AC Chat: 2018-11-07 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference
Claudia Ruiz: (11/7/2018 09:37) Welcome to the AFRALO Monthly Teleconference Call on Wednesday, 7 November 2018 18:30 UTC
Claudia Ruiz: (09:37)
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:15) So how can I have adobe in English ?
Claudia Ruiz: (10:16) Unfortunately no, you can dial in on the EN channel or we can have the operator dial out to you if you give me your number
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:16) +201000049068
Claudia Ruiz: (10:18) Friendly reminder that AC will be in FR, if you need a dial out please let me know, thank you.
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:18) Yes please I need dial out
Claudia Ruiz: (10:20) @Abdalmonem the operator will dial out to you, thank you
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:20) @Claudia Thanks
Tom Barrett - EnCirca: (10:25) hi all!
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:25) @Tom, Hi
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:25) Hi everyone
Keita Moussa: (10:26) hi aol
Keita Moussa: (10:26) hi all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:26) No dial out possible still no landline
Claudia Ruiz: (10:26) Oh dear, skype perhaps?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:27) Guess so :-(
Silvia Vivanco: (10:27) Hello all
Montresor KONAN: (10:28) hello all
Aziz HILALI: (10:32) Hello evryone
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:33) Hi Aziz,
Sarah Kiden: (10:35) Hello all, bonjour!
Katambi Joan: (10:35) hello all
Aziz HILALI: (10:35) Welcome Cheryl
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:35) Hey Sarah :=)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:36) Thanks Aziz
Sarah Kiden: (10:36) Hey Cheryl. Welcome to our call!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:36) always a pleasure :-)
BIAOU Ramanou: (10:36) Hi all
Silvia Vivanco: (10:37) staff are completing dial outs and waiting for some members to join
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:38) No dial out for me till the moment
Claudia Ruiz: (10:39) I will let the operator know
Sarah Kiden: (10:40) I think my dial-out may not work :-(. Do we have an option to call in? My French is still minimal
Mohamed El Bashir: (10:40) Hello everyone
Mohamed El Bashir: (10:40) my apology had connection issues delayed my joining
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:40) @Sarah same here but i do not know Frensh at all
Ejikeme Egbuogu: (10:42) hello all
Ejikeme Egbuogu: (10:42) all I hear is french
Claudia Ruiz: (10:42) Ejikeme will you like a dial out?
Silvia Vivanco: (10:42) Ejikeme the AC room is set up in French
Sarah Kiden: (10:42) @Claudia, can I dial-in?
Tom Barrett - EnCirca: (10:43) fyi. I'm not staff but from the NomCom Review
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:44) Tom and Lars
Ejikeme Egbuogu: (10:44) @silvia I guess am not invited then?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:44) Lars or Tom can run the slides
Sarah Kiden: (10:44) @Ejikeme you can provide your name for staff to dial-out to you
Sarah Kiden: (10:44) You are invited
Silvia Vivanco: (10:45) there is a telephone bride in English
Mohamed El Bashir: (10:45) Thanks for updating AfRALO @cheryl & @Tom
Silvia Vivanco: (10:45) staff can dial out
Ejikeme Egbuogu: (10:45) @sarah the dial out doesn't work for me, it keeps cutting off that's why I use adobe on my phone
Barrack Otieno: (10:45) Hi everyone
Aziz HILALI: (10:45) Can we cut the line in which there is noise
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:45) Could you dial out my number +201000049068
Aziz HILALI: (10:46) in french canal
Claudia Ruiz: (10:46) @Aziz the operator will mute
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:47) @Claudia, please let me know if there is no dial out !!
Hadia Elminiawi: (10:47) welcome galila
Angie Graves: (10:47) scorecards - Work Progress page
Angie Graves: (10:47)
Claudia Ruiz: (10:47) I have, she is not having any luck, do you have another number?
