2024-12-04 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference

2024-12-04 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference

Date: Wednesday, 04 December 2024  

Time: 18:30 - 20:00 UTC (For the time in various time zones click here)      

Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.14  BDB 0520/1

How can I participate in this meeting?

Comment participer à cette téléconférence ?

 PDF - we will be using Remote Integrated Interpretation for this meeting - ***ZOOM ONLY - NO ADIGO!***

Zoom room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/92410708326?pwd=Is4MrycvyMRiSizSKU7ZaAYQcESwkY.1 Password: AFRA04DEC*

Real time transcription (RTT) available at (subject to availability)https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=dd6b4887-123b-4add-8741-985d71dd635e 

Report done by Hervé HOUNZANDJI. Reading here. EN, FR

Action Items: EN 

Transcript: EN, FR

Recording: EN, FR

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN


EN & FR: Nkem Nweke, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Abdou Mfopa, Adam Ahmat Doungous, Adebunmi Akinbo, Adetokunbo Abiola, Aicha Abbad, Alan Barrett, Athanase Bahizire, Aziz Hilali, Bahar Abderamane, Barrack Otieno, Bendjedid Rachad Sanoussi, Bram Fudzulani, Busayo Balogun, Caleb Ogundele, Cedrick Adrien Mbeyet, Confidence Osein, Dave Kissoondoyal, Dr Houda Chihi, Ejikeme Egbuogu, Emmanuel Oruk, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Fatou Sarr, Frank Anati, Gloria Amofah, Hadia Elminiawi, Ida Na-Tei, Ines Hfaiedh, Iombonana Andria, Jabhera Matogoro, Joel Okomoli, Levy Syanseke, Malick Alassane, Michel Tchonang, Millenium Anthony, Mutegeki Cliff, Omar Shuran, Oyinkan Adebimpe, Patrick Kiiza, Raihanath Gbadamassi, Remmy Nweke, Saba Tiku, Salyou Fanny, Samwel Kariuki, Seth Adjei Gyimah, Setondji Hounzandji, Seun Ojedeji, Shadrach Ankrah, Stephen Sam, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Vania de Oliveira, Vernatius Ezeama, Zenaba Mahamat Moustapha

Apologies: Isaac Maposa, Bukola Oronti, Adugna Necho Mulatu

Staff:  Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco,, Gisella Gruber, Sara Caplis, Sabrina Mosquera, Yaovi Atohoun, Siranush Vardanyan,  Michelle DeSmyter

Observer: none

FR Interpreters: Dominique & Chloe

Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter


  1. Roll call (Staff) - 2 min 

  2. Review of Action items  from previous meeting (Staff ) – 2 min

  3. Welcome remarks (AFRALO Chairwomanhadia.elminiawi) – 2 min

  4. Welcome to our new AFRALO Secretariat Handover (hadia.elminiawi)  - 2 min
  5. ICANN 81 Readout  - total 32 mins (21 mins and 11 mins Q&A)  - (AFRALO Secretary Hervé HOUNZANDJI

     ICANN 81 African Fellows  

    1. Ida Padikuor Na-Tei – (Ghana)
    2. Emmanuel Oruk – (Uganda)
    3. Fatou Sarr – (Senegal)
    4. Hariniombonana Andriamampionona Ep Ralaivao – (Madagascar)
    5. Millenium Anthony – (Tanzania)
    6. Olubusayo Mary Balogun – (Nigeria)
    7. Saba Tiku Beyene -(Ethiopia)
  6. Open ICANN Public Comments (hadia.elminiawi) – 7 min

a. Recently Ratified by the ALAC / Currently going through Ratification Process

b. Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Public Comment Statement, or Correspondence)

Statement/Correspondence/Advice Name

Internal Deadlines

Public Comment Close


Assigned Working Group


At-Large Workspace: Proposed Revisions to Community Anti-Harassment Policy

  • The ICANN Board Anti-Harassment Working Group is proposing revisions to the ICANN Community Anti-Harassment Policy and is seeking community feedback on the changes. The Policy now includes a definition of harassment, additional examples of harassment, and expanded and strengthened reporting and complaint procedures. It offers clarity around the role of the Ombuds, including details regarding updates throughout the evaluation process, complaints received from ICANN staff, referrals to the Board, and the resolution process. There is also the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the name of the Policy. Community input is welcome on any or all of the four elements: (I) the name of the Policy, (II) the Policy and terms of participation, (III) the definition of harassment and examples provided, and/or (IV) the reporting and complaint procedure.


