2021-02-18 APRALO Monthly Teleconference
Date: Thursday, 18 February 2021
Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)
How do I participate in this meeting?
English Conference ID = 1638
Chinese Conference ID = 2038
Zoom room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/91410414731?pwd=azQrb3AxQnlPWW1yNTNFa3g4RElsdz09 / Password: APRA-Feb21
Action Items: EN
Transcript: EN, ZH
Chat: EN
EN:Satish Babu, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Gopal Tadepalli, Amrita Choudhury, Lianna Galstyan, Ali AlMeshal, Gunela Astbrink, Syuzan Marukhyan, Maureen Hilyard, Jaewon Son, Dr. Govind, Aris Ignacio, Suhaidi Hassan, Shah Rahman, Eranga Samararathna, Priyatosh Jana, Nadira Al-Araj, Justine Chew, Abdulrahman Abotaleb, Katarina Gevorgyan, Laxmi Prasad Yadav, Namrata Khetrapal, Nikhil Pahwa, Prateek Pathak, Sibtain Zaheer, Jahangir Hossain, Nabila Nazari, Ankur Raheja, Bikram Shrestha
Apologies: Holly Raiche, Shreedeep Rayamajhi
Staff:Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, Sabrina Lim, Seher Sağıroğlu, Yeşim Nazlar
ZH Interpreters: Sandy & Ray
Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar
1. Roll call - Staff (2 min)
2. Welcome and APRALO Membership Matters (Satish, 3 min)
Newly Certified (0) | None | None |
Pending ALAC Vote (0) | None | None |
Awaiting RALO Feedback (0) | None | None |
Processing Due Diligence (2) | #315 Cyber Jagrithi and Safety Foundation (awaiting feedback from applicant) | İdil Kula |
On Hold (3) | #299/308 China Internet Development Foundation - APRALO (Withdrawn and reapplied under new structure) #267 Surabhi Softwares #112 Arab Regional ISPs & DSPs Association (ARISPA) - APRALO | None |
3. ALAC Policy Update - Justine (10 min)
Draft FY22-26 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY22 Operating Plan & Budget
Upcoming Public Comment Proceedings
EPDP Phase 2 Policy Recommendations for Board Consideration
Public Comment Name | Public Comment Close | Status | Assigned Working Group | Penholder(s) |
TBD | COMMENT | CPWG | Drafting team member(s): | |
Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Final Report |
| TBC | CPWG |
4. ALAC Updates and ICANN70 (Maureen, 10 min)
5. Guest Presentation: "End-user Implications of the Privacy Policy Changes of WhatsApp", by Mr. Nikhil Pahwa (Bio available here), MediaNama (13 min)
6. APRALO Mentorship Program Proposal (Ali AlMeshal, 10 min)
7. NomCom Update (Amrita, 10 min)
8. AOB (Satish, 2 min)
- Next APRALO call: Thursday 18 March 2021 at 06:00 UTC