2019-07-17 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference
Date: Thursday, 17 July 2019
Time: 18:30 - 20:00 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.14 BDB 0410/1
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Comment participer a cette teleconference?
Conference ID: FR 1838 / EN 1638
Zoom room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/351937039
Action Items: EN
Transcript: EN, FR
Recording: EN, FR
Chat: EN
FR: Gabriel Bombambo Boseko, Salyou Fanny, Bakary Kouyate, Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNE
EN: Mohamed Elbashir, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Barrack Otieno, Nkem Nweke, Pastor Peters Omoragbon, Sonigitu Ekpe, Yazid Akanho, Remmy Nweke, Vernatius Okwu Ezeama, Daniel Nanghaka, Abdulkarim Oloyede, Abdalmonem Galila, Fatimita Sylla, Abd-El-Raouf Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Adri Loubser, Ajani Oluwaseun Sanjo, Aziz Hilali, Bukola Oronti, Caleb Ogundele, Christiane Anaky, Dave Kissoondoyal, Ejikeme Egbuogu, Femi Falobi, Hadia Elminiawi, Haroun Mahamat Cherif, Isaac Maposa, Leon Sanchez, Mary Uduma, Michel Tchonang, Moses Serugo, Nkeme Nweke, Otunte Otueneh, Sarah Kiden, Winifred Njoroge, Auger Pama, Omar Shuran,
Apologies: Joan Katambi
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, Yaovi Atohoun, Michelle DeSmyter
Interpreters: Isabelle & Camila
Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
- Roll call (Staff) – 2 min
- Review of action items from previous meeting (Mohamed, Fatimata, Sarah, Staff) – 3 min
- Open ICANN Public Comments (Mohamed) – 5 min
At-Large Policy Resources
At-Large Capacity Building Workshop - An Introduction to Policy Development at ICANN
2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic
Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model
The ALAC contribution to the evolving multistakeholder model condensed the 21 issues developed through community consultations into 4 general categories: (1) structural, (2) process, (3) participation and (4) intergroup relations. Regarding structure and process, the ALAC recommends more specific scoping, the use of external influences and project management tools, easily retrievable records of discussions and decisions and joint community/staff priority setting. Regarding participation, the ALAC noted the mutlistakeholder system depends on wide participation in the process and wide participation from all regions remains a challenge, including language barriers and volunteer burnout. Finally regarding intergroup relations, the ALAC noted there will always be disagreements, but a culture of positive relations between and among groups must be actively encouraged.
Recently submitted (note: not ICANN public comment):
Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)
Public Comment Name | Public Comment Close | Status | Penholder(s) |
Proposed IANA SLAs for Publishing LGRs/IDN Tables |
Fundamental Bylaws Amendment Proposal – IANA Naming Function Review |
| DRAFTING | Alan Greenberg (TBC) gregory.shatan (TBC) |
Draft Financial Assumptions & Projections and Operating Initiatives for the development of Fiscal Years 2021-2025 Operating & Financial Plan |
| DRAFTING | Judith Hellerstein (TBC) |
Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System |
Proposed Definition of Name Collisions and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collisions Analysis Project |
4. Reports
a. Recent and upcoming ALAC activities (Tijani, Seun, Hadia) – 5 min
b. Recent and upcoming AFRALO/ALS activities (All) - 5 min
c. Africa Internet Summit (AIS) 2019, Kampala, Uganda (Sarah, Tijani, Caleb) - 2 min
d. Universal Acceptance ( Abdelmoniem Galila )
5. Updates/Items for discussion
a. Update from just concluded ICANN65 meeting in Marrakech, Morocco (Aziz Hilali, Mohamed, Tijani, all) - 5 min
b. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between AFRALO and AFTLD (Barrack, Mohamed, Tijani, Sarah)- 2 min
c. AFRALO Elections, selections and appointments 2019 - (Mohamed, Fatimata, Sarah) 3 min
Note: Re-elections for the AFRALO NomCom Delegate
d. Update on ATLAS III - including funded travelers (Fatimata) - 2 min
e. Individual membership 2-year review (Tijani, Mohamed, Sarah) - 2 min
6. New At-Large Structure (ALS) & individual member applications (Sarah, Mohamed, Fatimata) – 5 min
ALS applications
- House of Africa (Application made by Abdeljalil Bachar Bong and Ousmane Tidjani Cherif) - Tchad
Individual membership applications
- Hadia Abdelsalam Mokhtar EL miniawi, Egypt
7. AOB – 5 min
Ordre du Jour (Français)
- L'appel - Liste de Présence(Personnel) – 2 min
- Revue des mesures de suivi de la réunion précédente (Mohamed, Fatimata, Sarah) – 5 min
. Ouverture des commentaires publics d' ICANN (Mohamed) – 5 min
At-Large Ressources Directives
ALAC 2019 - Commentaires & Suggestions politiques
Résumé de ligne d'action At-Large
Graphique d'evolution des recommendations des multi-parties prenantes
Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model
The ALAC contribution to the evolving multistakeholder model condensed the 21 issues developed through community consultations into 4 general categories: (1) structural, (2) process, (3) participation and (4) intergroup relations. Regarding structure and process, the ALAC recommends more specific scoping, the use of external influences and project management tools, easily retrievable records of discussions and decisions and joint community/staff priority setting. Regarding participation, the ALAC noted the mutlistakeholder system depends on wide participation in the process and wide participation from all regions remains a challenge, including language barriers and volunteer burnout. Finally regarding intergroup relations, the ALAC noted there will always be disagreements, but a culture of positive relations between and among groups must be actively encouraged.
Recently submitted (note: not ICANN public comment):
Commentaire public pour décision
Déclarations actuelles (conseil, commentaire ou communication d'ALAC)
Public Comment Name | Public Comment Close | Status | Penholder(s) |
Proposed IANA SLAs for Publishing LGRs/IDN Tables |
Fundamental Bylaws Amendment Proposal – IANA Naming Function Review |
| DRAFTING | Alan Greenberg (TBC) gregory.shatan (TBC) |
Draft Financial Assumptions & Projections and Operating Initiatives for the development of Fiscal Years 2021-2025 Operating & Financial Plan |
| DRAFTING | Judith Hellerstein (TBC) |
Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System |
Proposed Definition of Name Collisions and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collisions Analysis Project |
4. Rapports
a. Activités récentes / à venir de l'ALAC (Tijani, Seun, Hadia) - 5 min
b. Activités récentes / à venir des membres d'AFRALO (tous) - 5 min
c. Africa Internet Summit (AIS) 2019, Kampala, Uganda (Sarah, Tijani, Caleb) - 2 min
d. Universal Acceptance ( Abdelmoniem Galila )
5. Sujets de discussion
a. Mise à jour de la dernière réunion ICANN65 tenue à Marrakech, Maroc.
b. Protocole d'accord signé entre AFRALO et AfTLD (Barrack, Mohamed, Tijani, Sarah)- 2 min
c. Élections, Sélections et Nominations 2019 - (Mohamed, Fatimata, Sarah)- 3 min
Remarque: Nouvelle élection du Représentant AFRALO au NomCom
d. Mise à jour de l'ATLAS III et voyageurs financés - (Fatimata) - 2 min
e. Revue après deux ans des membres individuels AFRALO (Tijani, Mohamed, Sarah) - 2 min
6. Nouvelles demandes de Structure At-Large (ALS) et les candidatures individuelles (Sarah, Mohamed, Fatimata) - 5min
Demandes d'ALS
- House of Africa (Candidature de Abdeljalil Bachar Bong et Ousmane Tidjani Cherif) - Tchad
Les candidatures individuelles
- Hadia Abdelsalam Mokhtar EL miniawi, Egypt
7. Question diverses (tous) – 5 min