At-Large Workspace: Continuous Improvement Program Framework

  • The Third Accountability and Transparency Review (ATRT3) Recommendation 3.6 calls for Organizational Reviews to be evolved into a Continuous Improvement Program (CIP). The Continuous Improvement Program Community Coordination Group (CIP-CCG) seeks input on the developed Continuous Improvement Program (CIP) Framework before adoption and the first CIP assessment.


At-Large Workspace: IANA 2030 Strategy: Draft PTI Strategic Plan covering 2025 to 2030

  • The PTI Board has developed this draft Strategic Plan with IANA staff and the broader ICANN org to cover 2025 through 2030. The plan defines PTI's strategy in delivering the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions and represents a subset of the ICANN’s strategy. The plan provides an in-depth look at the IANA-related strategic objectives that will help PTI continue to provide secure and accountable management of the Internet's unique identifier systems. Your insights are crucial to ensuring its success and alignment with community needs.


c. Upcoming Public Comment Proceedings

 December (5)

Draft PTI FY26 Operating Plan and Budget OFB-WG

The Annual OP&B sets forth the focus of effort and organizational commitment for the current fiscal year. The ICANN Bylaws and PTI Bylaws require the preparation and adoption of an Annual OP&B prior to the start of each fiscal year. PTI is an affiliate of ICANN and, through contracts and subcontracts with ICANN, is responsible for the operations of the IANA functions. PTI has its own Bylaws that require the organization to develop its own annual PTI Operating Plan & Budget (OP&B). The PTI OP&B includes all costs directly related to the delivery of the IANA services: performing day-to-day operations, developing, and evolving tools and systems, reporting on performance and customer satisfaction, and maintaining the security and integrity of key elements of Internet infrastructure.

Draft ICANN FY26 Operating Plan and Budget & Draft IANA FY26 Operating Plan and Budget OFB-WG

The Annual OP&B sets forth the focus of effort and organizational commitment for the current fiscal year. The ICANN Bylaws require the preparation and adoption of a Five-Year Operating and Financial Plan and Annual OP&B for ICANN and IANA prior to the start of each fiscal year. 

Revised Operating Standards for Specific Reviews Draft OFB-WG

Over the course of multiple Specific Reviews, challenges emerged with the process that impacted their effectiveness. To address these challenges, ICANN org developed process improvements that it socialized with the community. Based on community input, org revised the Operating Standards for Specific Reviews. This proceeding seeks community input on the Revised Operating Standards, in time for the next Accountability and Transparency Review.

Second IANA Naming Function Review Team (IFR2) Draft Report CPWG

The second IANA Naming Function Review Team (IFR2) will seek community input on its draft findings and recommendations. In accordance with the scope specified in the ICANN Bylaws, the IFR2 focuses on PTI's performance of the IANA naming function against the contractual requirements in the IANA Naming Function Contract and the IANA Naming Function Statement of Work.

Phase 2 Final Report on the EPDP-IDNs for ICANN Board Consideration CPWG

The public comment open proceeding is to seek input on the Phase 2 Final Report recommendations from the GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) for ICANN Board Consideration.

 January (0)

 February (1)

Improved GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency Charter Amendment Process OFB-WG

The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) charter revision process has been updated to reflect the continuous evolution of the ICANN community, ongoing implementation of Specific Review recommendations, and the review role of ICANN Board. These improvements will streamline charter revisions and allow GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies to continue their focus on policy development.

  5.Reports/Updates/Items for discussion  (39 min)

a. Feedback received by AFRALO as feedback to AFRALO-AFRICANN statements- hadia.elminiawi - 5 mins

b. Preparation of  ICANN 82 AFRALO-AFRICANN statement - ICANN82 Registration opened    - (Hervé HOUNZANDJI   ) - 3 min

c. Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Africa updates  ( Pierre Dandijnou     Yaovi Atohoun , June Tessy ) - 5 min

d.  Technical engagement Update  (Yazid Akanho) - 4 min

e. Recent and upcoming ALAC activities ( Raihanath GBADAMASSI aziz.hilali bukola.fawole ) – 4 min

f. Recent and upcoming AFRALO/ALS  activities and Updates from Individual Members (All)  - 07 min

g. NOMCOM update   (dave.kissoondoyal  ) - 4 min 

h. CIP - CCG Update - AFRALO CIP document - AFRALO representatives-  bram.fudzulani  , Chokri Ben Romdhane   - 2 mins

 i. AFRALO Social Media Working Group Update -  (bukola.fawole and Team ) - 3 min

 j. Update AFRALO Newsletter  (Hervé HOUNZANDJI  - remmy.nweke   hadia.elminiawi) - 4 mins

k.  UA Day 2025  2025  hadia.elminiawi -3 mins 

6. AFRALO Membership Matters ( Hervé HOUNZANDJI  & All ) -  3 min

The African region  has 76 ALSes located in 33 countries and territories

and 27 Individuals members and 3 observers 





Newly Certified (1)

