AFRALO Showcase and Reception 2013-07-15 - Durban
AFRALO Showcase and Reception 2013-07-15 - Durban
AFRALO Showcase and Reception - Durban
Date: Monday, 15 July 2013
Time: 18:00 - 19:30 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.12 0713/2
How can I participate in this meeting?
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Action Items: AFRALO Durban Showcase Action Items EN 2013-07-15
Recording: English
AC Chat transcript: AFRALO Durban Showcase AC Chat 2013-07-15
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/dur47-hall2ab/
Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, Susie Johnson // Matt Ashtiani, Carlos Reyes*
Theme: AFRALO: Getting Closer to the Local African End-User Community
- Arrival of Delegates and Invited Guests with music, dance, refreshments and entertainment (5 minutes)
- Welcome by the Moderator, Tijani Ben Jemaa (3 minutes)
- Welcome Address by AFRALO Chair - Fatimata Seye Sylla (5 minutes)
- Opening Address by the Chair of ALAC and Intruduction of the CEO - Olivier Crépin-LeBlond (3 minutes)
- Address from ICANN President and Chief Executive Officer, Fadi Chehadé (7 minutes)
- Address from the ICANN Board Chair, Steve Crocker,(7 minutes)
- Introductory Speakers (5 minutes each)
- Sebastien Bachollet, Member of the ICANN Board selected by At-Large
- Pierre Dandjinou, VP, Stakeholder Engagement, Africa
- Presentation of the AFRALO ALSes - Aziz Hilali, AFRALO Secretariat (5 minutes)
- Selected African speakers (10 minutes each)
- Kudzani Tenga - Student - University of South Africa - Durban
- James Njenga - Senior Lecturer -University of Western Cape - Cape Town
- Mercy Moyo - Assistant Program Officer - Information Training & Outreach (ITOCA) - Centurion
- Wrap-Up - Fatimata Seye Sylla,AFRALO Chair and Tijani Ben Jemaa, AFRALO ALAC representative and AFRALO Vice-Chair (5 minutes)
Address by Titilayo Olujumoke, Google (3 minutes)
Address by Adiel Akplogan, AFRINIC (3 minutes)
- Entertainment and Light Refreshments through 19:30