonOrr:team building is essential
Holly Raiche:On the Friday 16 Oct, I'll be in a F2F with the PPSAI
Cheryl LangdonOrr:but so is strategies development
Cheryl LangdonOrr:not that Friday Holly the final one
Julie Hammer:Is this Friday 16th or Friday 23rd? I don't arrive till midday Friday 16th.
Heidi Ullrich:Development Session Workspace:
Heidi Ullrich:23rd, Julie
Julie Hammer:Great! Thanks!!
Heidi Ullrich:@Julie, please ensure you departure date is the 24th
Julie Hammer:Yes, it is!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Can we have a cooking class for Team building?
Terri Agnew:Next ALAC call 25 August 2015 at 19:00 UTC:
Cheryl LangdonOrr:that was ummm hummm
Leon Sanchez:I'm definitely in for cooking class
Cheryl LangdonOrr:however tasty and a good alternate to just a dinner out
Cheryl LangdonOrr:bye
Terri Agnew:**in camera**
Terri Agnew:**Out of camera**
Cheryl LangdonOrr:goodbye again... thanks everyone....
Julie Hammer:Bye everyone!
Ariel Liang:thanks all bye
Maureen Hilyard:Thanks Alan and bye all