AC Chat: 2018-09-05 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (9/5/2018 14:53) Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) Call taking place on Wednesday, 05 September 2018 at 13:00 UTC
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (14:53) Agenda:
Ā Ā Evin ErdoÄdu: (15:52) Hello all!
Ā Ā Joanna Kulesza: (15:57) Hi everyone!
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (15:58) hello all
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (15:59) Welcome all!
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (16:00) Hi all
Ā Ā Holly Raiche: (16:02) hello all
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich: (16:04) Hi, All
Ā Ā Evin ErdoÄdu: (16:04) Action Items 2018-08-29:
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (16:05) Re: potential clashes -- Work track 5 meets at the same time on Sept. 13
Ā Ā Evin ErdoÄdu: (16:05) Google DOC proposal:
Ā Ā Evin ErdoÄdu: (16:07) Justine Chew's Google Doc:
Ā Ā Evin ErdoÄdu: (16:07) Public Comment wiki workspace:
Ā Ā Jonathan Zuck: (16:15) I'm inclined to agree
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (16:19) Thanks Holly
Ā Ā Christopher Wilkinson: (16:20) Joined late, with apologies CW
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (16:21) Welcome Christopher!
Ā Ā Christopher Wilkinson: (16:22) Insofar as some think that Geo-Names may be applied for by 'Communities', then by definition those will not be 'global'. Agree with what Alan is saying now. CW
Ā Ā Tijani BEN JEMAA: (16:22) I agree with Alan
Ā Ā Jonathan Zuck: (16:24) because they hadn't been able to create a global gay club!
Ā Ā Sebastien: (16:26) Sorry to be late
Ā Ā Sebastien: (16:26) I was taking care of my bees
Ā Ā Jonathan Zuck: (16:27) bees?!
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (16:27) Welcome SĆ©bastien!
Ā Ā Sebastien: (16:28) Yes for honey
Ā Ā Sebastien: (16:28) Need to be ready for Automn and winter
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (16:29) Let's not confuse applicant support with community classification.
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (16:36) CPE evaluation:
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (16:38) @Marita, if you go to and select TYPE=Community and STATUS=Delegated, you will see a list of all Community TLDs.
Ā Ā Joanna Kulesza: (16:38) Just to throw an open question into the debate: how close is community identification to application funding? I'm thinking of various "communities" (be it bee keepers for example) who might be lagging behind in the application process due to insufficient funding rather thank membership/identification criteria (with Alan's remark dully noted). Thanks!
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (16:40) @Alan -- thanks. I will take a look at that
Ā Ā Jonathan Zuck: (16:40) @Joanna, that might be one of the characteristics. so perhaps it's a weighting question.
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (16:40) apologies for being late
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (16:40) Welcome Nadira!
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (16:44) Yes thankd OlivierĀ Ā for the link I was checking it now
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (16:44) Olivier thank you
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (16:45) @olivier -- okay, this will make interesting reading. Maybe should have started there
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (16:46) +1 Jonathan
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (16:47) every one needs to go through the ICANN New gTLD Web Site:
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (16:47) well yes taxi could be a community why not?
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (16:47) This has tons of information, including the link to the Registry Agreements --- and this is where you can also see the PICs
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (16:48) syndicatesĀ Ā could be qualified as community
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (16:49) do we have a definition for what we mean by community?
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (16:49) If you want to see all applications & search them:
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (16:50) hadia we are still working on a definition
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (16:50) @Hadia: I think we passed that point, based on today's discussion. That's my feeling.... no definition, let's just see what characteristics are needed to be deemed a "community"
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (16:51) +1 Marita
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (16:51) Just remember, we have DAYS to do this, not more.
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (16:51) Olivier i agree we need to define some required characteristics rather than define what a community is
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (16:51) we have a small grou;p
Ā Ā Yrjƶ LƤnsipuro: (16:51) One element of the CoE definition is actually an important characterstic: a community exists to collectively express, defend etc "a field of common interests"
Ā Ā Tijani BEN JEMAA: (16:52) Jonathan, no action item?
Ā Ā Jonathan Zuck: (16:52) Perhaps, instead of a definition, it's questions to be asked of applicants
Ā Ā Tijani BEN JEMAA: (16:53) How will we come up with the so called definition?
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (16:53) @Yryo -- I also think that is a necessary element -- but we need to figure out how groups which fit into this category can collect a full number of points -- which is currently not the case
Ā Ā Tijani BEN JEMAA: (16:54) So we need to agree on something
Ā Ā Tijani BEN JEMAA: (16:54) how shall we do?
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (16:55) @Tijani: how about working with Marita as a sub-group?
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (16:56) Everyone is welcome to join but we currently have 4 people working on this as penholders
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (16:57) @Tijani I don't think we need to have a definition for a community but rather define some required characteristics for a community
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (16:58) @Hadia I think characteristics would be more useful at this stage
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (16:59) so you could have a community that does not satisfy the requirements and others that staisfy part or all of theĀ Ā characteristics
Ā Ā Jonathan Zuck: (16:59) they were supposed to be enforceable
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (16:59) +1 to contractually enforceable PICs
Ā Ā Heidi Ullrich: (16:59) I need to drop for another call.
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (17:00) Once a PIC is in the contract, it is enforceable.
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:00) Apologies for arriving mid-stream.
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:00) @Maureen that is what I am saying - we need to focus on required characteristics
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:01) Point of information: Is it voluntary to adopt the PIC (but enforceable thereafter), or voluntary once itās adopted (i.e., more of a good intention)
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:02) I should know, but...
