APRALO 29-11-2011 Action items

APRALO 29-11-2011 Action items

Action Items.

1)   APRALO brochure to be translated to Chinese and Arabic and staff will have updates about that in the next call.

2)   About the Webinar on WHOIS report, staff again to provide update and schedule a call with APRALO executives.

3)   Cheryl to provide the link for the new registrants rights issue.

4)   Regarding JIG single character issue, WIKI has been done and APRALO statement sent to ALS’es to see if anyone has any input or changes they would like to make there.

5)   Holly to have something ready about the Thick WHOIS issue by the next call.

6)   Staff to send Work Continues to Increase Developing Economies Participation in the New gTLD Program (JAS) statement to the whole ICANN community to see if there is any comment or input.

7)   APRALO Executives to send to whole APRALO region the link for improvement project taskforce.  https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/atlarge/At-Large+Improvements+Project+Taskforce+Workspace