#347 Aide à l'enfant du desert et du sahel (AEDS)

Pending ALAC Vote (1)

#361 Nigerian Institute of ICT Engineers

Decertification (0)N/A
Awaiting RALO Feedback (2)


#327 Libyan Organization for Information Technology and Telecommunications

Awaiting feedback from RVP GSE team & AFRALO too
Processing Due Diligence (2)

#363 Femmes TIC Burkina Faso (FTIC-BF)


Application Received (0) 


On Hold (1)#282 Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - AFRALO (awaiting applicant feedback - may formally be put on hold)



Individual & Oberver Members


Newly Joined (0)

Processing Application (3)
  • James OLUJOBA ADEGBOYE - Nigeria
  • Kennedy Wangila Wabuge - Kenya
  • Confidence Osein - Nigeria

Application Received (0)

6. AOB – (Hadia, all) 1 min


Ordre du Jour (Français)


  1. Appel - Liste de Présence (Personnel ICANN)  - 2 min 

  2. Revue des éléments d'actions de la précédente réunion (Personnel ICANN) – 2 min

  3. Mot de bienvenue (Présidente AFRALO hadia.elminiawi) – 2 min

  4. Mot de bienvenue au nouveau Secrétaire AFRALO (hadia.elminiawi)  - 2 min
  5. ICANN 81 Readout  - total 32 mins (21 mins and 11 mins Q&A)  - (AFRALO Secretary Hervé HOUNZANDJI

     ICANN 81 African Fellows  

    1. Ida Padikuor Na-Tei – (Ghana)
    2. Emmanuel Oruk – (Uganda)
    3. Fatou Sarr – (Senegal)
    4. Hariniombonana Andriamampionona Ep Ralaivao – (Madagascar)
    5. Millenium Anthony – (Tanzania)
    6. Olubusayo Mary Balogun – (Nigeria)
    7. Saba Tiku Beyene -(Ethiopia)
  6. Ouverture des ICANN Public Comments (hadia.elminiawi) – 7 min

a. Recently Ratified by the ALAC / Currently going through Ratification Process

b. Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Public Comment Statement, or Correspondence)

Statement/Correspondence/Advice Name

Internal Deadlines

Public Comment Close


Assigned Working Group


At-Large Workspace: Proposed Revisions to Community Anti-Harassment Policy

  • The ICANN Board Anti-Harassment Working Group is proposing revisions to the ICANN Community Anti-Harassment Policy and is seeking community feedback on the changes. The Policy now includes a definition of harassment, additional examples of harassment, and expanded and strengthened reporting and complaint procedures. It offers clarity around the role of the Ombuds, including details regarding updates throughout the evaluation process, complaints received from ICANN staff, referrals to the Board, and the resolution process. There is also the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the name of the Policy. Community input is welcome on any or all of the four elements: (I) the name of the Policy, (II) the Policy and terms of participation, (III) the definition of harassment and examples provided, and/or (IV) the reporting and complaint procedure.


At-Large Workspace: Continuous Improvement Program Framework

  • The Third Accountability and Transparency Review (ATRT3) Recommendation 3.6 calls for Organizational Reviews to be evolved into a Continuous Improvement Program (CIP). The Continuous Improvement Program Community Coordination Group (CIP-CCG) seeks input on the developed Continuous Improvement Program (CIP) Framework before adoption and the first CIP assessment.


At-Large Workspace: IANA 2030 Strategy: Draft PTI Strategic Plan covering 2025 to 2030

  • The PTI Board has developed this draft Strategic Plan with IANA staff and the broader ICANN org to cover 2025 through 2030. The plan defines PTI's strategy in delivering the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions and represents a subset of the ICANN’s strategy. The plan provides an in-depth look at the IANA-related strategic objectives that will help PTI continue to provide secure and accountable management of the Internet's unique identifier systems. Your insights are crucial to ensuring its success and alignment with community needs.


c. Upcoming Public Comment Proceedings

 December (5)

Draft PTI FY26 Operating Plan and Budget OFB-WG

The Annual OP&B sets forth the focus of effort and organizational commitment for the current fiscal year. The ICANN Bylaws and PTI Bylaws require the preparation and adoption of an Annual OP&B prior to the start of each fiscal year. PTI is an affiliate of ICANN and, through contracts and subcontracts with ICANN, is responsible for the operations of the IANA functions. PTI has its own Bylaws that require the organization to develop its own annual PTI Operating Plan & Budget (OP&B). The PTI OP&B includes all costs directly related to the delivery of the IANA services: performing day-to-day operations, developing, and evolving tools and systems, reporting on performance and customer satisfaction, and maintaining the security and integrity of key elements of Internet infrastructure.