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:47) @Eng. Hadia, so pleased to be part of this
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:48) @Claudia, no it is my mobile number
Hadia Elminiawi: (10:48) great you joined
Angie Graves: (10:48) link to NomCom IPT slide deck for AFRALO
Angie Graves: (10:49) Link to NomCom Review IPT wiki:
Angie Graves: (10:49)
Mohamed El Bashir: (10:49) Thanks @abdalmonem Galila for joining your first AfRALO call
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:49) @MOhamed, my pleasure
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:49) But no dial out for me till the moment
Sarah Kiden: (10:51) @Staff, please dial out to Katambi Joan
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:51) @Sarah , same her please +201000049068
Hadia Elminiawi: (10:53) Thank you Tom
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:54) Those of you who worked with the recent ALAC Review will note where we are up to in this Review Process in terms of a Fesability Report for the OEC to Consider
Tom Barrett - EnCirca: (10:54) Cheryl and I are happy to answer any questions you have
Hadia Elminiawi: (10:54) aziz we can't hear you
Silvia Vivanco: (10:54) Aziz the interpreter in FR could not hear you
Sarah Kiden: (10:55) @Joan + Galila, I have requested Staff
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:55) @Sarah, Thanks a lot
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:55) We do indeed have recommendations that should better and more effectivly outreach to Regions (including AF) in the futre if implemented
Claudia Ruiz: (10:56) @Abdalmonem- I apologize for the delay, the operator is still trying
Mohamed El Bashir: (10:57) Thats will be great, regional recuriment agencies/entities will be useful to help in reach out to potenial canadiates
Angie Graves: (10:57) Recommendation #19 - recruiting
Angie Graves: (10:57) Recommendation #24 - standing body
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:57) and not limited to y0ur Region Mohamed ;-)
Barrack Otieno: (10:58) Good proposals CLO
Angie Graves: (10:59) Organizational Reviews handbook offers a general timeline: and all process steps
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (10:59) @Claudio, Thanks I am online now
Claudia Ruiz: (10:59) @Abdalmonem- great! thank you
Yaovi Atohoun: (10:59) Hello everyone
Barrack Otieno: (11:00) Hi Yaovi welcome
Yaovi Atohoun: (11:01) @Barrack: thank you
Lars Hoffmann: (11:02) thank you, everyone.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:02) Thanks Mohamed
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:03) Thanks Tom, Lars & Cheryl, Appreciated
Tom Barrett - EnCirca: (11:04) @aziz in response to your other question: there is a recommendation that refers to "rebalancing the NomCom". But "no change" is a possible outcome.
Tom Barrett - EnCirca: (11:04) thanks all. signing off
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:04) leaving your call now, happy to respond to any follow up, and will speak to some of ypu in the ALAC Call in the coming few hours... Bye for now
Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa): (11:05) Hi all @Staff pls i will like to connected back on the English channel. Thanks
Barrack Otieno: (11:05) Many thanks CLO and Tom bye
Silvia Vivanco: (11:05) Thank you Cheryl
Claudia Ruiz: (11:05) Welcome Aziz to the call
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:06) Unfortunately @Aziz we finished the Nomcom review update item
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:06) will give you a chance on AOB agenda item for an update ( if you need )
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:07) Hadia, then Paster-Peters
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:08) Yes, its a good approach @Paster-Peters
Claudia Ruiz: (11:09) Welcome Omar Shuran
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:09) Welcome @Omar Shuran
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:09) if i can try again
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:09) @Hadia : Are you ready to provide your ALAC, Update
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:09) sure
Claudia Ruiz: (11:10) @Hadia, you were on mute, you should be good to speak now
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:10) yes i was speaking but you could not hear me
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:10) i could try again
Claudia Ruiz: (11:10) Friendly reminder to please unmute your lines when speaking
Heidi Ullrich: (11:13) @Hadia, you are on both the AC and the phone bridge. Please mute your AC and unmute your phone
Silvia Vivanco: (11:13)
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:13) Sorry @Hadia, its frustrating to have to many disconnects on your side
Heidi Ullrich: (11:13) then you should be able to speak
Silvia Vivanco: (11:13) AFRALO Hot topics wiki page above
Silvia Vivanco: (11:14)
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:14) if we have time i can try again through the dial out
Omar Shuran: (11:14) Hello everyone
Silvia Vivanco: (11:15) AFRALO-AFRICANN meeting recordings are posted already:
Silvia Vivanco: (11:15) The Adobe connect video is posted as well
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:16) @mohamed I could try again to give a quick update on the EPDP if there is time
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:16) +1 tijani
Silvia Vivanco: (11:17) @ Tijani, we shall forward the statement to the WT3 Subsequent procedures as you have requested
Silvia Vivanco: (11:17) thank you!
Omar Shuran: (11:18) sorry .. iam having connectivity issues .. iam not able to finish the meeting
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:18) 1) Tijani 2) Aziz 3) Sarah
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:18) 4)Baiou Ramanou
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:18) 5) Abdelmonem Galila
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:19) 6) Hadia
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:20) aziz we can't hear you
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:20) Please be breif so all can have a chance to speak
Silvia Vivanco: (11:21) @ speakers please unmute your lines
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:21) hello
Silvia Vivanco: (11:21) if you wish to speak
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:21) Sorry @Aziz, will check again hopefully your connection will be better
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:22) Aziz i will give another chance, you will be umuted after Baiou
Aziz HILALI: (11:22) I think it's ok now
Sarah Kiden: (11:22) Great stuff @ISOC Benin and all ALSes
Claudia Ruiz: (11:23) @ Aziz- you are good to go, thank you
Silvia Vivanco: (11:25) @ Aziz and Tijani, we will stay tuned for any social media posts on your events so it can be promoted via At-Large social media as well
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:25) we can't hear you
BAKARY KOUYATE: (11:25) Salut j'ai des petits problème de connexion mais je me débrouiller
Sarah Kiden: (11:26) Welcome to Adbalmonem, one of our newest individual members!
