AFRALO Monthly Teleconference 2013-12-04
AFRALO Monthly December Teleconference
Date: Wednesday, 04 December 2013
Time: 18:30 - 19:30 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.13 BDB 1213/1
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Adobe Connect room:
Conference ID: FR 1838 / EN 1638
Action Items: AFRALO Action Items EN 2013-12-04 , AFRALO Action Items FR 2013-12-04
Transcript: English, French
Recording: English , Francais
Adobe Connect Chat Room: AFRALO AC Chat Room transcript 2013-12-04
Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
EN: Philip Johnson, Mohamed El Bashir, Pastor Peters, Mazaoe Anderson, Otunte Otueneh, Evan Leibovitch
FR: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Dr Alioune Badara Traore, Fatimata Seye-Sylla, Pierre Dovonou, Etienne Tschichimbi, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Hadja Ouattara
Apologies: Baudouin Schombe
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Yaovi Atohoun, Julia Charvolen
Interpreters: Camila
Call management: Julia Charvolen
A G E N D A (Français)
1. Appel 2’
2. Remerciements des responsables d’AFRALO terminant leur mandat 3’
3. Consultations Publiques Ouvertes (Aziz) 5’
- Déclarations ALAC adoptés récemment, documents ou Groupes
- Thick Whois Policy Development Process (PDP) Recommendations for Board Consideration – Adopted 12Y, 0N, 0A
- Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2) Draft Report & Recommendations – Adopted 12Y, 0N, 0A
- Policy & Implementation Working Group – Adopted 12Y, 0N, 0A
- ALAC Correspondence on the NGPC Response to the ALAC Statements on Community Applications – Submitted
- Revised Public Interest Commitments Dispute Resolution Procedure (PICDRP) – Adopted 12Y, 0N, 0A
Déclarations ou Approbations actuellement élaborés, revus ou votées par l'ALAC
- ccNSO FoI WG's Interim Report on "Revocation" – ALAC drafting a Statement
- Proposed Bylaws Changes Regarding the Technical Liaison Group – ALAC drafting a Statement
- Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs (PDP) Recommendations for Board Consideration – ALAC considering drafting a Statement
- At-Large Study on Whois Misuse – ALAC considering drafting a Statement
- ICANN's Draft Vision, Mission & Focus Areas for a Five-Year Strategic Plan – ALAC considering drafting a Statement
4. Rapports
a. Activités récentes et à venir de l'ALAC (Tijani, Hadja) 5’
b. Les Panels de la stratégie d’ICANN (Mohammed) 5’
c. Activités récentes et à venir des membres d'AFRALO (tous) 5’
d. Rapport de la réunion de Buenos Aires (Philip) 5’
5. Sujets pour Information
a. Scorcard Afralo-AfrICANN (Fatimata, Aziz) 2’
b. Réunion conjointe AFRALO/AfrICANN à Buenos Aires (Fatimata, Tijani, Aziz) 3’
c. Groupe de Travail sur le second sommet At-Large (Tijani) 5’
d. Brazil IGF Global Meeting ( April 2014 ) (Mohammed) 5’
e. Stratégie de l’ICANN pour l’Afrique (Yaovi) 5’
6. Sujets pour discussion
Nouvelles demandes d’ALS (Aziz, Philip) 5’
1. Fédération Comorienne des consommateurs
2. ISOC Kenya
3. Age Numérique (Cote d’Ivoire)
7. Questions diverses (tous) 5’
A G E N D A (English)
1. Call 2'
2. Thank you note to AFRALO Departing Officers 3’
3. Open public comments (Aziz) 5'
- Recently adopted ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups
- Thick Whois Policy Development Process (PDP) Recommendations for Board Consideration – Adopted 12Y, 0N, 0A
- Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2) Draft Report & Recommendations – Adopted 12Y, 0N, 0A
- Policy & Implementation Working Group – Adopted 12Y, 0N, 0A
- ALAC Correspondence on the NGPC Response to the ALAC Statements on Community Applications – Submitted
- Revised Public Interest Commitments Dispute Resolution Procedure (PICDRP) – Adopted 12Y, 0N, 0A
- Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC
- ccNSO FoI WG's Interim Report on "Revocation" – ALAC drafting a Statement
- Proposed Bylaws Changes Regarding the Technical Liaison Group – ALAC drafting a Statement
- Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs (PDP) Recommendations for Board Consideration – ALAC considering drafting a Statement
- At-Large Study on Whois Misuse – ALAC considering drafting a Statement
- ICANN's Draft Vision, Mission & Focus Areas for a Five-Year Strategic Plan – ALAC considering drafting a Statement
4. Reports
a. Recent and future Activities of ALAC (Tijani, Hadja) 5'
b. ICANN Strategic Panels (Mohammed) 5'
c. Recent and upcoming activities of AFRALO members (all) 5'
d. Update on the Buenos Aires Meeting (Philip) 5'
5. Items for Information
a. AFRALO-AfrICANN Scorcard (Fatimata, Aziz) 2'
b. Joint AFRALO/AfrICANN in Buenos Aires (Fatimata, Tijani, Aziz) 3'
c. Working Group on the At-Large Summit II (Tijani) 5'
d. Brazil IG Global Meeting (April 2014) (Mohammed) 5'
e. ICANN African strategy (Yaovi) 5'
6. Items for discussion
New applications for ALS (Aziz, Philip) 5'
1. Fédération Comorienne des consommateurs
2. ISOC Kenya
3. Age Numérique (Côte d'Ivoire)
6. Any Other Business (Other Matters) (all) 5'