CPWG Februrary 2019: Weekly Summaries

CPWG Februrary 2019: Weekly Summaries

The weekly Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) meeting on 06 February featured a presentation from At-Large EPDP Member Hadia Elminiawi on the EPDP Report. The CPWG decided it would be in the interest of ALAC to comment on the report, and a workspace was created to that end. There was also discussion regarding the Neustar Proposal and the new Executive Summaries: ALAC Policy Comments & Advice page, as well as (4) draft ALAC statements on current public comments. This CPWG call was a first held at a LACRALO-friendly time of 21:00 UTC with ES interpretation, featuring participants from around the world.

The weekly Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) meeting on 13 February featured a presentation from At-Large EPDP Member Hadia Elminiawi on the ALAC comment on the EPDP Report. The CPWG decided to hold a Special Purpose Call on 15 February to finalize the ALAC comment before submission. There was also discussion regarding (5) ALAC statements on current public comments.

The weekly Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) meeting on 20 February featured an update from At-Large EPDP Members Hadia Elminiawi and Alan Greenberg on the ALAC comment on the EPDP Report and next steps. The CPWG decided to hold a Special Purpose Call on 15 February to finalize the ALAC comment before submission. There was also discussion regarding other ALAC statements on current public comments, and the upcoming ICANN64 Prep Week.

The weekly Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) meeting on 27 February featured an update from At-Large EPDP Members Hadia Elminiawi and Alan Greenberg on the ALAC comment on the EPDP Report and next steps. A workspace was created in advance of the anticipated public comment on the EPDP Final Report.There was also discussion regarding ICANN64 Policy Workshop sessions and the ICANN Charter on Government Engagement Approach.