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:26) I can't hear gallila
Silvia Vivanco: (11:26) Welcome Adbalmonem
Claudia Ruiz: (11:26) @ Galila
Sarah Kiden: (11:26) Can't hear him too
Keita Moussa: (11:27) I can t hear
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (11:27) @Silvia, Thanks my dear
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:27) Sorry @abdelmonem, we can't hear you
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (11:27) @Ohh sorry, there is something not correct
Abdalmonem Galila ( Egypt ): (11:27) @Hadia, can not hear you
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:27) are you using AC or phone line ( Dialout ) ?
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:27) i lost the connection
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:28) i was cutt off
Claudia Ruiz: (11:28) Hadia dropped
Sarah Kiden: (11:28) Me, please
Sarah Kiden: (11:28) :-)
Claudia Ruiz: (11:28) we are dialing her again
Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa): (11:28) @Gisella pls i need to follow. let me have a Dial-out again on the English channel. Thanks
Sarah Kiden: (11:28) I haven't given my update
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:28) AFRALO Discretionary ALS Activities Funding
Silvia Vivanco: (11:28)
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:29)
Silvia Vivanco: (11:29) RALO discretionary funds wiki above
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:29) actually I had a poker ad popping up before i was disconnected !!!
Heidi Ullrich: (11:30) @Hadia, Adigo is looking into the technical issue you are having.
Heidi Ullrich: (11:30) Many apologies for the ongoing issues.
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:30) I am back again
Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa): (11:32) @Gisella, i need to follow. Pls put me on the English channel. Thanks
Sarah Kiden: (11:32) Noted @Pastor Peters!
Gabriel BOMBAMBO: (11:33) 4 000 USD is annual for all ALSes by RALO ?
Claudia Ruiz: (11:33) @Nkem we will dial out to you
Sarah Kiden: (11:33) @Gabriel, yes, for all ALSes
Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa): (11:34) Thanks Claudia
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:34)
Ore Lesi: (11:35) Unfortunately, I can't hear a word..
Silvia Vivanco: (11:35) @ Mohamed we will prepare the vote as requested
Yaovi Atohoun: (11:36) Save the date: Our monthly webinar for the community is scheduled for Oct 15 at 01:00 PM UTC. More details will follow on the AFRICANN mailing list.
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:36) Thanks @Silvia
Sarah Kiden: (11:36) @Ore, please provide your number for Staff to dial out to you
Ore Lesi: (11:37) @Claudia, can I get another call back?
Ore Lesi: (11:37) Okay, thanks, Sarah.
Gabriel BOMBAMBO: (11:37) @13 GMT ?
Gabriel BOMBAMBO: (11:38) @Yaovi 13 GMT ?
Heidi Ullrich: (11:38) @All, please also attend the weekly CPWG calls to keep up on At-Large policy
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:39) i'll do that
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:39) thanks
Heidi Ullrich: (11:39) See CPWG workspace at:
Sarah Kiden: (11:41) Welcome to our new members: Ore Lesi, Galila and Chenai!
Barrack Otieno: (11:41) Welcome
Ore Lesi: (11:42) Thank you, Sarah! Very glad to be part of AFRALO!
Heidi Ullrich: (11:42) To all those going to the IGF, please sign up at:
Ore Lesi: (11:42) Thank you everyone!!
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:42) Is it possible to have two different links with two different audios and access to one chat box - is this technically possible
Silvia Vivanco: (11:43) @ Mohamed, staff will look into your request
Silvia Vivanco: (11:43) and will let you know if the change is feasible
Heidi Ullrich: (11:43) I'm not sure that is feasible
Heidi Ullrich: (11:43) I believe it is only one language
Claudia Ruiz: (11:43) We can not have two AC rooms at the same time, I'm sorry
Claudia Ruiz: (11:43) Only 1 language at a tine
Claudia Ruiz: (11:44) *time
Silvia Vivanco: (11:44) We will check into the sound of the AC room
Silvia Vivanco: (11:44) so you wish to have it in EN? we will ask staff to implement the requested change
Hadia Elminiawi: (11:45) thank you all - bye
Yaovi Atohoun: (11:45) bye
Sarah Kiden: (11:45) Bye everyone
BIAOU Ramanou: (11:45) Bye
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:45) Thanks everyone
Heidi Ullrich: (11:45) Bye, All!
Gabriel BOMBAMBO: (11:45) Aurevoir
Mohamed El Bashir: (11:45) bye
Keita Moussa: (11:45) tanks all and bye