2019-02-06 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference

2019-02-06 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference

Date: Wednesday, 06 February 2019
Time: 18:30 - 20:00 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)      

Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.14  BDB 0206/1

How can I participate in this meeting?

Comment participer a cette teleconference?

Conference ID: FR 1838 / EN 1638

Adobe Connect room: https://participate.icann.org/afralo/

Action Items: EN 

Transcript: ENFR

Recording:  EN, FR 

Chat:  EN


FR: Gabriel Bombambo, Olevie Kouami, Michel Tchonang Linze, Ramanou Biaou, Aziz Hilali, 

EN: Daniel Nanghaka, Barrack Otieno, Nkem Nweke, Chibuzor Nicodemus,  Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede, Emmanuel Onwugbufor,  Yaovi Atohoun, Bram Fudzulani, Ejikeme Egbuogu,  Dave Kissoondoyol, Sarah Kiden, Ben Kyemba, Janvier Ngnoulaye, Seun Ojedeji, Falobi Femi, Eduardo Diaz,  Liz Orembo, Raihanath Gbadamassi, Christiane Anaky, Maureen Hilyard, Pastor Peters, Bakary Kouyate, 

Apologies:  Tijani Ben Jemaa, Mohamed El Bashir, Beran Dondeh,

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Claudia Ruiz

Interpreters: Isabelle and Jacques

Call Management: Claudia Ruiz


  1. Roll call (Staff) – 2 min
  2. Review of action items from previous meeting (Mohamed, Fatimata, Sarah, Staff) – 3 min
  3. Open ICANN Public Comments (Mohamed) – 5 min

At-Large Policy Resources

2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic

Recently Ratified by the ALAC

Work Track 5 on Geographic Names at the Top Level - Supplemental Initial Report of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process

The ALAC notes that there has yet to be a discussion about whether any new  gTLDs are needed. In case of an expansion, first and foremost, (1) strings with geographic connotations should not present harm (eg. risk for confusion) to end-users and (2) end-users, as residents of a given geographic entity, should have a say, through their governments or public authorities, in how its name is used. The ALAC prefers preventative protection mechanisms for country, territory, sub-national place and capital names. In the case of non-capital city names, there is a balanced support within the ALAC  for either (1) requiring support or a non-objection letter from the relevant authority only if the applicant intends to use the TLD primarily for purposes associated with the city or (2) requiring support or a non-objection letter in any case. As to the 2012 AGB, ALAC thinks that its final version generally worked well and supports, in general, its treatment of geographic names.

Public Comment for Decision

Initial Report on CSC Effectiveness  

Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

4. Reports

a.Recent and upcoming ALAC activities (Tijani, Seun, Hadia) – 5 min

b. Recent and upcoming AFRALO activities (All)  - 5 min

5. Updates/Items for discussion

a. Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Statement for ICANN64 (Sarah, Mohamed) - 5 min

6. New ALS & individual member applications (Sarah, Mohamed, Fatimata) – 5 min

7. AOB – 5 min

Ordre du Jour (Français)

  1. Appel (Staff) – 2 min
  2. Revue  des action à entreprendre, issues de la dernière reunion (Mohamed, Fatimata, Sarah) – 5 min
  3. Consultations Publiques Ouvertes (Mohamed) – 5 min

At-Large Policy Resources

2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic

Recently Ratified by the ALAC

Work Track 5 on Geographic Names at the Top Level - Supplemental Initial Report of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process

The ALAC notes that there has yet to be a discussion about whether any new  gTLDs are needed. In case of an expansion, first and foremost, (1) strings with geographic connotations should not present harm (eg. risk for confusion) to end-users and (2) end-users, as residents of a given geographic entity, should have a say, through their governments or public authorities, in how its name is used. The ALAC prefers preventative protection mechanisms for country, territory, sub-national place and capital names. In the case of non-capital city names, there is a balanced support within the ALAC  for either (1) requiring support or a non-objection letter from the relevant authority only if the applicant intends to use the TLD primarily for purposes associated with the city or (2) requiring support or a non-objection letter in any case. As to the 2012 AGB, ALAC thinks that its final version generally worked well and supports, in general, its treatment of geographic names.

Public Comment for Decision

Initial Report on CSC Effectiveness  

Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

4. Rapports

Activités récents et à venir de l'ALAC (Tijani, Seun, Hadia) - 5 min

Activités récents et à venir des membres d'AFRALO (tous) - 5 min

5. Sujets pour discussion

La réunion conjointe AFRALO-AfrICANN (Sarah, Mohamed)  - 5 min

6. Nouvelles demandes d'ALS (Sarah, Mohamed, Fatimata) – 5 min

7. Question diverses (tous) – 5 min