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (17:04) the "voluntary" part is that it is not mandatory to file this type of PIC
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (17:04) so ti is a number of commitments that an applicant files at application time
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (17:04) PICs are enforceable. Compliance does not necessarily audit them, but on a complaint they can be enforced.
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (17:05) @Hadia. I agree with you
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (17:05) Of course, if the PIC itself has weasel words in it, then it has little value. But most did not.
Ā Ā Sebastien: (17:05) Abry Partners Enters Into Agreement to Invest Majority Stake in Donuts
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (17:06) @Alan: most did not? Seriously? Many did!
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (17:06) Many PICs that were included had little value. But some were very important.
Ā Ā Tijani BEN JEMAA: (17:06) Sorry Marita, I didn't understood that you are working on the community definition
Ā Ā Tijani BEN JEMAA: (17:07) I trust you will, come up with the necessary elements of definition
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:11) If a registry is not meeting one or more of its PICsĀ Ā a report could be filed against the registry to icann explaining the non compliance and the harm
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (17:11) @Nadira -- we had a long conversation about definition. You might want to check it out in the recording. And check out the links offered by Alan & Oliver in the chat
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (17:14) @Alan +1 re in-kind support (like mentoring or other similar services)
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (17:14) yes Marita but I was talking about the applicants as registrar
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (17:14) or community registrar
Ā Ā Marita Moll: (17:15) @nadira -- that did not come up. Maybe next time
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (17:15) Yes I tried to raise it from my input
Ā Ā Alfredo Calderon: (17:17) I believe that Eduardo posted a comment probably in the wiki workspace.
Ā Ā Alfredo Calderon: (17:17) @Olivier, thanks!
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (17:18) Before there is another round (if ever) ICANN really needs to do more outreach to ensure that more people know what they need to know about applying for new gTLDs esp in underserved regions
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:18) +1 Maureen
Ā Ā John Laprise: (17:19) @Maureen We should have a new gTLD round that is only for PI
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (17:20) :)
Ā Ā Christopher Wilkinson: (17:20) I have argued in the PDP for 'batchers' which are limited to specific categories.
Ā Ā John Laprise: (17:21) IMO Universal acceptance will occur incrementally over time. It's a temporary issue at best.
Ā Ā John Laprise: (17:21) +1 Christopher
Ā Ā Evin ErdoÄdu: (17:25) ICANN Seeking Community Feedback on Proposed Unified Access Model:
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:26) @greg how does not really matter now
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:29) EPDP only really needs 2 minutes ā simple stuff. :-)
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (17:32) We have a time extension for this call.
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (17:32) +15 minutes
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:33) Hard to hear
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (17:33) very hard to hear
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (17:34) unfortunately not possible to increase Hadia's audio more
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (17:34) please speak closer to the mic
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (17:34) @Hadia: you may wish to use the AC mic.
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:37) Hadia, it might be helpful to summarize your remarks in the chat.
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:37) ok I'll send it in an email
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (17:37) thanks @Hadia
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:39) @greg sure I thnk that is what was agreed upon from the very beginning
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (17:40) @Hadia, yes, that WAS agreed to, but the issue keeps coming back.
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:40) However I am optimistic
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (17:41) Compliance with GDPR is a GOVEN. The only question is where is the line and what are the arguments for putting it there. Which of course we must get agreement from privacy commissioners.
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (17:41) GOVEN = GIVEN
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:42) GDPR fluency in the EPDP is wildly variable.
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:42) IMHO
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:43) Olivier can you put your question again
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (17:44) what is the maximum and minimum amount of data that the GDPR allows in WHOIS? We know that minimum is a dark whois (ie. no more whois). What is the maximum amount of data?
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:44) But access to everyone is not possible
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:46) Is āaccess to everyoneā even on the menu for discussion.
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:47) I donāt think so.
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:47) Thatās really the UAM discussion....
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:48) Access Delayed is Access Denied.
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:49) ?
Ā Ā Olivier MJ CrĆ©pin-Leblond: (17:49) can anyone hear Hadia correctly?
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (17:49) No
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:49) No
Ā Ā Alfredo Calderon: (17:49) Cann't understand anything!
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (17:49) we can not hear you Hadia
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:50) I think she is agreeing with everything Iāve said.Ā Ā Ever.
Ā Ā Evin ErdoÄdu: (17:50) :)
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:50) yes email
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:50) phone bridge
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (17:51) Tesim, It may depend on WHERE they are doing the callout from.
Ā Ā Evin ErdoÄdu: (17:51) IPC/BC Accreditation & Access Model for Non-Public Data v1.7:
Ā Ā Alan Greenberg: (17:51) Yesim
Ā Ā Yesim Nazlar: (17:52) @Alan: Will check with Adigo
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:52) I will look at this particularly in light of the UAM Framework and our submission
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:53) thank you all bye
Ā Ā Hadia Elminiawi: (17:53) old hand
Ā Ā Nadira AL-Araj: (17:53) Thank youĀ Ā bye
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (17:53) Thanks everyone for a very informative meeting
Ā Ā Alfredo Calderon: (17:53) Bye to all!
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:54) We clashed today with the RPM Review WG.
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (17:54) this is a 3am start for me
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (17:55) Next week at 9am is a lot more manageable :)
Ā Ā Greg Shatan: (17:55) That gives you quite a head-start on the day! :-)
Ā Ā Gordon Chillcott: (17:55) Thanks and bye for now.
Ā Ā Maureen Hilyard: (17:55) @Greg.. thanks..
Ā Ā Evin ErdoÄdu: (17:55) Thank you all, goodbye!
Ā Ā Evin ErdoÄdu: (17:55) See you next week