Draft ICANN FY26 Operating Plan and Budget & Draft IANA FY26 Operating Plan and Budget OFB-WG

The Annual OP&B sets forth the focus of effort and organizational commitment for the current fiscal year. The ICANN Bylaws require the preparation and adoption of a Five-Year Operating and Financial Plan and Annual OP&B for ICANN and IANA prior to the start of each fiscal year. 

Revised Operating Standards for Specific Reviews Draft OFB-WG

Over the course of multiple Specific Reviews, challenges emerged with the process that impacted their effectiveness. To address these challenges, ICANN org developed process improvements that it socialized with the community. Based on community input, org revised the Operating Standards for Specific Reviews. This proceeding seeks community input on the Revised Operating Standards, in time for the next Accountability and Transparency Review.

Second IANA Naming Function Review Team (IFR2) Draft Report CPWG

The second IANA Naming Function Review Team (IFR2) will seek community input on its draft findings and recommendations. In accordance with the scope specified in the ICANN Bylaws, the IFR2 focuses on PTI's performance of the IANA naming function against the contractual requirements in the IANA Naming Function Contract and the IANA Naming Function Statement of Work.

Phase 2 Final Report on the EPDP-IDNs for ICANN Board Consideration CPWG

The public comment open proceeding is to seek input on the Phase 2 Final Report recommendations from the GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) for ICANN Board Consideration.

 January (0)

 February (1)

Improved GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency Charter Amendment Process OFB-WG

The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) charter revision process has been updated to reflect the continuous evolution of the ICANN community, ongoing implementation of Specific Review recommendations, and the review role of ICANN Board. These improvements will streamline charter revisions and allow GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies to continue their focus on policy development.

  5.Reports/Updates/Items for discussion  (39 min)

a. Feedback received by AFRALO as feedback to AFRALO-AFRICANN statements- hadia.elminiawi - 5 mins

b. Préparation  de l'ICANN 82 - Déclaration  conjointe AFRALO-AFRICANN - ICANN82 ouverture des enregistrements     - (Hervé HOUNZANDJI   ) - 3 min

c. Dernières infos du Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Afrique  ( Pierre Dandijnou     Yaovi Atohoun , June Tessy ) - 5 min

d.  Mises à jour de l'engagement technique  (Yazid Akanho) - 4 min

e. Activités récentes / à venir de l'ALAC ( Raihanath GBADAMASSI aziz.hilali bukola.fawole ) – 4 min

f. Recent and upcoming AFRALO/ALS  activities and Updates from Individual Members (All)  - 07 min

g. NOMCOM update   (dave.kissoondoyal  ) - 4 min 

h. Mise à jour du groupe de la communauté chargé de la coordination du programme d’amélioration continue - AFRALO representatives-  bram.fudzulani  , Chokri Ben Romdhane   - 2 mins

 i. Mise à jour AFRALO Social Media Working Group  -  (bukola.fawole and Team ) - 3 min

 j. Mise à jour du  bulletin d'information d'AFRALO (Hervé HOUNZANDJI  - remmy.nweke   hadia.elminiawi) - 4 mins

k.  UA Day 2025  2025  hadia.elminiawi -3 mins 

6. AFRALO Membership Matters ( Hervé HOUNZANDJI  & All ) -  3 min

The African region  has 76 ALSes located in 33 countries and territories

and 27 Individuals members and 3 observers 





Newly Certified (1)

#347 Aide à l'enfant du desert et du sahel (AEDS)

Pending ALAC Vote (1)

#361 Nigerian Institute of ICT Engineers

Decertification (0)N/A
Awaiting RALO Feedback (2)


#327 Libyan Organization for Information Technology and Telecommunications

Awaiting feedback from RVP GSE team & AFRALO too
Processing Due Diligence (2)

#363 Femmes TIC Burkina Faso (FTIC-BF)


Application Received (0) 


On Hold (1)#282 Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - AFRALO (awaiting applicant feedback - may formally be put on hold)



Individual & Oberver Members


Newly Joined (0)

Processing Application (3)
  • James OLUJOBA ADEGBOYE - Nigeria
  • Kennedy Wangila Wabuge - Kenya
  • Confidence Osein - Nigeria

Application Received (0)

6. AOB – (Hadia, all) 1 min